Zenimax you're turning me into a bot!

I just turned VR11 this morning. Another five million experience points and I will hit the ceiling. The first fifty levels were lots of fun. I could solo, do quests and on occasion group with others for a difficult boss or dungeon.

VR1 to VR8 was a bit more difficult but still the quests were there, a harder version of the first fifty levels.

Now I am stuck. My choice is to PVP which don't care for or sit around in Craglorn listening to the zone spam pleading to get into a leveling group. I tried those groups and there isn't much that differentiates it from botting. Press button. Move mouse. Rinse. Repeat. Do this for hours on end? Not me.

Zenimax bring back some of the joy to the game that I found in the lower levels. It seems that you are channeling everyone into two different groups. PVPers or the Carpal Tunnel botters who run the same dungeons over and over.

Why did you nerf the Magic Anomalies only to replace them with group only leveling?

Please Zeni give us some hope that there is something for those of us who like questing and not be forced into groups.
  • ThisOnePosts
    Well, I agree and disagree with part of your post.

    I agree that they should bring back Magic Anomalies however they should have a way to detect if you already have a VR12, and if so then grant you that sort of XP for your alt. But if it's your main, leave you at the nerfed XP.

    The reason I say this is, there is so much to be seen in the game.... and trust me I know starting in AD then going to EP is like a high and low (Sorry EP, I am one who does like most of your quests but many people don't feel that way in the AD).. however it gets better in DC! DC is a lot of fun and unique for a third alliance and VR content.

    Right now VR is so damn nerfed that it's sad... I'm bringing my 3rd and 4th VR characters through it all as soon as I finish getting all skill points from quests for my VR12 alt that is a Sorc.

    I miss how tough the enemies were as I went through it all with my main. I believe it's too easy now. However that is all about personal preference. As far as a way to grind XP easily... yes I believe ZOS should put a better way than Thief, Tower, and Burial in there. I leveled my main NB Vamp doing every single quest this game has to offer, including in Cyrodiil, delves, WB, dungeons, VR dungeons, all of Craglorn's content, etc...

    My Sorc, I figured once I hit VR1.. I'd see what grinding is all about and then go back and do quests (kind of a waste of time yes, however I wanted to see for my own first-hand experience). Grinding is BORING. It's highly trollable as well. VR12's with nothing to do often bring hordes of enemy MOBs and ZOS seems to do little until you record them and post it on Youtube which should not be what is needed to nerf trolls.

    I think Anomaly grinding sounded just right from what I've heard with the XP for those wanting to level their alts. They should code a way to detect those who have VR12's and those who don't.. and assign different XP based on that. I know that may sound complex, but it's very simple really, it's just about them making the decision to do so or not.

    So TLDR: I believe ZOS should make a way for those who already leveled their mains to level their alts quick.... however don't give any more easy passes to those who haven't even leveled one character! Alts only.

    Edit: I know some of this is subjective, but not all of it. I'm sure most will agree on the fast leveling up of their alts part. However, as far as difficulty is concerned, I am one who enjoyed when ZOS accidently doubled the health/dmg of VR Mobs... I thought that was AWESOME and I played for many more hours than I usually do because I totally enjoyed every single kill! Now, meh... wayyyyyyyyy too simple but at least I have love for the game itself.
    Edited by ThisOnePosts on August 17, 2014 5:21PM
  • nvsg
    1v1s and name change that is all
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    it's hardly botting to go to a spawn like thief and just grind there with other for a few hours (which is all you will need to hit vr12) botting would require it be automated and you be afk.

    I did that from v10-v12 and the climb would have been almost impossible otherwise.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • briandivisionb16_ESO
    All you need to do now is join a group of 50 people and spam pulsar #ElderTrainsOnline #AoEcap
    Edited by briandivisionb16_ESO on August 17, 2014 5:58PM
    If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.

    Write this on the back of your box and see how many sales you get!

    You won't get any new PvP players until this archaic AoE crap is fixed.
    I for one won't resub until:
    1.) You fix lag.
    2.) You remove AOE caps we voted against.
    3.) 12 months have passed (this is how long we've waited for you to 'get with it')[/b]
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    All you need to do now is join a group of 50 people and spam pulsar #ElderTrainsOnline #AoEcap

    lol this is not twitter.

    Edited by smeeprocketnub19_ESO on August 17, 2014 6:38PM
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Arthur_Spoonfondle
    it's hardly botting to go to a spawn like thief and just grind there with other for a few hours (which is all you will need to hit vr12) botting would require it be automated and you be afk.

    I did that from v10-v12 and the climb would have been almost impossible otherwise.
    That would bore me to death. We need more solo content but, so far, Zenimax are only interested in bringing us group content.
  • Ackwalan
    It would be nice if the fighter, mage and undaunted guilds would have some kind of repeatable mission quest. They could vary from; killing X number of mobs from zone Y, clearing a specific dungeon or even a UPS quest where you get attacked by mobs trying to get the package. Have them change on a daily/weekly bases depending on the difficulty with rewards similar to the PVP quest reward system.
  • Pangnirtung
    it's hardly botting to go to a spawn like thief and just grind there with other for a few hours (which is all you will need to hit vr12) botting would require it be automated and you be afk.

    I did that from v10-v12 and the climb would have been almost impossible otherwise.
    That would bore me to death. We need more solo content but, so far, Zenimax are only interested in bringing us group content.

    I think there is an emphasis on group content because of the complaining that has been going on. All the high profile players who have twitch or youtube channels seem to be into group or PVP and it seems that Zeni has paid them the most attention to the detriment of the rest of us.
  • Anastasia
    I just turned VR11 this morning. Another five million experience points and I will hit the ceiling. The first fifty levels were lots of fun. I could solo, do quests and on occasion group with others for a difficult boss or dungeon.

    VR1 to VR8 was a bit more difficult but still the quests were there, a harder version of the first fifty levels.

    Now I am stuck. My choice is to PVP which don't care for or sit around in Craglorn listening to the zone spam pleading to get into a leveling group. I tried those groups and there isn't much that differentiates it from botting. Press button. Move mouse. Rinse. Repeat. Do this for hours on end? Not me.

    Zenimax bring back some of the joy to the game that I found in the lower levels. It seems that you are channeling everyone into two different groups. PVPers or the Carpal Tunnel botters who run the same dungeons over and over.

    Why did you nerf the Magic Anomalies only to replace them with group only leveling?

    Please Zeni give us some hope that there is something for those of us who like questing and not be forced into groups.


  • AlnilamE
    Have you done all the PvE in Cyrodiil? I find it lots of fun (and the added adrenaline of all of a sudden running into an enemy player/group in a dungeon makes it more interesting).

    I just finished all the quests/dungeons/skyshards/lorebooks there with my main and am looking forward to doing the same with my alts.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Nox_Aeterna
    At release and even today this game is considered poor when it came to group play , the solo instances... forced people to play solo which made plenty of those that wanted to group at all times and had problems alone to just quit. If you go get reviews of this games release many of them will talk about this and how it is focused on solo play.

    Now at high lvl , this turn around , now you are forced to group to do the content instead of playing solo , so those that liked the solo experience find themselves of the other side of the blade and also complain about the issue.

    By forcing PvP player to PvE for better exp and also top a point because cyro is full of PvE fights , zen also cut part of their PvP playerbase that wanted to only do that. Same they are doing now with their PvE playerbase by adding the justice system , which is a PvP system , to the PvE side of the game. In the end , both sides that wanted a more pure experience will have many player quitting the game because of the mix.

    In the end , apparently zen is trying to make a game for those that enjoy all of those at the same time , not one that welcomes people that want only one side of the experience. An interesting idea , but one we will only know if works in the future.
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Have you done all the PvE in Cyrodiil? I find it lots of fun (and the added adrenaline of all of a sudden running into an enemy player/group in a dungeon makes it more interesting).

    I just finished all the quests/dungeons/skyshards/lorebooks there with my main and am looking forward to doing the same with my alts.

    Personally i find that to be the opposite to me.

    I also did most of the PvE quests in cyro so that i could get the achiv , but to me having to look over my shoulder all the time to make sure someone is not coming to bother me while i quest is more of a hassle than something fun.

    With that said i did minimize this issue by doing these quests only on the cyro my faction had total control over , which meant not only few enemy players , i also could teleport/respawn all over the map and so on.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
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