gunplummer wrote: »Valenwood wood be nice.
On a side note I would like to see a remake previous titles. Not saying new quests, but something compatible with today's technology. Morrowind is my favorite game in the series so getting to play it with modern graphics would be pretty amazing. Solo game only.
Unfortunately, the mods close these threads and tell u to make them on the Bethesda forums.
Nevermind, carry on. Just saw another thread about this floating around with a GM post where the GM instead of shutting it down, just made jokes. Guess if you can make good puns in your post, rules don't apply.
ZOS_TristanK wrote: »Hi there, folks. We're glad to see that you're excited about the future of the TES series. You are welcome to continue your discussion in this thread, however the these forums are meant for ESO-specific discussions rather discussions about the series as a whole. Because of this, we are sinking this thread.
That said, the official Bethesda Softworks forums do have a Series Discussion section for The Elder Scrolls Series. You can find that forum here: One particular thread you may enjoy participating in is "Official: Beyond Skyrim TES VI" in which other TES fans offer their suggestions and speculations for the next single-player TES game.