It was entertaining to see hordes of people looking for someone when they'd earn a cash prize for doing so. I'd much rather lose my gold by giving it back to players by doing events together, than buying overpriced purple items from trials.
Maybe I'll do it again soon but in other cities like Sentinel or Wayrest. I handed out a total of 460k gold to new players and veteran players (20k per game). Some of which thanked me because the gold let them upgrade their bag space to 90, and others because they could buy a mount at lvl 6 instead of saving 17.2k gold by lvl 30 or later.
There was also a moment where my game crashed when I gave the final hint to my location, and at least 20 people swarmed the church doors in Daggerfall. I don't know if anyone found me because of the crash, so I gave every person inside the church 3k gold.
I'll gladly throw away more of my gold like this because it puts a positive image of the game in a new player's eyes. And the more positive that experience the more likely they will stay subscribed, and then we all benefit form that.
Honorable mention to Melinda Davis to winning 3 times out of the constant 20-40 players at all times.
Edit: Oh, I have a suggestion to make which I thought of after this whole thing. There should be a 6th chat group, say /g6, which sends whatever you type to all online players on your friends list.
Edited by Fat_Cat45 on August 9, 2014 9:32AM