Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »"BIG weapon for BIG HERO!!"
thats what the Orc armorer in cryodiil said in the single player elderscrolls game callled "oblivion"
i disagree with your numbers because i know for a fact the bow is just not that powerfull. it Used to be more powerfull but it was nerfed, so, im sory i disagree with this thread.
Kewljag_66_ESO wrote: »Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »"BIG weapon for BIG HERO!!"
thats what the Orc armorer in cryodiil said in the single player elderscrolls game callled "oblivion"
i disagree with your numbers because i know for a fact the bow is just not that powerfull. it Used to be more powerfull but it was nerfed, so, im sory i disagree with this thread.
So i just made all this up?
I'm basing my numbers off of the last 2 nights of PVP since the patch. Did you run my setup in the last 48 hours? have you tied a high stamina bow build since the patch with sneak attack bonus damage and shadow mundus? have you noticed in anyone in zone chat saying wtf ! Focus Aim for 1900 damage! I have, and i have also been doing it. Like i said it its big number are coming against targets in light armor with no + armor jewelry
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »"BIG weapon for BIG HERO!!"
thats what the Orc armorer in cryodiil said in the single player elderscrolls game callled "oblivion"
i disagree with your numbers because i know for a fact the bow is just not that powerfull. it Used to be more powerfull but it was nerfed, so, im sory i disagree with this thread.
Most I got was 1.5k and that happened after my 50 wep damage enchant proceed. I run 2.1k Stam and 206 wep damage base without sneak bonus. Does 200 Stam really give me another 300+...?
ferzalrwb17_ESO wrote: »Snipe figures have jumped around the place each update. At the moment they're a little higher but all bow skills are because of the raised weapon damage cap.
But if you're getting a big head because you're killing people in PvP with you uber bow skills think again. It's bugged. The people you're popping don't know they're being hit until they're dead. There are small clues to give this away - like people lying on the ground dead with a full health bar.
Most I got was 1.5k and that happened after my 50 wep damage enchant proceed. I run 2.1k Stam and 206 wep damage base without sneak bonus. Does 200 Stam really give me another 300+...?
rob_aspinneb18_ESO wrote: »Hi Kewljag, Thanks or the post. I have a Bosmer NB archer,vet2 that I levelled from early game but temporarily retired til they improved stamina builds. I'd be interested to see what bars and stat distribution you run as well as equipment/ jewellery, enchants etc.
The OP's numbers are correct. I can gain the same (or near same) values as he can.
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »"BIG weapon for BIG HERO!!"
thats what the Orc armorer in cryodiil said in the single player elderscrolls game callled "oblivion"
i disagree with your numbers because i know for a fact the bow is just not that powerfull. it Used to be more powerfull but it was nerfed, so, im sory i disagree with this thread.
Lol you can 'disagree' but that won't alter facts. Bow is on par with sticks now.
We had Nightblades almost 1 shotting our members with bow last night. It's become incredibly strong. Mainly because the bow causes the health bar to de-sync and we have no idea if we are near death or not.
I've been using the bow exclusively since 1.2 and the 1.3 changes have definitely improved. I still think a bow has fewer options compared to a stick but it's definitely improved over the recent patches. With the bow health-bar desync issue being fixed it'll be nice to continue killing players in PvP without them throwing up the defense of there being an active bug with bows.
Persephonius wrote: »I've been using the bow exclusively since 1.2 and the 1.3 changes have definitely improved. I still think a bow has fewer options compared to a stick but it's definitely improved over the recent patches. With the bow health-bar desync issue being fixed it'll be nice to continue killing players in PvP without them throwing up the defense of there being an active bug with bows.
But isn't a bow, still a 'stick'. Well it is made from wood right?
With the bow health-bar desync issue being fixed it'll be nice to continue killing players in PvP without them throwing up the defense of there being an active bug with bows.