SirenofEntropy wrote: »If you look to Guild Wars as an example, that game had a level cap of 20 and it was incredibly easy to reach max level in one day. With that game, they wanted it to be about the content and experience more than about the leveling. That game stayed very popular for several years. People didn't get bored simply because they hit the max level because there was still so much to do.
nicholaspingasb16_ESO wrote: »Yep. Every death I have is from my abilities not registering or their abilities not registering, or a data load error, or crash, or a complete 3-5 second freeze. That says something. Or complete ability lockout, where I have to sit there holding down the block button praying to Akatosh that someone will see me and help.
HurlinMerlin wrote: »I still can't quite wrap my head around where the idea for the current state of the game came from.
As best as I can tell,,, it appears that the developers started with the end game and worked their way backwards to the start of the game. While it seems to make sense at first, it just isn't working as intended. Levels 1-50 are probably the easiest levels anyone will ever play in an MMORPG. Doesn't take very much skill what so ever, I am sure hard core people can level to the max base level of 50 in a matter of days.
The problem is, MMORPG's are designed to last for years. This game was designed from the start with the end point being the major focus....never taking in consideration even trying to slow down the rate at which people can get to the "end point".
This results in a mass of people reaching the end game, finishing their veteran content aka "present end game material" on multiple characters in no time at all. Now the problem lies with the fact you have numerous people screaming about end game content or there being nothing to do for a maxed out veteran 50 and the developers will have no choice but to cater to those crying the loudest.
The simplicity of levels 1-50 has created a nightmare back log of people already at the end game stage just a mere few months after release...any preplanned releases of expansion packs to give maxed out players new levels and content will have to be rolled out faster than the long term plan developers had envisioned because it's just too dang easy to hit level 50.
All I can say is that ESO has the best graphics of any MMORPG out there, but unfortunately pretty scenery does not make a good game by itself. And this is ESO biggest flaw as I see it..... a game that is absolutely beautiful to look at, but no real challenge in playing.
This may be a real awesome game in a few years, but right now, it isn't. Players will get bored easily, they always do, and they will start to leave in droves for the "next" challenge.
Personally I think the beginning and mid content is just too dumbified to keep a strong player base in the long term. In a few more months, if not already, you will have players with 6-8 maxed out characters and class differences won't matter anymore because you can just log on whichever of your maxed out characters happens to be the flavor for that month.
Once an MMORPG starts focusing on the end game players and never tries to improve the beginning and mid term areas to reach end game... then that slow downward spiral begins... less new players and more frustrated end game people leaving.
Focusing on PVP as the major end game content may very well be a fatal flaw. There are many people, myself included, that just do not find PVP all that a matter of fact I avoid it as much as I can in any game I play.
Time will tell, it always does.
Just my two cents.
This in no way is intended to be a flame against ESO...I am just calling it as I see it.
HurlinMerlin wrote: »I still can't quite wrap my head around where the idea for the current state of the game came from.
As best as I can tell,,, it appears that the developers started with the end game and worked their way backwards to the start of the game. While it seems to make sense at first, it just isn't working as intended. Levels 1-50 are probably the easiest levels anyone will ever play in an MMORPG. Doesn't take very much skill what so ever, I am sure hard core people can level to the max base level of 50 in a matter of days.
The problem is, MMORPG's are designed to last for years. This game was designed from the start with the end point being the major focus....never taking in consideration even trying to slow down the rate at which people can get to the "end point".
This results in a mass of people reaching the end game, finishing their veteran content aka "present end game material" on multiple characters in no time at all. Now the problem lies with the fact you have numerous people screaming about end game content or there being nothing to do for a maxed out veteran 50 and the developers will have no choice but to cater to those crying the loudest.
The simplicity of levels 1-50 has created a nightmare back log of people already at the end game stage just a mere few months after release...any preplanned releases of expansion packs to give maxed out players new levels and content will have to be rolled out faster than the long term plan developers had envisioned because it's just too dang easy to hit level 50.
All I can say is that ESO has the best graphics of any MMORPG out there, but unfortunately pretty scenery does not make a good game by itself. And this is ESO biggest flaw as I see it..... a game that is absolutely beautiful to look at, but no real challenge in playing.
This may be a real awesome game in a few years, but right now, it isn't. Players will get bored easily, they always do, and they will start to leave in droves for the "next" challenge.
Personally I think the beginning and mid content is just too dumbified to keep a strong player base in the long term. In a few more months, if not already, you will have players with 6-8 maxed out characters and class differences won't matter anymore because you can just log on whichever of your maxed out characters happens to be the flavor for that month.
Once an MMORPG starts focusing on the end game players and never tries to improve the beginning and mid term areas to reach end game... then that slow downward spiral begins... less new players and more frustrated end game people leaving.
Focusing on PVP as the major end game content may very well be a fatal flaw. There are many people, myself included, that just do not find PVP all that a matter of fact I avoid it as much as I can in any game I play.
Time will tell, it always does.
Just my two cents.
This in no way is intended to be a flame against ESO...I am just calling it as I see it.
Such an insightful share here Hurlin, sorta sad still.
"...never taking in consideration even trying to slow down the rate at which people can get to the "end point". Or, providing regular training content for those PvEr's who plan to go on to endgame but arrive there at a literal deficit in experience, know how, gear and relativity to their importance inside groupage at endgame.
****THIS is why I was confounded when they Nerfed Vet+ content, INSTEAD of activating ways of motivating people (*ie better group e x p, better loot etc) to GROUP regularly and having a good-sized chunk of content to look forward to as their character progresses on to PvE endgame. AND why not put in options/grind spots that are specifically for farming e x p for PvP folk who literally just have a main goal of getting their characters to V12 for reasons pertaining to PvP? (*Err or more e x p IN PvP to level up with ^-^).
This game is like a certain North American country: its middle class is being diluted economically and it is growing ever more irrelevant. The consequences of lack of attention to that issue though has important consequences to both of the other two spheres people live in. ;o(
Idk, I've been playing since early access. Still not even VR10. I do all the and basically just paint my POIs white.
No one forces you to grind your levels fast and then complain that there is nothing to do.
HurlinMerlin wrote: »I still can't quite wrap my head around where the idea for the current state of the game came from.
As best as I can tell,,, it appears that the developers started with the end game and worked their way backwards to the start of the game. While it seems to make sense at first, it just isn't working as intended. Levels 1-50 are probably the easiest levels anyone will ever play in an MMORPG. Doesn't take very much skill what so ever, I am sure hard core people can level to the max base level of 50 in a matter of days.
The problem is, MMORPG's are designed to last for years. This game was designed from the start with the end point being the major focus....never taking in consideration even trying to slow down the rate at which people can get to the "end point".
This results in a mass of people reaching the end game, finishing their veteran content aka "present end game material" on multiple characters in no time at all. Now the problem lies with the fact you have numerous people screaming about end game content or there being nothing to do for a maxed out veteran 50 and the developers will have no choice but to cater to those crying the loudest.
The simplicity of levels 1-50 has created a nightmare back log of people already at the end game stage just a mere few months after release...any preplanned releases of expansion packs to give maxed out players new levels and content will have to be rolled out faster than the long term plan developers had envisioned because it's just too dang easy to hit level 50.
All I can say is that ESO has the best graphics of any MMORPG out there, but unfortunately pretty scenery does not make a good game by itself. And this is ESO biggest flaw as I see it..... a game that is absolutely beautiful to look at, but no real challenge in playing.
This may be a real awesome game in a few years, but right now, it isn't. Players will get bored easily, they always do, and they will start to leave in droves for the "next" challenge.
Personally I think the beginning and mid content is just too dumbified to keep a strong player base in the long term. In a few more months, if not already, you will have players with 6-8 maxed out characters and class differences won't matter anymore because you can just log on whichever of your maxed out characters happens to be the flavor for that month.
Once an MMORPG starts focusing on the end game players and never tries to improve the beginning and mid term areas to reach end game... then that slow downward spiral begins... less new players and more frustrated end game people leaving.
Focusing on PVP as the major end game content may very well be a fatal flaw. There are many people, myself included, that just do not find PVP all that a matter of fact I avoid it as much as I can in any game I play.
Time will tell, it always does.
Just my two cents.
This in no way is intended to be a flame against ESO...I am just calling it as I see it.
Such an insightful share here Hurlin, sorta sad still.
"...never taking in consideration even trying to slow down the rate at which people can get to the "end point". Or, providing regular training content for those PvEr's who plan to go on to endgame but arrive there at a literal deficit in experience, know how, gear and relativity to their importance inside groupage at endgame.
****THIS is why I was confounded when they Nerfed Vet+ content, INSTEAD of activating ways of motivating people (*ie better group e x p, better loot etc) to GROUP regularly and having a good-sized chunk of content to look forward to as their character progresses on to PvE endgame. AND why not put in options/grind spots that are specifically for farming e x p for PvP folk who literally just have a main goal of getting their characters to V12 for reasons pertaining to PvP? (*Err or more e x p IN PvP to level up with ^-^).
This game is like a certain North American country: its middle class is being diluted economically and it is growing ever more irrelevant. The consequences of lack of attention to that issue though has important consequences to both of the other two spheres people live in. ;o(
smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »HurlinMerlin wrote: »I still can't quite wrap my head around where the idea for the current state of the game came from.
As best as I can tell,,, it appears that the developers started with the end game and worked their way backwards to the start of the game. While it seems to make sense at first, it just isn't working as intended. Levels 1-50 are probably the easiest levels anyone will ever play in an MMORPG. Doesn't take very much skill what so ever, I am sure hard core people can level to the max base level of 50 in a matter of days.
The problem is, MMORPG's are designed to last for years. This game was designed from the start with the end point being the major focus....never taking in consideration even trying to slow down the rate at which people can get to the "end point".
This results in a mass of people reaching the end game, finishing their veteran content aka "present end game material" on multiple characters in no time at all. Now the problem lies with the fact you have numerous people screaming about end game content or there being nothing to do for a maxed out veteran 50 and the developers will have no choice but to cater to those crying the loudest.
The simplicity of levels 1-50 has created a nightmare back log of people already at the end game stage just a mere few months after release...any preplanned releases of expansion packs to give maxed out players new levels and content will have to be rolled out faster than the long term plan developers had envisioned because it's just too dang easy to hit level 50.
All I can say is that ESO has the best graphics of any MMORPG out there, but unfortunately pretty scenery does not make a good game by itself. And this is ESO biggest flaw as I see it..... a game that is absolutely beautiful to look at, but no real challenge in playing.
This may be a real awesome game in a few years, but right now, it isn't. Players will get bored easily, they always do, and they will start to leave in droves for the "next" challenge.
Personally I think the beginning and mid content is just too dumbified to keep a strong player base in the long term. In a few more months, if not already, you will have players with 6-8 maxed out characters and class differences won't matter anymore because you can just log on whichever of your maxed out characters happens to be the flavor for that month.
Once an MMORPG starts focusing on the end game players and never tries to improve the beginning and mid term areas to reach end game... then that slow downward spiral begins... less new players and more frustrated end game people leaving.
Focusing on PVP as the major end game content may very well be a fatal flaw. There are many people, myself included, that just do not find PVP all that a matter of fact I avoid it as much as I can in any game I play.
Time will tell, it always does.
Just my two cents.
This in no way is intended to be a flame against ESO...I am just calling it as I see it.
Such an insightful share here Hurlin, sorta sad still.
"...never taking in consideration even trying to slow down the rate at which people can get to the "end point". Or, providing regular training content for those PvEr's who plan to go on to endgame but arrive there at a literal deficit in experience, know how, gear and relativity to their importance inside groupage at endgame.
****THIS is why I was confounded when they Nerfed Vet+ content, INSTEAD of activating ways of motivating people (*ie better group e x p, better loot etc) to GROUP regularly and having a good-sized chunk of content to look forward to as their character progresses on to PvE endgame. AND why not put in options/grind spots that are specifically for farming e x p for PvP folk who literally just have a main goal of getting their characters to V12 for reasons pertaining to PvP? (*Err or more e x p IN PvP to level up with ^-^).
This game is like a certain North American country: its middle class is being diluted economically and it is growing ever more irrelevant. The consequences of lack of attention to that issue though has important consequences to both of the other two spheres people live in. ;o(
I don't think the state of the game has a parallel in the economic disparity of USA.
I still don't get why everyone is bashing on VR's like the OP did. " Now the problem lies with the fact you have numerous people screaming about end game content or there being nothing to do for a maxed out veteran 50 and the developers will have no choice but to cater to those crying the loudest.". I don't care for the content that was given to us after 50 when most people defeated the main story and their factions quest line. After finishing those I was presented with 2 choices, put your loyalty to your faction aside, the same faction you choose to fight for and defeat Molag Bal with, and grind the other factions quest lines just at VR levels now. Second choice? Be forced to group for any quest or dungeons in Cyrodill or don't bother playing them at all. I for one can not stand PvP and being forced to group. The only time I do is to clear a map or on a few of the quest that I had trouble with at very low levels. No everyone like PvP and it stinks that there are plenty of skill points and achievements locked behind the walls of Cyrodill that solo centric players despise.