We were having a discussion in guild about how crafting materials fill up personal banks, and I had a thought that is similar to another game I play but different as well.
I was thinking that they should give us a crafting only tab, this way crafting materials do not usually take up normal space.
Make it an unlock-able feature for personal banks, linked to the master crafting achievements but only applicable once per account like the dyes. 200 for bank space for each material (i.e. 2 stacks), 100 for refining mats or runes and then a bag unlock for a full stack of each raw material.
This would make it so that everything that currently fills the crafting filter would instead be a separate space. Anything that exceeds those limits would still be treated as bag or bank space normally.
This would leave the bank itself more for what I feel is the intended purpose, the ability to store items and gear to switch between toons, rather than having to have someone else mail the items to you cause your bank is full.
Please list your opinions on this idea, I would appreciate the feedback.
(The base idea came from a beta game I play where the crafting mats take up 250k in both inventory and vault before spillover, but you can only trade 10k in a slot. I edited the numbers to be more realistic for ESO, plus they have no guild banks there etc.)
{Edited the original post when it was brought to my attention might be an issue with the duplication bug that prevented stacking in guild banks originally.}
Edited by Lakishi on August 15, 2014 2:09PM