welcome to the gameGawdfather wrote: »I bought it today.
Maverick827 wrote: »Because the amount of people just buying the game has a relevant relationship with the argued end-game issues.
Gawdfather wrote: »I bought it today.
Gawdfather wrote: »I bought it today.
Bought today yet you have three stars in the forum.
Is something wrong here?
That sounds unsustainable to me.Sallington wrote: »Maverick827 wrote: »Because the amount of people just buying the game has a relevant relationship with the argued end-game issues.
There's more new players coming in than there are people leaving because they ran out of things to do in the first couple months. That sounds good to me.
Sallington wrote: »
There's more new players coming in than there are people leaving because they ran out of things to do in the first couple months. That sounds good to me.
Gawdfather wrote: »I bought it today.
DogFaceInBananaPatch wrote: »Gawdfather wrote: »I bought it today.
Nice! Good to see you back @Gawdfather (yeah we're on each others friend list)
Gawdfather wrote: »I bought it today.
Bought today yet you have three stars in the forum.
Is something wrong here?
yelloweyedemon wrote: »Competing against.... none.. Wait a couple of months 'till new games come out.
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Just a small post to point out that the game is doing very well. At the top of sales in the UK;
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Just a small post to point out that the game is doing very well. At the top of sales in the UK;
I'm sure this will upset many trolls.
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Just a small post to point out that the game is doing very well. At the top of sales in the UK;
I'm sure this will upset many trolls.
Good sales figures is a positive sign to growth in that market, but I wonder how much that had to do with moving of the UK server to the UK so low bandwidth players could enjoy the game.
Though as of July 2014 the top ten games by sales are:
1. The Last of Us (PS4, PS3)
2. Minecraft (360, PS3)
3. FIFA 14 (360,PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Vita)
4. Watch Dogs (PS4, 360, PS3, Xbox One, PC)
5. Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
6. Call of Duty: Ghosts (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, PC)
7. Grand Theft Auto V (360, PS3)
8. Sniper Elite III (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3)
9. NBA 2K14 (360, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, PC)
10. Lego Marvel Super Heroes (360, PS3, 3DS, DS, PS4, Wii U, Xbox One, Vita, PC)
ESO doesn't even register on the list as per NPD groups market analysis. Though it's difficult to gauge digital sales volume handled expressly by a first party as they rarely disclose that information (easier to cook the books on taxes if you don't go around telling on yourself), so it's hard to say for certain just how well ESO is selling. With not even a requirement to publish a quarterly investors report since Zenimax Media Inc. is privately held there's literally only guessing and conjecture we can make.
I guess Zenimax Media inc. is doing OK, but I also wager to guess ZOS isn't doing nearly as well as they hoped they'd be doing right now. Missing that console launch of ESO in June was likely a big set back to their projected ROI. Never a good time for a business to miss a product's launch date, screws up all of the accounting work. Luckily their real money maker Bethesda hit it out of the park with Wolfenstein to keep Zenimax Media racking in the money.
My guts tell me when the titles start to slow down coming out of Zenimax Media's subsidiaries (think Battlecry is up next), big changes will hit the business model for ESO if the subscriber base is lower than they would like. Might be a better business decision to go with a "buy-to-play" model just in time for the console launch to lean more into the DLC content delivery strategy and implementation of more micro transactions to get a big surge in profit to hopefully fund a full on expansion to the IP, and potential sequel some years down the road.
Suffice it to say I wouldn't take that UK top 20 list very seriously. D3 reaper of souls edition is just now going to PS4, Destiny (the most pre ordered game in history) is coming out soon, Dragon Age 3 (one of the top 10 most anticipated games of 2014) is going to be out in October, Super Smash Bros will be out some time in Q4 for Wii U (October for 3DS), and early 2015 we've got the Witcher 3 slated for February. The next 6 months are going to be a thrill ride for gamers...and I didn't even mention Sunset Overdrive in October!
Lists are just lists, getting crap loads of awesome games raining all over the market in such a small window of time is the good thing to take away from how 2014 has been and will continue to be straight on into 2015.
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Just a small post to point out that the game is doing very well. At the top of sales in the UK;
I'm sure this will upset many trolls.
Good sales figures is a positive sign to growth in that market, but I wonder how much that had to do with moving of the UK server to the UK so low bandwidth players could enjoy the game.
Though as of July 2014 the top ten games by sales are:
1. The Last of Us (PS4, PS3)
2. Minecraft (360, PS3)
3. FIFA 14 (360,PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Vita)
4. Watch Dogs (PS4, 360, PS3, Xbox One, PC)
5. Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
6. Call of Duty: Ghosts (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, PC)
7. Grand Theft Auto V (360, PS3)
8. Sniper Elite III (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3)
9. NBA 2K14 (360, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, PC)
10. Lego Marvel Super Heroes (360, PS3, 3DS, DS, PS4, Wii U, Xbox One, Vita, PC)
ESO doesn't even register on the list as per NPD groups market analysis. Though it's difficult to gauge digital sales volume handled expressly by a first party as they rarely disclose that information (easier to cook the books on taxes if you don't go around telling on yourself), so it's hard to say for certain just how well ESO is selling. With not even a requirement to publish a quarterly investors report since Zenimax Media Inc. is privately held there's literally only guessing and conjecture we can make.
I guess Zenimax Media inc. is doing OK, but I also wager to guess ZOS isn't doing nearly as well as they hoped they'd be doing right now. Missing that console launch of ESO in June was likely a big set back to their projected ROI. Never a good time for a business to miss a product's launch date, screws up all of the accounting work. Luckily their real money maker Bethesda hit it out of the park with Wolfenstein to keep Zenimax Media racking in the money.
My guts tell me when the titles start to slow down coming out of Zenimax Media's subsidiaries (think Battlecry is up next), big changes will hit the business model for ESO if the subscriber base is lower than they would like. Might be a better business decision to go with a "buy-to-play" model just in time for the console launch to lean more into the DLC content delivery strategy and implementation of more micro transactions to get a big surge in profit to hopefully fund a full on expansion to the IP, and potential sequel some years down the road.
Suffice it to say I wouldn't take that UK top 20 list very seriously. D3 reaper of souls edition is just now going to PS4, Destiny (the most pre ordered game in history) is coming out soon, Dragon Age 3 (one of the top 10 most anticipated games of 2014) is going to be out in October, Super Smash Bros will be out some time in Q4 for Wii U (October for 3DS), and early 2015 we've got the Witcher 3 slated for February. The next 6 months are going to be a thrill ride for gamers...and I didn't even mention Sunset Overdrive in October!
Lists are just lists, getting crap loads of awesome games raining all over the market in such a small window of time is the good thing to take away from how 2014 has been and will continue to be straight on into 2015.
Sallington wrote: »Maverick827 wrote: »Because the amount of people just buying the game has a relevant relationship with the argued end-game issues.
There's more new players coming in than there are people leaving because they ran out of things to do in the first couple months. That sounds good to me.
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Just a small post to point out that the game is doing very well. At the top of sales in the UK;
I'm sure this will upset many trolls.
Good sales figures is a positive sign to growth in that market, but I wonder how much that had to do with moving of the UK server to the UK so low bandwidth players could enjoy the game.
Though as of July 2014 the top ten games by sales are:
1. The Last of Us (PS4, PS3)
2. Minecraft (360, PS3)
3. FIFA 14 (360,PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Vita)
4. Watch Dogs (PS4, 360, PS3, Xbox One, PC)
5. Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
6. Call of Duty: Ghosts (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, PC)
7. Grand Theft Auto V (360, PS3)
8. Sniper Elite III (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3)
9. NBA 2K14 (360, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, PC)
10. Lego Marvel Super Heroes (360, PS3, 3DS, DS, PS4, Wii U, Xbox One, Vita, PC)
JessieColt wrote: »poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Just a small post to point out that the game is doing very well. At the top of sales in the UK;
I'm sure this will upset many trolls.
Good sales figures is a positive sign to growth in that market, but I wonder how much that had to do with moving of the UK server to the UK so low bandwidth players could enjoy the game.
Though as of July 2014 the top ten games by sales are:
1. The Last of Us (PS4, PS3)
2. Minecraft (360, PS3)
3. FIFA 14 (360,PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Vita)
4. Watch Dogs (PS4, 360, PS3, Xbox One, PC)
5. Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
6. Call of Duty: Ghosts (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, PC)
7. Grand Theft Auto V (360, PS3)
8. Sniper Elite III (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3)
9. NBA 2K14 (360, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, PC)
10. Lego Marvel Super Heroes (360, PS3, 3DS, DS, PS4, Wii U, Xbox One, Vita, PC)
Not one single game on that list is an MMO. All of them are single player games. Although some of them do have Multiplayer/Co-op options with the game.
Keep in mind that we have just finished seeing a massive number of summer sales going on here in the US as well. From the Steam to Microsoft, to Origin, and Sony. All of them have just completed their summer sales.
It stands to reason that during the months where there are summer sales of Single Player Games, that those games will then rate higher on any list that is showing sales alone.
JessieColt wrote: »poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Just a small post to point out that the game is doing very well. At the top of sales in the UK;
I'm sure this will upset many trolls.
Good sales figures is a positive sign to growth in that market, but I wonder how much that had to do with moving of the UK server to the UK so low bandwidth players could enjoy the game.
Though as of July 2014 the top ten games by sales are:
1. The Last of Us (PS4, PS3)
2. Minecraft (360, PS3)
3. FIFA 14 (360,PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Vita)
4. Watch Dogs (PS4, 360, PS3, Xbox One, PC)
5. Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
6. Call of Duty: Ghosts (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, PC)
7. Grand Theft Auto V (360, PS3)
8. Sniper Elite III (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3)
9. NBA 2K14 (360, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, PC)
10. Lego Marvel Super Heroes (360, PS3, 3DS, DS, PS4, Wii U, Xbox One, Vita, PC)
Not one single game on that list is an MMO. All of them are single player games. Although some of them do have Multiplayer/Co-op options with the game.
Keep in mind that we have just finished seeing a massive number of summer sales going on here in the US as well. From the Steam to Microsoft, to Origin, and Sony. All of them have just completed their summer sales.
It stands to reason that during the months where there are summer sales of Single Player Games, that those games will then rate higher on any list that is showing sales alone.
They sold ESO on Steam, too.
The key component of that list is it is dominated by consoles. That's why, even though the game still lurches along like a gaspunk steam engine, they will keep moving forward and fixing stuff until they can land on the platforms they want.
Sadly, that's consoles. 5 skills, one radial item use slot and an ultimate has always been for console controllers (all the way back to morrowind).
Before the ZOS/Bethesda defenders chime in... that doesn't mean the stories or games are bad... just the fact of the design.
lordrichter wrote: »One would think, reading the forums, that they got ESO on the wrong chart. It was supposed to be on the "Top Games Where Players Are Cancelling Subscriptions" chart.
You need to have owned the game and have an active subscription to post and make threads.lordrichter wrote: »One would think, reading the forums, that they got ESO on the wrong chart. It was supposed to be on the "Top Games Where Players Are Cancelling Subscriptions" chart.
You can make as many 'I quit' threads as you like even if you don't. You can make them even if you never played the game.