This is really prompted by me doing city of ash on my level 29 healer last night and it being way too easy. I know that auto-levelled dungeons are coming (though in our case the highest level party member was only level 33, so maybe the dungeon is just too easy).
The thing is, dungeons are one of the places I go to escape from what is probably my pet hate about the game, which is stuff being the wrong level. Most often, too low-level - if you complete all the quests without missing any out you start to find that your list of active quests starts to turn green and the only way to escape easy mode is to skip ahead and leave side quests undone. I can kind of see the logic that the sort of person who does every mission is the kind of gentle player who prefers collecting flowers to killing stuff and would appreciate the combat being easy, but I kind of feel cheated that I can't both do all the missions and it stay challenging. I was thinking of ways to bring this about
- Make the experience gain "rubber band" in the sense that if you're doing a lower-level mission, much like how you don't get ultimate, you might also get your overall XP reduced, maybe while leaving skill XP the same. I know that pretty much everyone would be appalled at this idea though
- Somehow make the mobs more powerful for you, maybe involving the phasing system, or conversely
- Provide the player with a way to nerf themselves, essentially providing "normal", "hard", "expert" levels of difficulty to turn up the challenge (while not providing any way to turn the challenge down). XP gains, loot etc. would be unchanged so it wouldn't provide an avenue for easy grinding, just purely make it harder
I know that you could do the same thing just by equipping bad gear and weapons, etc. but this might still be better
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