If you dont want to read this monstrosity , just scroll down for main points . And sorry for my english .
SO i started to play ESO as tank . I wanted to be a guy in heavy armor with sword and shield , taking biggest hits for group . Tanking in light armor with stick is really joke for me and i think that even if there is few players who are doing this , most of people who wanted to tank in this game , wanted so as me .
There is few topics about people cannot find party for dungeons or group quests . Well i tell you why you cant find tanks at least . Its simple - they most likely left game in disgust , because they are useless . Nobody want to feel useless and even slowing to group .
So Yesterday i has this great idea to go some 1-10 vet rank dungeons .
After almost 2 months of PvP because my old PvE group left ESO i crafted brand new set , put on abilities and hit that search button , get party eventually fast and ported to Banished cells . And this is where it started ...
1. First thing what happened is that party was bugged . We had 2 crowns markers . One above our leader was freaking big and second was howering 10 meters away above random life bar in air . We didnt see another party member and he did not see us . So we decided to go out and reinvite group . After which i ben disconected by error , loged in , find out that i am still in group with no one just me and cannot disband or leave and needed another relog . After that , thanks God , everything was ok .
Conclusion :
I cannot belive that after this many months Zenimax was still not able to fix grouping in this game . Its super frustrating in state it already is . You get annoyed even before actuall dungeon starts .
2. We get to the first boss , kill her and then i realized one thing . Boss and trash before was heavly nerfed . I found this later with every single boss and trash mobs in Banished cells and Fungal grotto . Dont know what happened while i was in PvP but its not only their HP or base damage . They have even abilities nerfed . Most of Bosses right now are joke .
Conclusion :
While this may be good change for new players , it is very bad decision for Tanks . If tanks was not needed before , right now they are anchor to whole group . You dont feel like you are helping group . You feel like if you had stick and light armor and spam AOE , dungeon could be much faster - and unfortunatelly its truth

3. We make our way to second boss - Daedroth which need to be kitted around room . Like all bosses here i done this one many times . So i pulled him and started to kite him . Realize my surprise when he randomly started to attack another party member , like 3 seconds after taunt . And before you ask if it was his cone flame attack , no it was not . So i taunted him again - nothing . And again - nothing . After like 4th taunt he finally started to chase me - well for maybe 5 seconds , then he started randomly chase another party members and again ignore my taunts . At the end we killed him but i feel even less as tank with whole fight trying to taunt boss which ignored me .
Problem is this happened trough BC and FG on 70% of bosses . Breaking taunts every 3 seconds and / or ignoring them completely for no apparent reason .
Conclusion :
As tank you are suppose to hold boss back from other party members and take biggest hits . Right now with design of bosses and taunt obviously bugged its impossible and your contribution to fight is 0 . Again i dont know what happened here but my only conclusion is that many bosses gradually get broken and boss design in this game is really bad for tanks .
4. After each fight we done i realized that even if i am vet rank 12 , with full sets , purple food and potions i am doing almost no damage and every boss fight is taunt spam fest for me .
Conclusion :
Its impossible to do at least damage as Sword and Board tank in heavy armor because whole fight you trying to taunt boss and when he is not actually ignoring you , block his attack which result to almost 0 offensive . Besides that everyone know that Heavy is right now super useless .
So conclusion ? While you cannot tank properly because of point above you cannot do even average damage .
In my opinion , Bash nerf was one of worst decisions for tank Zenimax done . Instead of removing Bash glyphs and removing bash chance for crits or just nerfing it in PvP , they decided to ruin this abillity to ground . It was really only at least averge source for tank damage . While non glyphed in heavy armor i could do at least 350 dps with it . Was that really so Overpowered ?
At the end of this dungeons run instead of feeling good i felt ... well not angry , not pissed or annoyed , but sad . Sad and thats even worse . Sad that even if i love this game , there is really not much to do for me other than to slow down groups in Dungeons . And this is really frustrating

So here is shorter version of problems with tanking and PvE dungeons :
Tanking (Heavy ) :
- No need for tanks small damage when dungeons are all about nuke
- Almost no contribution to actuall tanking because of boss designs and broken bosses with mechanics that dont need or flat ignore taunts , which is main point to actually have tank in group .
- Still only need for 1 tank in Trials which discourage many people to do tanking .
Dungeons (Overall )
- Grouping is still not fixed after 5 months
- Rewards from dungeons are really bad
- No point of repeating dungeons after first run / getting max level with undauted .
I still hope that Zenimax is going to fix all this and make heavy armor tanking with sword and shield viable , but after so long time and PvP broken right now - which is obviously much higher on their priority list - one can hope and wait only so long