So, long story short, this is my brother game, we got into a fight, he deleted my Char. I had a lvl 30 Templar. Now, as much as I loved my Templar, I don't want to start all over. I ran 1h/shield and bow and killed most things, it was a little slow paced for me. I was thinking either NB or Sorc. I do tend to go for the more OP class, because I'm not really good, so OP for me just means I stay alive a little bit more before I die. I'm the kind of girl who spent more time outside than in my room playing games all day (not that there is anything wrong with that). Though I did get stuck on Wonder Women Comics and Zelda for awhile =P I hate to use the word steamroll but I want to get back to where I was, I bought the game when it came out and 1-30 is all I got up to, I'm slow, but I do have fun! I'm up to join a guild and would appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you for your time.