If you see someone asking for help in chat, don't be "that guy"

Last night I asked in chat if anyone else wanted to help me clear The Wolf's Den bosses, only to have someone say I shouldn't need help and they cleared all bosses solo with damaged equipment and should learn to play. Don't be a jerk or a troll. If you see someone ask for help, either help them or ignore it. Other players helped, and the community as a whole has been great, but there is always someone who seems to think that game accomplishments mean anything. It's a huge turnoff for casual gamers, which you need to give the game commercial viability. Don't be "that guy".
"Get off my lawn!"
  • ebondeath
    That's when you make fun of him for having no friends and living in his mother's basement.


    Glad you got help though. :)
    ╔═════════════⌈Alannah Corvaine⌋══════════════╗
    Rise, rise! To freedom, rise! Arise, ye Breton sons and daughters.
    Ride, ride! To freedom, ride! Truth and glory to the brave!
    ╚═════════════⌊VR 12 Breton NB⌉══════════════╝
  • DenverRalphy
    I think most would agree with this sentiment. Unfortunately, "that guy" will always be around. It's a real shame that it would be impossible to make comments from "that guy" only work when he's standing under a bridge, and the rest of us could only hear it when we're standing on that bridge.
    Edited by DenverRalphy on August 6, 2014 2:25PM
  • crislevin
    I saw this alot, when one guy asked for help, some guy jumped in, kept saying "solo it".

    There are others giving false answers to questions to mislead people.

    This is worse than facebook!
  • kieso
    solo it.

    crap im that guy... :disappointed:
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    yet more reasons I don't bother with zone chat. If someone needs help, it seems silly to troll them.

    Not everyone is a DK former emperor vampire wearing a dress and wielding a staff.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Nestor
    Simple solution, ignore the guy who does not want to help you and focus on those who do want to help.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • ers101284b14_ESO
    crislevin wrote: »

    There are others giving false answers to questions to mislead people.

    This is worse than facebook!

    Sometimes I'm that guy. But after sitting there yesterday watching 10000 different people ask when dyes are going to be implemented it's hard not to be cynical.
  • rotaugen454
    crislevin wrote: »
    I saw this alot, when one guy asked for help, some guy jumped in, kept saying "solo it".

    There are others giving false answers to questions to mislead people.

    This is worse than facebook!

    I think the community is pretty good, but the bad apples stand out because they try to. I've also seen people give false information to cause problems, but it was usually followed by 3 or more people saying it was false and giving the correct information. I have soloed a lot, but have joined a lot of great pick up groups for various tasks and it has been a positive experience overall.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Sharp
    Love E-Thugs. They're everywhere. Giving the rest of the community a bad name. Don't know if you're on EU or US but If you're on US, I am always willing to help people.
    Halfheart - VR 12 Altmer Sorcerer
  • DieAlteHexe
    Just consider...it could be worse, you could be them and need to bolster your self-esteem by disparaging others. How sad that must be...

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • UrQuan
    I'm more likely to answer questions people have in zone chat (stuff like "where's the alchemist in this city" or "how do I complete this quest") than I am to come over to help someone with some content they ask for help with (although I do that too sometimes - it just depends on how easy and convenient it is for me to get there), but either way I'm never "that guy" because "that guy" is a sad jerk.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Runefell
    Sometimes I'm that guy. But after sitting there yesterday watching 10000 different people ask when dyes are going to be implemented it's hard not to be cynical.

    There's a difference between people that are asking questions that take about two minutes or less to figure out the answer on their own (especially when it's an extremely common topic item), and somebody asking to group up for a boss fight.

    Especially with the imbalance of classes and play styles. A staff/light armor Dragonknight is going to find most places much, much easier then a DW Nightblade.

    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • Anu_Saukko_Tutkija
    The Templar hero Coccius Nuccius always helps
    (。 ◕‿‿ ◕).
  • mdavi27b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Wouldn't it be simpler and more comely to recognize that there are always going to be trolls on the internet, and just ignore the people that are being confrontational and unhelpful in-game? Like the rest of the internet has learned to do? Instead of whining about it?

    The internet can't magically remove the bad things from life for you. There's going to be people who bug you online just like there is in real life. In the thousands of years of recorded human history, no one has succeeded in wishing away the people who disagree with them. It might be time to learn how to live with it.
  • jalisar63b14_ESO
    Last night I asked in chat if anyone else wanted to help me clear The Wolf's Den bosses, only to have someone say I shouldn't need help and they cleared all bosses solo with damaged equipment and should learn to play. Don't be a jerk or a troll. If you see someone ask for help, either help them or ignore it. Other players helped, and the community as a whole has been great, but there is always someone who seems to think that game accomplishments mean anything. It's a huge turnoff for casual gamers, which you need to give the game commercial viability. Don't be "that guy".

    I attempt to help people who ask, but in the same sense I have noticed that an alarming rate of players only think they want help. When you answer their question, if they dont like your answer regardless the manner given, you become the troll.

    On the other side.. Dont let those type players bug you man.. they talk big in zone, talkin how great that build is.. and how why I killed 5 lochness monsters before breakfasat.. Ya.. secret.. hide and follow that player. They will either
    A. Never leave the safety of being a townie, as they spam items for sale at 10x what any sane person would pay.
    B. Will get rolled every time they are attacked by more than 3 mobs. They will blame the class, the delays, lag, dysnc, skills not hitting procs, and anything they can blame other than.. ya know..

    The players who ACTUALLY cleared these places solo or who really can be the last one standing thru a swarm of 5 mobs, with the 3 dot boss they didnt see.. Those are the ones that will whisper you and see what you need.

    Nothing to prove and simply offer to help and move on...
  • NorthernFury
    Last night I asked in chat if anyone else wanted to help me clear The Wolf's Den bosses, only to have someone say I shouldn't need help and they cleared all bosses solo with damaged equipment and should learn to play. Don't be a jerk or a troll. If you see someone ask for help, either help them or ignore it. Other players helped, and the community as a whole has been great, but there is always someone who seems to think that game accomplishments mean anything. It's a huge turnoff for casual gamers, which you need to give the game commercial viability. Don't be "that guy".

    This is one of the reasons why they need to raise the /ignore cap past 100.

    Skadi Storm-Blade - VR14 Altmer Sorcerer
    Brynnhild Valkyrja - VR12 Nord DragonKnight
    Haakon Hardrada - VR12 Nord Templar
    Sanguine's Tester (retired)

    Cattle die
    kinsmen die
    all men are mortal.
    Words of praise
    will never perish
    nor a noble name.

    - The Havamal
  • MikeBob
    crislevin wrote: »
    I saw this alot, when one guy asked for help, some guy jumped in, kept saying "solo it".

    There are others giving false answers to questions to mislead people.

    This is worse than facebook!

    ... which is precisely why - since the very moment each of my newly created toons spawned in that Coldharbour cell (all eight of 'em) - I turned off ALL chat.

    The only thing I ever see in my chat window are global system messages, and I've left all chat disabled ever since (it hasn't affected my game's playability at all so far).

    Rude people (literally) Suck Out Loud, and unfortunately, a lot of 'em also happen to be mmo gamers - go figure.

    (and I ditched Facebook years ago, hahaha.)

  • antmck2011rwb17_ESO
    I've pretty much stopped asking for help. When I had tried and failed at Wayrest Sewers (just couldn't get past Garron) I asked for help, but just got "It's a low level dungeon". As if to say it's really easy stupid what hell is wrong with you!
    So, I just left it. Now it's auto set to vet level and no longer possible solo. I think when I first tried it I was vet3 or 4, now I'm 6. Lately though I haven't seen a lot of people playing. The chat is really quiet and I run around a zone and not see a single player. So asking for help now goes ignored anyway. If I'm near a place someone does ask for help I'm there - especially if it's a dark anker as I need achievements for those. Other then that I just play solo.
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Wouldn't it be simpler and more comely to recognize that there are always going to be trolls on the internet, and just ignore the people that are being confrontational and unhelpful in-game? Like the rest of the internet has learned to do? Instead of whining about it?

    The internet can't magically remove the bad things from life for you. There's going to be people who bug you online just like there is in real life. In the thousands of years of recorded human history, no one has succeeded in wishing away the people who disagree with them. It might be time to learn how to live with it.

    Is he not allowed to attempt to commiserate with others on the negative effects of unhelpful people and trolls on the game?

    Is there a rule on the forums about that?

    It's not like you are forced to read the thread or that it is about something that otherwise affects you like calling for nerfs to a class etc.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    I always help folks when I can.

    I'm always appreciate help I get from others, heck I gave away a 3 piece warlock set to someone who helped me with a world boss last week, I'll find another...be was the only person offered to help after 20 mins of waiting. I was very thankful
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • ebondeath
    I've pretty much stopped asking for help. When I had tried and failed at Wayrest Sewers (just couldn't get past Garron) I asked for help, but just got "It's a low level dungeon". As if to say it's really easy stupid what hell is wrong with you!
    So, I just left it. Now it's auto set to vet level and no longer possible solo. I think when I first tried it I was vet3 or 4, now I'm 6. Lately though I haven't seen a lot of people playing. The chat is really quiet and I run around a zone and not see a single player. So asking for help now goes ignored anyway. If I'm near a place someone does ask for help I'm there - especially if it's a dark anker as I need achievements for those. Other then that I just play solo.

    What they meant was that it's a group dungeon and isn't meant to be solo'd. They weren't calling you stupid, but they should have been more clear.
    ╔═════════════⌈Alannah Corvaine⌋══════════════╗
    Rise, rise! To freedom, rise! Arise, ye Breton sons and daughters.
    Ride, ride! To freedom, ride! Truth and glory to the brave!
    ╚═════════════⌊VR 12 Breton NB⌉══════════════╝
  • Pallmor
    "That guy" was around long before the internet. He was that blowhard at the bar who always had to jump into every conversation and let everyone know that he knows everything, has done everything better than you, can always top your story with a better one, and is the foremost expert on every topic.

    Amazing that such accomplished geniuses seemed to spend all their time hanging around bars drinking. You think they would have been off curing cancer or something.
  • Maotti
    Not completely relevant to the OP, but a few days ago i was in Auridon and in zone chat there was a guy was just asking randomly where peopole were from.

    Me and many other people replied, and then a troll came into the chat and said he had reported us all for spamming.

    Seriously, some people!

    PC EU
  • fluffylee
    Soul Shriven
    I agree. Sometimes it's just easier, or more fun to complete things in a group. I play both in groups and by myself. It's great to have the options to do so. If you don't want to be in a group that's fine, but don't come down on others that do. This is a fun community and we don't need that kind of stuff here. There is a difference between friendly rivalry and just plain egotistical boastfulness.
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    ebondeath wrote: »
    I've pretty much stopped asking for help. When I had tried and failed at Wayrest Sewers (just couldn't get past Garron) I asked for help, but just got "It's a low level dungeon". As if to say it's really easy stupid what hell is wrong with you!
    So, I just left it. Now it's auto set to vet level and no longer possible solo. I think when I first tried it I was vet3 or 4, now I'm 6. Lately though I haven't seen a lot of people playing. The chat is really quiet and I run around a zone and not see a single player. So asking for help now goes ignored anyway. If I'm near a place someone does ask for help I'm there - especially if it's a dark anker as I need achievements for those. Other then that I just play solo.

    What they meant was that it's a group dungeon and isn't meant to be solo'd. They weren't calling you stupid, but they should have been more clear.

    Also, he apparently doesn't know you can set the dungeon level to regular or vet in the group screen.

    At his level he could solo the regular one.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • crislevin
    somebody asked how to mount the horse, some guy answered "alt+f4", its just twisted.
  • rotaugen454
    I've been on both sides with needing/giving help. I farm lower level areas for mats when making potions or finishing an achievement, and I'll see low level players in a fight. I'll wait and see if they need help. If they don't , I don't interfere. If they do, I start with a heal and try to get the enemy to aggro me so they can recover. If I ask for help, it's with something I have tried multiple times already, so I am not trying to get others to carry me through the game. Most people will help if they are in the area, and some will even travel a long way to do so. Those people are awesome.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • rotaugen454
    Pallmor wrote: »
    "That guy" was around long before the internet. He was that blowhard at the bar who always had to jump into every conversation and let everyone know that he knows everything, has done everything better than you, can always top your story with a better one, and is the foremost expert on every topic.

    Amazing that such accomplished geniuses seemed to spend all their time hanging around bars drinking. You think they would have been off curing cancer or something.
    So Cliff Clavin is now playing ESO?
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Nestor
    [quote="antmck2011rwb17_ESO;1174087"The chat is really quiet and I run around a zone and not see a single player. So asking for help now goes ignored anyway.

    Here is what I have noticed. For example, last night I wanted to do Elden Root as I had not done that place yet. I sat on my chair in front of the place, and waited for about 10 minutes to see if anyone came by (I also had a phone call to make so I was not watching paint dry). I saw about 10/15 players run by as they were going from place to place. But, no one was coming to the dungeon. So, I put out an LFG for Elden Root. Within 5 minutes there were 8 people, 3 of whom were already in a group. I asked the group if they needed anyone else, joined them and off I went.

    However I never saw a response in zone chat like OMW or anything like that, people just show up. So, try that. All I know is if I see an LFG on a Public or Group Dungeon, I come running, once I am done with what I am doing at the moment. I may PUG with the person who sent out the LFG, but I will with the others who show up.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Maotti
    Most people will help if they are in the area, and some will even travel a long way to do so. Those people are awesome.

    Not to boast or anything, but that's usually what i do. Especially in veteran areas, i can be right in the middle of a quest and see someone write in zone chat that they want others to join a Dolmen or groupboss. I almost always join regardless if i've done it before. :)
    PC EU
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