This Game Has Me Pumped

I was an ESO original. I came from beta straight through launch and up to the end of May. I enjoyed the game but it was a little rough around the edges and there were many annoyances (Mac memory leak crashes to name one). I just resubbed to the game with the launch of Update 3. The Quake Con panel along with reading what Update 3 had in store for the game got me pumped to come back. Thankfully I was not let down. The difference is day and night between what I remember at the end of May and what the game is now. It is much more smooth, many quest breaking bugs gone, and it just feels more fun to play. I really think that Update 3 is the beginning of ESO really growing into its own.

I'd like to give a special mention to ZOS because they kept their promise. We are all impatient with a $15 a month sub fee, and ZOS has always said that they are working on many things in the background. I remember this game was infested with bots and gold spammers. Now I have yet to see a single one.

Think of all the content we have in store! I'd like to ask you guys when do you think we will see Vvardenfell added to the game and we get to revisit our memories of Morrowind!?
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Well Morrowind isn't going to be how you remember it being that its a 1000 year difference. As far as when who knows. Morrowind and VVardenfall oculd be expansions but they may be adventure zones also. We know that Craglorn is going to get Dragonstar Arena and then sometime after that we will get Murkmire for the next Adventure zone.
  • Publius_Scipio
    Yeah I know its 1,000 years before the time of Morrowind the game. But Ghost Gate will be there, all the dwemer ruins, Vivec's temple city (forgot the name). Vvardenfell is going to be a fantastic addition to ESO.

    But what do you mean "expansion" versus "adventure zone"? Will an expansion be a game addon that will require payment other than the $15 a month?
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Craglorn was an Adventure zone. And Expansion is usually really large and requires a new purchase.Like WoW's Warlords of Draenor is an expansion. So An Expansion would be about 4x the size of a regular content patch.
  • Publius_Scipio
    O wow. I remember reading or watching a video where I believe ZOS said that ESO will be the initial game purchase and $15 sub fee a month and thats it. I really hope that's the case.

    But I definitely want Vvardenfell to arrive in its full glory. Not a smaller watered down adventure zone version.
    Edited by Publius_Scipio on August 10, 2014 10:17PM
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    It is. But expansions are common too. They usually don't cost as much as the original price. Maybe $30-40. But you can look at any Sub based MMO and see that expansions are normal. Warlords of Draenor is actually going to be $50.
    Edited by ers101284b14_ESO on August 10, 2014 10:19PM
  • Royalroacho
    I think Vivec's city was called Vivec. What an egomaniac.
    O wow. I remember reading or watching a video where I believe ZOS said that ESO will be the initial game purchase and $15 sub fee a month and thats it. I really hope that's the case.

    But I definitely want Vvardenfell to arrive in its full glory. Not a smaller watered down adventure zone version.
    Im pretty sure I remember hearing that too. That being said, ill probably end up semi- grudgingly, semi -happy-to-support-this-great-game, shelling out whatever the price is if im wrong/ they change their mind.

  • ers101284b14_ESO
    I think Vivec's city was called Vivec. What an egomaniac. Im pretty sure I remember hearing that too. That being said, ill probably end up semi- grudgingly, semi -happy-to-support-this-great-game, shelling out whatever the price is if im wrong/ they change their mind.

    Don't worry I wouldn't expect an expansion any time soon. Probably 1-2 more years at earliest. Maybe longer. They did say they have a 5 year plan so they may never release expansions. Thy may just keep doing these content pushes for 5 years then go F2P or shut it down after 5 years who know. We will see.
  • wookiefriseur
    Yeah, the game is getting better and better. Despite the occasional bugs and server lag problems I'm still having a lot of fun with ESO.

    What impresses me most is that some of the patches aren't just cosmetic or fixes but more or less fundamental changes of gameplay mechanics and systems. That requires some bravery and the willingness to take risks. And the patches are deployed at a good pace too. Quite the busy people at Zenimax, I must admit (at least compared to my previous MMO experiences).

    Some examples off the top of my head for big changes:
    NPC collision detection, barrel/crate/chest instancing, PvP Campaigns, dye system, guild traders, as well as the planned changes to dungeon scaling, transformation of the veteran rank system into a champion system, introduction of the justice system and all that other stuff from QuakeCon.

    Regarding Vvardenfell:
    I started with TES III: Morrowind, so it's my favourite of the TES series. I remember how surprised and delighted I was when playing the TES V Dragonborn expansion. House Redoran Guards!! Master Neloth of the Telvanni!!! And best of all: Morrowind music!!!!! That took me back.

    Hope the licensing in ESO allows the use of music from other titles too. Would love to listen to the Morrowind soundtracks within the game.
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