If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.
briandivisionb16_ESO wrote: »All you need to do now is join a group of 50 people and spam pulsar #ElderTrainsOnline #AoEcap
That would bore me to death. We need more solo content but, so far, Zenimax are only interested in bringing us group content.smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »it's hardly botting to go to a spawn like thief and just grind there with other for a few hours (which is all you will need to hit vr12) botting would require it be automated and you be afk.
I did that from v10-v12 and the climb would have been almost impossible otherwise.
Arthur_Spoonfondle wrote: »That would bore me to death. We need more solo content but, so far, Zenimax are only interested in bringing us group content.smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »it's hardly botting to go to a spawn like thief and just grind there with other for a few hours (which is all you will need to hit vr12) botting would require it be automated and you be afk.
I did that from v10-v12 and the climb would have been almost impossible otherwise.
Pangnirtung wrote: »I just turned VR11 this morning. Another five million experience points and I will hit the ceiling. The first fifty levels were lots of fun. I could solo, do quests and on occasion group with others for a difficult boss or dungeon.
VR1 to VR8 was a bit more difficult but still the quests were there, a harder version of the first fifty levels.
Now I am stuck. My choice is to PVP which don't care for or sit around in Craglorn listening to the zone spam pleading to get into a leveling group. I tried those groups and there isn't much that differentiates it from botting. Press button. Move mouse. Rinse. Repeat. Do this for hours on end? Not me.
Zenimax bring back some of the joy to the game that I found in the lower levels. It seems that you are channeling everyone into two different groups. PVPers or the Carpal Tunnel botters who run the same dungeons over and over.
Why did you nerf the Magic Anomalies only to replace them with group only leveling?
Please Zeni give us some hope that there is something for those of us who like questing and not be forced into groups.
Have you done all the PvE in Cyrodiil? I find it lots of fun (and the added adrenaline of all of a sudden running into an enemy player/group in a dungeon makes it more interesting).
I just finished all the quests/dungeons/skyshards/lorebooks there with my main and am looking forward to doing the same with my alts.