I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing a similar problem. I can run around in cyrodiil and attack NPC's and skills go off without a hitch. I press the button, the skill happens and works as intended. When I do PvP however I will come up on the enemy and I literally have to press the skill button over and over before it actually happens. Majority of the time stuns or immobilizations don't actually work. Another example is wrecking blow, regardless of whether you like the skill or not, it just flat out isn't working. The enemy can be backing up from me, still well within the range of the skill, yet EVERY TIME I use wrecking blow it will do half the animation and just stops. Almost like the enemy is actually way further away in reality than on my screen. Again only happens in PvP though, not PvE. FPS is good during PvP and non-PvP, so i don't really think it is the issue and I have a fast connection. It is pretty game breaking and discouraging for me. I basically aim at the person hitting buttons and nothing happens while the enemy just kills me. Any fixes for this?
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