Okay this may be beating a dead horse (pun intended), however I had a brilliant idea the other day.
First off I think we can all agree that buying mounts was set up to be a gold sink. So knowing that we know that mounts are currently character bound giving people the opportunity to buy a total of 5 mount per character for a total of 40 horses over 8 characters.
My first opinion is that they should make the mounts be account bound, but limited still with the feed pattern. So if one character feeds the horse, that horse would be on cooldown for all characters.
My second opinion is along the lines of them offering the palomino horse for sale in the Bethesda store for $10. That horse offers the same stats as the current brown horse does (15 speed, 0 stamina, 0 carry). By making the mounts be account bound would give them the opportunity to make new mounts.
As an example let us follow the Wayrest stableman who states, "Sometimes I can get a bear from Orsinium." Well make the bear mount be the first example:
They offer a brown bear (10 speed, 5 stamina, 0 carry) in the stables for 250,000 gold. Or one could go to the Bethesda store and pay $15 for the same mount. Next they could offer a grey bear (20 speed, 5 stamina, 0 carry), a white bear (10 speed, 15 stamina, 0 carry), or a black bear (10 speed, 5 stamina, 10 carry). Those mounts would then cost 1,000,000 gold from the stables, or they could offer the same mounts for $25-30 each from the store for people too busy to work for the gold.
This would offer the additional gold sink that the current mounts give, while adding a bit of variety to the game. Offering items for sale in the Bethesda store is good for those casual players who have more money to toss at a game, without penalizing the hardcore players who spend a lot of time in the game to gather the cash for the items.
Edit: After discussion with my guild about how this would work, the consensus was that the stables themselves should be available to all characters on the account. This way you have the base horse that the character has equipped which would not be in the stables, but could change to one in the stables for multitude of purposes. If gathering for provisioning supplies one might want a horse with extra capacity, but when PvPing you would want either the speed horse or a stamina based horse.
Edited by Lakishi on August 9, 2014 12:25AM