I don’t really post in the forums, but I had an idea for the game I just wanted jot down.
This idea is in regards to a housing system.
I think an innovative way to implement housing is to have it work in two phases. The first one will be a lore friendly “Realistic House”, the second will be the mind of the hero or “Dream House”.
The Realistic House is a typical house you can buy in a predetermined location (i.e. Riften, Daggerfall, or some random house in the middle of Greenshade ect…) This house follows all the rules of the physical world (i.e. gravity), and can be decorated or expanded accordingly. Maybe like the Skyrim style, place things in certain spots or a better style if anyone thinks of it.
Next will be Dream Phase Housing, to enter the Dream Phase the hero must already own a “Realistic House”. Every hero will have a journal they can place in their house, when someone opens the journal it activates the hero’s mind (i.e. opens the door to the Dream House).
The Dream House is not even a house is just a plot of land or maybe some premade area (like Rift, MMO) where you can pretty much do whatever you want as far as creativity goes. Place things where ever you want and it doesn't have to be lore friendly at all, because imagination isn't lore friendly. If you want a sweetroll floating in the middle of the room then it shall be.
Thus ends my idea, hope it's clear. As Mr. Sheo holds Choice & Free Will quite dear… If you have additions or improvements or think it sucks you’re Free Will.
TL:DR - Two types of housing in one. One is realistic which leads to the other; which is free range creativity.