Blÿthë_Sëgrëdô wrote: »FYI: If you happen to find a (blue/rare) Trophy drop.....
DO NOT press "e" to use it!!!!
It will vanish!!!!!!! <true story>
I guess with this patch, they gave us fun collectible items, but will not provide customer service to help retrieve said trophy(s) if you elect to use them and they are sucked away into the oblivion. I was told that this is a user "risk" within the game of ESO. Sadly, I discovered this the hard way when I went to use my petrified frozen spider egg. I only used the item because I thought that perhaps it was a pet.
All I got, was heartache and a huge runaround. I will never use a trophy item in-game ever again.....lesson learned! Thank you so much Tu'whacca and Zenimax!
Blÿthë_Sëgrëdô wrote: »I would like both.....the achievement and the item. It is not that complicated to provide both.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
nerevarine1138 wrote: »Blÿthë_Sëgrëdô wrote: »I would like both.....the achievement and the item. It is not that complicated to provide both.
The item doesn't do anything, and you need to use it for the achievement. I think you're confused about what the purpose of the collectibles is...
Blÿthë_Sëgrëdô wrote: »I would like both.....the achievement and the item. It is not that complicated to provide both.
Blÿthë_Sëgrëdô wrote: »nerevarine1138 wrote: »Blÿthë_Sëgrëdô wrote: »I would like both.....the achievement and the item. It is not that complicated to provide both.
The item doesn't do anything, and you need to use it for the achievement. I think you're confused about what the purpose of the collectibles is...
No confusion here.
gunplummer wrote: »Up until last night I believed collectibles were an urban legend much like Bigfoot, Loch Ness monster, and everything written on the internet was true. However, I picked up 2 collectibles last night for the first time. Both were picked up in dungeons. I personally think they just forgot to add them. I also believe that by the time I start playing tonight Zos will have rolled back the servers and they will become a distant memory.
traigusb14_ESO2 wrote: »
traigusb14_ESO2 wrote: »
I'm VR12 and the ones I killed were VR6, so I guess as long as you can loot them they can drop.
Blÿthë_Sëgrëdô wrote: »nerevarine1138 wrote: »Blÿthë_Sëgrëdô wrote: »I would like both.....the achievement and the item. It is not that complicated to provide both.
The item doesn't do anything, and you need to use it for the achievement. I think you're confused about what the purpose of the collectibles is...
No confusion here. The cake was a lie, but there is no reason why I cannot have the achievement as well as the right to keep the looted item.
Additionally, the item that I am referring, was labeled a trophy with a user option.
In my world, that means it would be like a Fetish of Anger, Gemstone of Skeletal Visage, Bonesnap Binding Stone, etc......but in the reality of Tamriel it is nonfunctional like a "commonly found trophy fish".
Unlike the fish in-game, which is normally placed in ones bag unless it is a rare catch, then and only then, is said fish not rendered as loot, but rather digitally imprinted in the achievements.....never to be placed in a bag slot.
Understand the difference?
There should be some type of consistency within the infrastructure of the game. If it is an item that is to be only used as an achievement, then please, by all means as soon as it is looted, transform it into a digital thumbprint within the achievements, but do not place it in my bag as other usable trophies are. (Treat it equally as the trophy fish are within the game.) There is a disconnect and I see that you clearly are not heeding the perspective I am trying hard to so adequately express.
I'm going to side with the "WTF?" crowd. All of the trophies I have collected since April have either had the ability to be Quickslotted and used to perform a function (bear trap, little floating green things, eat meat and puke) or they simply did nothing. These new trophies are in consumables and EVERYTHING else in my consumables DOES something when you click it.
What, exactly is the point of getting an item when all it does is disappear when you click on it? Isn't there enough pointless, frustrating "WTF" stuff in this game without adding yet another random thing that is, in this case, programmed to behave like a glitch?
So clicking it gets me closer to some Acheivement? Fine. Throw a short little line of text on the screen to let me know that. Or make one little piece of "poof there it goes" animation to cover all these new trophies so that the player knows it is not just glitching out but is actually getting them closer to something desirable.
And for the record, any time I have gotten an achievement in the past, there was a sound played and text on the screen telling me what happened. When something is listed in Consumables and can be used by clicking the E key and then absolutely...nothing...happens, that IS definitely a WTF moment.
Sometimes the only difference between a stupid pointless act and a meaningful task is a rational explanation. Throw us a bone there, ZOS.
What, exactly is the point of getting an item when all it does is disappear when you click on it? Isn't there enough pointless, frustrating "WTF" stuff in this game without adding yet another random thing that is, in this case, programmed to behave like a glitch?