I running a stamina build for 2 days and lost 10% 1v1 duells and won 80% of 1v2 duells. So stamina build is viable.
lordrichter wrote: »I think it is cool that they are working on bringing Stamina up, but players need to realize that this is a game of magic. While Stamina might be improved, this game is a game of magic.
I running a stamina build for 2 days and lost 10% 1v1 duells and won 80% of 1v2 duells. So stamina build is viable.
Thanks for the ignore function ZOS
I running a stamina build for 2 days and lost 10% 1v1 duells and won 80% of 1v2 duells. So stamina build is viable.
Stamina can work in pvp, but it's still not as good as the majority of magicka builds. PVP is actually more forgiving than trials because you have the chance to burst people down with sneak attacks (if you get the opening).
Try that build in trials and still be able to hit the 'minimum' dps needed to complete the dps checks though, and you'll change your tune.
The OP is definitely a bit hysterical, but these were problems that existed in beta and still have gone largely unchecked. There's plenty of content to keep people occupied, they really need to just spend a solid month and focus on build balance and tweaking mechanics of trials to allow for build diversity.
I've decided to just level alts and pvp during downtime until they fix stamina builds, but now I've got a v12 sorc, v12 nb, and my DK is about to hit the vet ranks. If they don't fix this in 2-3 more months, I'll be out of classes to level.
The fact that these issues have persisted for so long, and the fact that whenever they discuss the issue they insist they want to do small incremental changes so as not to disturb the current 'balance' (which is really just every single build being forced to go magicka, so that point is bogus...), it doesn't give me much hope. I TRULY hope they aren't stupid enough to put more dps checks in the new serpent trial coming out, because that's just going to shoot themselves in the foot (again).
Skafsgaard wrote: »Goof, well as a magicka based, light armour templar I would have to disagree. Now before im flamed or what not, i feel its important to say, that I chose this build since I wanted my main to be a group support/healer, so a resto staff and light armour seemed right off the bet coupled with my Altmer. Since then (I started early june) I have no discovered the current meta of the game and also discovered that pve in eso is lol.. I mean time trials? nevertheless, I was also a DAoC player and enjoy big scale warfare. at this moment i dont pve and have only grinded hircine to level to vr12 as quick as possible. It was during my advancement in Veteran Ranks that the reality dawned upon. And while I can sit here feeling pretty lucky? with what I roled, I might as well have rolled a badass 2hander, but previous experience in MMOs have taught me NEVER to make your main a dps, if you wanna do stuff.
On the other hand, I can truly feel with those stam based specs out there - its INSANE nothing more major as been done and there are so many thing favoring magicka users. When it comes to pvp yes, stamina is a very nice stat. I like that my spells doesnt use it and also means (with foodbuff) that I can keep immovable up all times, while having enough stam to break feel or make that critical roll dodge and this is not taking into account the numerous defensive spells a templar has that cost magicka. Now ive tweaked my build into a more 'frontline support' so I cannot be snared, CC or anything and rarely have to roll dodge even, sicne i have class dispels, efficent purge and immovable (not necessarily all on but to say I cannot be snared CC'd and only use stam for immovable which I have regen enough to keep up 100%. I can feel the pain if a break free (yes i dont ALWAYS have immovable) cost me 40% magicka MAN! that would suck... so do you pvper guys revese use and more or less has magicka as a survivability bar`? as I currently consider my stam bar or that if I would sprint/sneak sustained would not be able to use any slotted ability?
Anyways, jsut to say I see the problems and as an 'accidental' dress and stick player I want to be SCARED when I see a melee charging me now its more like oh 800 ap, yes pls
khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »This game is a game of crappy balancing...
whenever they discuss the issue they insist they want to do small incremental changes so as not to disturb the current 'balance'
I’ll take this opportunity to repeat an important point: we make class balance changes very slowly because they can have a big impact on your play experience. We’re making changes carefully, but we are always watching feedback about balance concerns.
I don't think they said that. As a matter of fact, this is what they said in the July Road Ahead:I’ll take this opportunity to repeat an important point: we make class balance changes very slowly because they can have a big impact on your play experience. We’re making changes carefully, but we are always watching feedback about balance concerns.
The intent of making slow balance changes is not to avoid disturbing the current balance, but because these changes have a big impact.
Thats is all. Game is so horrible bassackwards it is not evem funny. I just cant do it anymore lol been playing since beta round two and i finally reached my breaking point. Game looks beautiful! I loved it early on, now i just despise it. Its STILL a mages game (my main is a mage). And that half ass convrt magicka to stamjna will NOT fix the sh*tty stamina issue, nor will it make stamina builds as good as magicka builds. I just cant do it no more lol i stopped playing my vr12 cuz theres nothing to do.
Started a battle mage. Got him to 45 before i finally got sick of being so much weaker compared go anyone who uses a stick and light armor. No i dont suck at the game, it is not that hard. It is just so *** frustrating. /endrant
Skafsgaard wrote: »Yes, I feel actually that a simple flat buff to melee damage would solve must issues and also be in line with what i hear of complain. the melee guys feel that they take extra risk by being close and should there for hit for more and I like this also it would encourage more sword play and less ability spam, maybe?
It simply needs to hurt when you swining that big bad 2hander at someone. about the damage of heavy attacks, well my templar is vr12 but has some pretty crappy gear (atm im focusing on skills i like and will focus on building that legendary set, remeber I started a bit later than most). I know on top of my head that I've had heavy attcks with my destruction staff hit for around 450 as a crit, but also I have range, elemetal damage which procs cool stuff so maybe that gap needs to be further? well, im not sure any of us is qualified for coming with an actual solution (would sort of require a secret tome of game mechanics) but I can only support ults now scaling og highest of weapon/spell damage. This, for my crappy geared templar, is actually a buff since my sets consist of some purple pvp sets and the 3 set dominion 10% spell crit - it means that I have something like 133 weapon power and around 96 spell power (yes, I know I should up this) but at least my ults feel a bit better now
Skafsgaard wrote: »Yes, I feel actually that a simple flat buff to melee damage would solve must issues and also be in line with what i hear of complain. the melee guys feel that they take extra risk by being close and should there for hit for more and I like this also it would encourage more sword play and less ability spam, maybe?
lordrichter wrote: »khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »This game is a game of crappy balancing...
This game is a work in progress, and will continue to be one for the life of the game, that started out as a very magic oriented game and had some very potent magical skills in it.
So, yeah, I am sure that it is unbalanced and the degree that it is unbalanced closely follows player personal preference.
How "crappy" the balance is depends on how able and willing a player is to adapt.