First, Thanks ZOS for fixing trophies and collectible items and making them an added fun part of the game. They're cool and I'm going to have fun trying to get them all.
Second, But am I going to be able to get them all? Now that I'm well into VR levels, it seems I'm only going to be able to collect them in parts of the world outside of my home faction. I understand you can't make mobs in the lvl 30-40 zone scale to my VR8 character and I can understand not giving me normal loot for those mobs, but then I can't be adventuring in my home turf again. It seems that there needs to be some incentive for me to go home and run through the old stomping grounds again. I've completed around 80% of the game by the time these items were fixed, so how am I supposed to get them? Am I really just limited to getting them in the VR zones that I can actually get drops from? That would really suck as I'm at a serious disadvantage over a new character who has all the adventure zones of loot available to them for getting them. Or are they all just lvl 50 items and I can only get them in VR zones? I'd like some help understanding this.
Third, Pretty please, for the love of Talus and my OCD, do one of two things. Either change the attribute on trophies so that they all show up in the miscellaneous tab, or create a trophies tab in the inventory. (I'd prefer the former.) Finding trophies in the miscellaneous tab (where most are) but then finding random ones in my consumables tab and the armor tab, is seriously undermining certain mental abilities to remain calm.