16 crashes in 2 days. It's getting worse every time I log in. Sometimes I can't even play for 20 minutes before it crashes. Fix it.
DemonNinja wrote: »I've been getting about 20 crashes in 4 hours every night in Cyrodiil. Its disgusting.
If it was a memory leak. Everyone would be having a problem not just some people.
If it was a memory leak. Everyone would be having a problem not just some people.
NerfEverything wrote: »Here we go again with people who have no understanding of how computers work blaming a "memory leak" for their game crashes. I'm sick of this.
It's a memory leak. Nothing is wrong with my computer. ESO has never crashed before on me, ever. Now, since this udpate, 16 crashes in 2 days. It's because of something they did, and they need to fix it.
I'm not the only one with this issue since the update.
starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »NerfEverything wrote: »Here we go again with people who have no understanding of how computers work blaming a "memory leak" for their game crashes. I'm sick of this.
Except my Alienware Aurora with i7 930 processor, 16g Ram, and a nVidia 651i 2g video card, played this game fine with a few crashes from time to time before 1.3.3. But after the patch, I crash every 10 to 15 mins in game now. Plus I can play Bioshock Infinite, Thief, Far Cry 3 and a host of other highend, heavy graphic games at max settings with no problems. I guessing it was the patch that broke something in ESO, causing the memory leak and other problems.
DenverRalphy wrote: »It's a memory leak. Nothing is wrong with my computer. ESO has never crashed before on me, ever. Now, since this udpate, 16 crashes in 2 days. It's because of something they did, and they need to fix it.
I'm not the only one with this issue since the update.
And yet, you don't state any evidence beyond the point that you ARE crashing. You haven't shown anything to show that it's a memory leak.
SirenofEntropy wrote: »My computer is above and beyond what is needed for this game. Now, I understand that even with awesome specs sometimes personal configurations can screw with a game. In this case, however, I KNOW it' s a memory leak. How do I know? Because I can open Process Monitor while playing this game and watch the RAM usage slowly increase (taking anywhere from a few hours to maybe 30 minutes) until it hits that magic 3.7 GB cap that is maximum that a 32-bit client can handle.
I wouldn't blame a memory leak if I wasn't seeing this insane increase in RAM usage in a short period. If the memory was holding stable I'd assume there was some other problem with my hardware. But there isn't a problem. My system RAM is not maxed out as I have 12GB installed in this machine, my temps are fine, my drivers are updated, etc etc etc.
Also, like many others commenting here, I NEVER had this problem before the last patch. Now I'm lucky if I can get 90 minutes of play time before CTD inevitably occurs.
ferzalrwb17_ESO wrote: »The 3.7GB "limit" you're thinking of applies to 32bit Operating systems that reserve some memory for Video processing and other things; not processes within 64bit OS's. Are you sure you watched the game die at this "magic" 3.7GB cap?