nicholaspingasb16_ESO wrote: »This game is hard?
The only time it's possible to die is when you either
A. try to run through a dungeon and aggro every mob
B. Go to a higher level zone
C. Try to solo the hard public dungeons in each zone (actually the bosses are still solo-able, its the mobs in between that kill you if your solo)
World bosses can mostly be soloed if you build correctly, the anchors can be done alone depending on the class or with one other guy and a little kiting if you're squishy, and the bosses in dungeons are an absolute joke. As a matter of fact, pretty much everything from 1-50 was stupidly easy. As for vet content, that isn't hard either; People can solo it while naked .
Liquid_Time wrote: »
I went ahead and cut out the crap, so I could quote you and not clutter the page...
I think you overlooked some of the information that was provided in the OP which makes your post a little bit unnecessary IMO.. They are level 9.8, so most are to assume this person is a new player and still in the first few zones..
With that being said.. They are probably getting use to the fighting mechanics, trying to find useful armor/weapons, understanding skills, and etc.
Sure the 1-50 content is easy, but when you are a new player to a new game.. It is not always "gravy train" for everyone.
It's people like you that make communities toxic.nicholaspingasb16_ESO wrote: »
Just because he's inexperienced and unable to properly apply basic combat mechanics (dodge rolls, cc breaks) after several hours of play, it doesn't mean the game is hard.
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »It's people like you that make communities toxic.
nicholaspingasb16_ESO wrote: »
Just because he's inexperienced and unable to properly apply basic combat mechanics (dodge rolls, cc breaks) after several hours of play, it doesn't mean the game is hard.
mrhoot50rwb17_ESO wrote: »Last weekend, I played the Archeage Beta and it was ridiculously easy. The quests were shallow and the whole game had a children's console feel.
Playing ESO, I find it so very much harder! This is a good thing however. Every time I leave a city and venture out into the wilds, I feel like I am in danger all the time. I find that I'm holding my breath and creeping around peering at every rock and tree in case it conceals a lurking critter.
I hope it keeps this way all the way through (I have only got to level 9.8 so far).
And most important of all, no issues with the game!
Wrenna Trueblade