I've been playing since beta and I haven't had any real connection issues. Every now and then it'll lag for maybe a second or two, but it's been pretty rare. Until this last major update though. Since the update I've been getting dropped out of the game more and more often, and now it's gotten to the point where I can't stay connected for more than five minutes at a time.
I can run around for a little bit then I'll start teleporting all over the place. If I try to attack an enemy it only lasts for a few seconds before everything starts lagging. Then we'll just be standing there, looking at eachother, bobbing up and down. Then either I wind up dead or just get kicked out. Then I'll log back in and be dead anyway...
Anybody else been having this problem? Everything else in the house works fine internet wise. Can stream videos all day long without a single hiccup. Can also play other games online while the wife watches netflix without any hiccups either. But when I go to play TESO it just isn't happening anymore.