traigusb14_ESO2 wrote: »Temps do need more mana regen.
You don't need a stick or a dress to heal though.
I have healed all VR dungeons except CoH with a Heavy armor templar (sword and shield).
Works fine in a non PUG when the players understand the Templar heals and how they work (which is different than the staff heals everyone sees 90% of the time).
The efficiency of staff healing lets people backstop "not as good" players by basically putting a lot more healing out there so the three stooges can live.
Templar only heals are balanced ok for a solid group of people who know what they are doing.
The first case is way more common in ESO though, especially with PUGs, so even a lot of Temps will staff heal to keep up with the 3 people soloing in the same place pretending to be a group.
Temp does need some kind of internal mana regen (which was removed in beta).
I'd like to see more on Heavy armor as well ,te new passive is ok, but still way low compared to light, and only works whiel getting hit.
traigusb14_ESO2 wrote: »Temps do need more mana regen.
You don't need a stick or a dress to heal though.
I have healed all VR dungeons except CoH with a Heavy armor templar (sword and shield).
Works fine in a non PUG when the players understand the Templar heals and how they work (which is different than the staff heals everyone sees 90% of the time).
The efficiency of staff healing lets people backstop "not as good" players by basically putting a lot more healing out there so the three stooges can live.
Templar only heals are balanced ok for a solid group of people who know what they are doing.
The first case is way more common in ESO though, especially with PUGs, so even a lot of Temps will staff heal to keep up with the 3 people soloing in the same place pretending to be a group.
Temp does need some kind of internal mana regen (which was removed in beta).
I'd like to see more on Heavy armor as well ,te new passive is ok, but still way low compared to light, and only works whiel getting hit.
It's quite reassuring that you have healed the VR dungeons with heavy and a sword/shield. That's pretty much as far as I'm wanting mine to go. Trials are just not making me interested.
Guess if can work as I want to do the content I want. Sucks for trials though lol.
I kinda want them to change the Illuminate passive in the Dawn's Wrath tree. It apparently gives increased spell resistance while a Dawn's Wrath skill effect is on an enemy or something?.... That's kinda stupid, with light armor passive alone, you reach close to the soft cap. It could be turned into a magicka/stamina return of some kind, similar to maybe Burning Embers and what not, gain magicka/stamina based on damage dealt during the effect duration.
Tho, I prefer they overhual the whole magicka/health/stamina regen system and all the different return skills. There's no need for all these different reductions and fancy ways to gain back spent magicka/stamina. Base regen and pots are all we should need. Just make them all regen by a percent per 2 seconds, so the amount we get back will be based on the amount we have in each resource pool. I don't get why regen was turned into a stat.
How can you heal without a resto staff as a templar? I agree with the OP. There is no templar healing without resto staff (mana regen) - UNLESS you choose to be a sub par healer who may run low on mana at precisely the time you'll need it to save your group.
But this issue goes beyond simply healing. My fire DK has been unable to use destro well due to mana issues.
timidobserver wrote: »There is nothing that they can do that will make the optimal Templar healing build not include resto staff. Sure you can swing healing with just Templar skills in certain circumstances, but you will be underperforming without the resto staff.
How can you heal without a resto staff as a templar? I agree with the OP. There is no templar healing without resto staff (mana regen) - UNLESS you choose to be a sub par healer who may run low on mana at precisely the time you'll need it to save your group.
But this issue goes beyond simply healing. My fire DK has been unable to use destro well due to mana issues.
Murmeltier wrote: »Some Examples for normal and Veteran Content:
2. Players don`t use Potions/Synergies or Skills like AOEs and CCs. It isn`t very funny to see some Players try to kill the Trashmobs one by one instead of using a CC or AOE. So the Rest of the Trashmobs run to the Healer and forces him to use additional Mana/Stamina or die.
A Healer can`t dodge or block this a long Time and heal the whole Group, while he is defending his own Life too. Yeah it looks cool if you smash one Mob with your Monster 2H Sword, like Conan the awesome truly only Barbarian but i can`t cheer and bow to you, because the other Mobs kill the whole Group.
4. Movement. Hell as a Healer i could kick some DPS A**** if i see they don`t move away from the Red Areas, don`t block or try to stay in 6+ Trashmobs because they think the Healer has to save their Lives.
No Tank should try to tank all the Trashmobs, it would destroy his Stamina and then the Mana from the Healer. CC them, AOE them but stay away and don`t try to tank the whole Dungeon. No Armor or Skill counter this Damage in Vet Dungeons a long Time and if you run out of Stamina the Healer heals against the whole Damage.
And we all know, there are some Players, every Time if a Thread like this raises, tell us they never ever had Problems and it is all fine if you L2P.
MFG Murmeltier.
traigusb14_ESO2 wrote: »Murmeltier wrote: »Some Examples for normal and Veteran Content:
2. Players don`t use Potions/Synergies or Skills like AOEs and CCs. It isn`t very funny to see some Players try to kill the Trashmobs one by one instead of using a CC or AOE. So the Rest of the Trashmobs run to the Healer and forces him to use additional Mana/Stamina or die.
A Healer can`t dodge or block this a long Time and heal the whole Group, while he is defending his own Life too. Yeah it looks cool if you smash one Mob with your Monster 2H Sword, like Conan the awesome truly only Barbarian but i can`t cheer and bow to you, because the other Mobs kill the whole Group.
4. Movement. Hell as a Healer i could kick some DPS A**** if i see they don`t move away from the Red Areas, don`t block or try to stay in 6+ Trashmobs because they think the Healer has to save their Lives.
No Tank should try to tank all the Trashmobs, it would destroy his Stamina and then the Mana from the Healer. CC them, AOE them but stay away and don`t try to tank the whole Dungeon. No Armor or Skill counter this Damage in Vet Dungeons a long Time and if you run out of Stamina the Healer heals against the whole Damage.
And we all know, there are some Players, every Time if a Thread like this raises, tell us they never ever had Problems and it is all fine if you L2P.
MFG Murmeltier.
BTW, I'm not saying L2P or that everyone sucks.. just that temp healers can run without dresses and staffs in groups that are good. People say "it can't be done" and they are wrong. temps do need more mana regen, but we aren't crippled without resto staff regen.
SOme points to your points.
2. (second part) Not true. depends on spec. I'm a heavy armor tank specced Temp. I often tank in the same gear. A Sword and board, heavy armor (hist bark set) Templar CAN dodge and block for a long time and not die while waiting for tank to grab a few mobs back. It is actually better for me to have aggro than the DPS... I take WAY less damage when blocking than they do. I do prefer the tank to have it though.
4 (second part) A good tank with actual tanking gear (like block reduction glyphs and good STA potions etc.) Can hold 6 mobs at VR12 pretty much forever without running out of STA. (Temp tanks can between our STA regen buff and potions anyway. Maybe DKs can't). If there are a lot of casters, you gotta move around a lot to avoid spells, because you can't bash everyone fast enough, but it isn't too hard with a lot of melee. When tanking a lot of mobs I use the Undaunted MAG based taunt to conserve STA (rather than use the Sword and shield STA based one)
You might be surprised how many tanks really have their gear set for more DPS solo builds than tanking, especially DKs. I see a lot of people think that just having Heavy armor and a shield makes them all set to tank high level content.. not true. Glyphs, traits, set bonuses etc. really help. (I use hist bark 5 piece because it makes me dodge while blocking 18% of the time (down from 20 in last patch). That is a huge number of hits in a fight with a lot of mobs.)
I play regularly with a very seriously made NB tank, and occasionally with his wife who has a pretty good Sorcerer light tank build (she is leveling a few more skills to get it completely specced out the way she wants)
This picture made my day.I roll a Nightblade and while I may not have a dedicated healing tree, I can stab things that heal other people
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
traigusb14_ESO2 wrote: »timidobserver wrote: »There is nothing that they can do that will make the optimal Templar healing build not include resto staff. Sure you can swing healing with just Templar skills in certain circumstances, but you will be underperforming without the resto staff.
Nobody dies... what part of that is underperforming?
Temps could use more magicka regen, I'd love it.
Right now resto staff regen is also powering a lot of DPS builds... it is pretty much mandatory for al lthe cool kids to be Destro /resto becasue of resto regen... I'm betting on a resto regen nerf before anyone else gets buffed.
I'll still be fine.
timidobserver wrote: »traigusb14_ESO2 wrote: »timidobserver wrote: »There is nothing that they can do that will make the optimal Templar healing build not include resto staff. Sure you can swing healing with just Templar skills in certain circumstances, but you will be underperforming without the resto staff.
Nobody dies... what part of that is underperforming?
Temps could use more magicka regen, I'd love it.
Right now resto staff regen is also powering a lot of DPS builds... it is pretty much mandatory for al lthe cool kids to be Destro /resto becasue of resto regen... I'm betting on a resto regen nerf before anyone else gets buffed.
I'll still be fine.
Sure I suppose this kind of mindset works if you are a casual, solo minded player. However, in end game group content you are expected to do everything you can to help the group. This means using skills,weapons, ect, when in a group, that you would not normally use.
traigusb14_ESO2 wrote: »timidobserver wrote: »traigusb14_ESO2 wrote: »timidobserver wrote: »There is nothing that they can do that will make the optimal Templar healing build not include resto staff. Sure you can swing healing with just Templar skills in certain circumstances, but you will be underperforming without the resto staff.
Nobody dies... what part of that is underperforming?
Temps could use more magicka regen, I'd love it.
Right now resto staff regen is also powering a lot of DPS builds... it is pretty much mandatory for al lthe cool kids to be Destro /resto becasue of resto regen... I'm betting on a resto regen nerf before anyone else gets buffed.
I'll still be fine.
Sure I suppose this kind of mindset works if you are a casual, solo minded player. However, in end game group content you are expected to do everything you can to help the group. This means using skills,weapons, ect, when in a group, that you would not normally use.
People seem to keep missing this bit:
I've healed (and tanked) all VR dungeons except CoH... I've not done trials (no dress and staff). I am not casual or solo. (It is actually harder to heal random solo and casual players)
I''m about 1/2 done with Craiglorn story , but I changed work times with a new job (with days off during the week), and most of my friends (who have weekends off) are phased past where I am, otherwise I'd be done with that too (and CoH).