Well, I did it. Got
the game at launched, quested through VR12, enjoyed getting levels and skilling up my tradeskilling etc. During that climb, I collected enough mats and crafting skill to make a full set of V12 Legendary crafted gear with Kuta enchantments.
Conventional wisdom tells me, the next mountain to climb is raids! The riches, the rewards, the... Uh... Ever piece of gear I see coming out of trials is worse than the gear I was able to make. I am a tank, so the best combos of sets were all craftable.
Why would I raid? There's no reward, where is the fun in that? I like the idea of crafting being viable end game, but, it shouldn't BE the end game. I like that you have to use your crafting to improve your craglorn gear and all, but... that really frustrates me.
I am torn now between raiding for a couple of pieces of jewelry... and going and rolling a templar.
Anyone have a good reason I should be spending time on trials?
Edited by tripiseanb14_ESO on August 18, 2014 5:07AM