emeraldbay wrote: »I would like a teleportation skill, but I can see it being abused in combat. I'd rather it be a non-combat skill.
Kaynehusky wrote: »Now, I'm sure we've all noticed by now that every NPC mage and their mother has access to magic that allows them to open portals to various desired destinations. My question: How come we can't do that? I think that would be kinda awesome.
Kaynehusky wrote: »Now, I'm sure we've all noticed by now that every NPC mage and their mother has access to magic that allows them to open portals to various desired destinations. My question: How come we can't do that? I think that would be kinda awesome. Granted it would be to major cities mostly, except for perhaps the Hollow City (In Cold Harbour), but there are a lot of possibilities. Make a skill line out of it, at a low-range teleportation spell that can be used in combat, interesting passives, all that and such. Just a thought, but let's hear those opinions!
But you can! It just costs you gold ...Kaynehusky wrote: »How come we can't do that?
Kaynehusky wrote: »Now, I'm sure we've all noticed by now that every NPC mage and their mother has access to magic that allows them to open portals to various desired destinations. My question: How come we can't do that? I think that would be kinda awesome. Granted it would be to major cities mostly, except for perhaps the Hollow City (In Cold Harbour), but there are a lot of possibilities. Make a skill line out of it, at a low-range teleportation spell that can be used in combat, interesting passives, all that and such. Just a thought, but let's hear those opinions!
mar1ano1987nrb18_ESO wrote: »What I dont understand is why npcs are still using boats/ships to travell around when there is a mage /(and his mather) who can open portals to everywhere.
Yes. we can use the wayshrines and pay gold. We all know that. But i see where he's going with this. More akin to oldschool everquest. Wizards could summon portals to all the major cities (NOT IN COMBAT). So it would make for some interesting group scenarios. Run a dungeon. at the end the wizard or whomever in eso has the spell opens a portal to a major city and says, portal if anybody wants it. People can click it and jump in, without paying gold.
Yeah its cool. but wayshrines do kind of make it obsolete. Perhaps give one of the classes a passive skill they can learn that lets them get a free teleport (via wayshrines on map) once every 10, 15, or 30 mins. dont care just some cooldown so they cant do it constantly.
smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »
You know, in EQ most of those wizards and druids used to require rather hefty "donations" or you ended up on their no port list.
The wayshrines are the cheap option here.
That's because NPCs still have their souls. Only someone who has become unmoored from the Mundus can use a Wayshrine. url="http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Wayshrines_of_Tamriel"]book[/urlvyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »I think it is only fair, ive never seen a npc use a wayshrine.
Yes. we can use the wayshrines and pay gold. We all know that. But i see where he's going with this. More akin to oldschool everquest. Wizards could summon portals to all the major cities (NOT IN COMBAT). So it would make for some interesting group scenarios. Run a dungeon. at the end the wizard or whomever in eso has the spell opens a portal to a major city and says, portal if anybody wants it. People can click it and jump in, without paying gold.
Yeah its cool. but wayshrines do kind of make it obsolete. Perhaps give one of the classes a passive skill they can learn that lets them get a free teleport (via wayshrines on map) once every 10, 15, or 30 mins. dont care just some cooldown so they cant do it constantly.
Something like the D&D spell Blink would be interesting. Basically, for a period of time you keep teleporting short distances every couple of seconds, but it's totally random where you end up after each teleport. I could see that being both lots of fun, and super frustrating - both for those fighting the caster and for the caster! "Oh no! I'm in lava! Phew, I'm safe. Oh no! I'm in a Storm Atronach's lightning! Phew, I'm safe. Oh no! I'm being run over by a Clannfear! Phew, I'm safe. Oh no! I'm falling off a cliff!" and so on...Kaynehusky wrote: »
I'm glad SOMEBODY got the gist of what I was trying to say xD Yeah, I get there are wayshrines, and that's all fine and good, but it would be nice to have, say, someone in a group who can drop a portal to save his friends a bit of money. Could be a lot of fun for the roleplay crowd too. It's an idea just adds a little bit more flavor.
Also, for the record, having a spell that would allow you to move about a battlefield via quick short-range teleports could be an interesting and viable strategy. The existing skills that "teleport" the player require a target, or move in only one direction. Imagine someone slowing your movement and popping a large radial ultimate like nova on you. With a quick click you could escape behind the caster out of harms way, and get the jump on them. Or, you could use it to cross short gaps, or find other creative ways to use it. I could imagine such a thing being a great deal of fun. If you ever played City of Heroes or City of Villains, you'd know what I'm talking about.
And, before you hem and haw about how people would abuse it in pvp situations, it could always be a skill that uses a hefty bit of mana, or simply increase in cost each time you used it in succession.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Kaynehusky wrote: »Now, I'm sure we've all noticed by now that every NPC mage and their mother has access to magic that allows them to open portals to various desired destinations. My question: How come we can't do that? I think that would be kinda awesome. Granted it would be to major cities mostly, except for perhaps the Hollow City (In Cold Harbour), but there are a lot of possibilities. Make a skill line out of it, at a low-range teleportation spell that can be used in combat, interesting passives, all that and such. Just a thought, but let's hear those opinions!