I was an ESO original. I came from beta straight through launch and up to the end of May. I enjoyed the game but it was a little rough around the edges and there were many annoyances (Mac memory leak crashes to name one). I just resubbed to the game with the launch of Update 3. The Quake Con panel along with reading what Update 3 had in store for the game got me pumped to come back. Thankfully I was not let down. The difference is day and night between what I remember at the end of May and what the game is now. It is much more smooth, many quest breaking bugs gone, and it just feels more fun to play. I really think that Update 3 is the beginning of ESO really growing into its own.
I'd like to give a special mention to ZOS because they kept their promise. We are all impatient with a $15 a month sub fee, and ZOS has always said that they are working on many things in the background. I remember this game was infested with bots and gold spammers. Now I have yet to see a single one.
Think of all the content we have in store! I'd like to ask you guys when do you think we will see Vvardenfell added to the game and we get to revisit our memories of Morrowind!?