daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »Since the Q-slot radial control is so mind-blowingly lame when it comes to switching items (requiring a long Q press, a mouse selection, then another Q press to use a newly selected item) I'm wondering if anyone who's NOT using an addon (like Greymind's Quick Slot Bar) ever take advantage of anything but health potions in battle.
I bet the very, very large majority of players don't, as they haven't mastered the control, or don't use addons. What a waste. And a market killer for Alchemists.
I don't even see how console users will like it--and they won't have addons to fall back on. Of all the questionable but "working-as-intended" (non-bug) UI flaws in this game, this has to be the biggest.
What were they thinking?
I think Zenimax's implementation of Weapon Swapping is the worst fail in the game.
1. The undisclosed delay when weapon swapping (that they said they have removed but still seems to be in the game).
2. The total fail of graphics associated to what weapons you have out. Recent fixes have ironed this out a little, but I'm still often running around with either invisible weapons or the wrong weapons.
3. Properly applying set bonuses when weapon swapping. These are often messed up, not calculating correctly.
4. The wonderful press the weapon swap button, nothing happens, wait, press weapon swap again, wait... suddenly your weapons swap twice to get to your original bar and you're dead while unable to cast anything.
Also not having a "cancel cast" button in the game rather sucks also. Like if you're ground targetting a heal and then want to do something else. Then when cancelling you press escape to get out of that heal, but now you're in your settings window and have to press escape again. (NOTE: there is a "cancel cast" add-on that should help with this)
Honestly, this is probably the least responsive UI I've ever used in any game anywhere.
daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »I don't even see how console users will like it--and they won't have addons to fall back on. Of all the questionable but "working-as-intended" (non-bug) UI flaws in this game, this has to be the biggest.
What were they thinking?
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »
daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »I'm wondering if anyone who's NOT using an addon (like Greymind's Quick Slot Bar) ever take advantage of anything but health potions in battle.
ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »I like the quickslot
What I hate is R being for ultimate and also for taking all because sometimes I accidentally hit it twice or hadn't hit E to open the bag and waste my ultimate.
Jennifur_Vultee wrote: »ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »I like the quickslot
What I hate is R being for ultimate and also for taking all because sometimes I accidentally hit it twice or hadn't hit E to open the bag and waste my ultimate.
You may want to try what I did. I played Skyrim, R was draw weapon/sheath weapon, Z was shout (basically ultimate) so I swapped them in ESO to be like Skyrim. It works well for me and I only occasionally hit the Z key when trying to use S to back up but its a lot better than constantly pressing R and firing off my ultimate when I overshoot the E key and press R.
MercyKilling wrote: »daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »I'm wondering if anyone who's NOT using an addon (like Greymind's Quick Slot Bar) ever take advantage of anything but health potions in battle.
I'm not using any add ons and I have all three kinds of pots in my quickslots. Some fights I use them, some I don't. Depends, really.
Jennifur_Vultee wrote: »ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »I like the quickslot
What I hate is R being for ultimate and also for taking all because sometimes I accidentally hit it twice or hadn't hit E to open the bag and waste my ultimate.
You may want to try what I did. I played Skyrim, R was draw weapon/sheath weapon, Z was shout (basically ultimate) so I swapped them in ESO to be like Skyrim. It works well for me and I only occasionally hit the Z key when trying to use S to back up but its a lot better than constantly pressing R and firing off my ultimate when I overshoot the E key and press R.
daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »MercyKilling wrote: »daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »I'm wondering if anyone who's NOT using an addon (like Greymind's Quick Slot Bar) ever take advantage of anything but health potions in battle.
I'm not using any add ons and I have all three kinds of pots in my quickslots. Some fights I use them, some I don't. Depends, really.
Wow--how fast are you at switching?
It's got to be at least 3-4 seconds, if all goes off without a hitch. At least.
I just don't see how viable it would ever be in the middle of a short but intense fight to even consider going for a secondary potion that way. Maybe a loooong fight, or if you're in a group and have someone to take up the slack.
You have the long q, the mouse pick, then another (quick) q press.
It takes time (when you should be fighting), obscures your view, and is prone to fumbling/overshooting your selection mousing around the stupid wheel. All when you presumably are in a tense if not dire situation since you need the pot in the first place.
Maybe in some circumstances its doable, but at least 80% of the serious, "pot-needing" fights I am in, I can't afford to take the time or attention.
There's no rational reason non-console players should have such a terrible mechanism. Zeni should be embarrassed, and it should be changed, soon.
daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »But, with weapon swapping, those are mostly bugs. If it worked as intended, it would be ok.
But... the quick slots aren't buggy. They're just unbelievably, amazingly ineptly designed.
Seriously, I've seen pro and con arguments for many UI design decisions in this game-- some that I personally think are awful, but others don't agree --- but in the case of Quick Slots, no one defends them. They're just terrible. Really, really bad.
It's like someone intentionally made it to be horrible.