Guys, I am at a major impasse in my character build. Luckily, he's only level 13 so it wouldn't be a huge loss to delete it and start over. This has probably already been answered to other players in one way or another, but I couldn't find my answer.
I know that I definitely want to be an Argonian Templar that uses Two-Handed and Restoration Staffs. I also want to do a lot of Blacksmithing and Provisioning. My problem is, I specced him so far across all 3 class trees, with very little in Restoration Staffs, and he is currently exclusively specced in Heavy Armor. BUT, I just read up on the Light Armor line, which is obviously much better for Magicka resource management. I want to be able to mainly heal, with less focus on DPS building. So, should I tough it out till I get to a point where I can respec my character, or just start fresh knowing what I know now?
Also, should I juggle between Two-Handed and Restoration Staffs manually until I hit 15 to start weapon swapping, or should I just wait until I hit level 15 to start focusing on a second weapon?
--Argonian Templar of the Pact