Keep in mind that any of this can be changed and it is simply my own perception on how to fix the game.
I've been playing the game since beta and i never noticed a problem with stamina builds until late in the game. For the cost of stamina the abilities don't compete with magicka nor with the blandness we have of the same action over and over again with nothing to define our characters from another with roughly the same build. I've been thinking how you could change things with out making the system to complicated and i think i have come up with a solution to the whole stamina boredom /damage type. It will work in line with the Champion system and opens up a whole load of new options.
To start with, i am very upset that the game was basically advertised with the fact you could make any combination and freedom of character design. Only to log in on beta/launch and find that tanks should have shields.. if you hold a destruction staff you are a caster.. if you hold a restoration staff you are a healer or a mix.. you hold a 2 handed you are limited to 2 handed weapons and so on. The thoughts i've had that would open up many new windows of specs and possibilities are as follow:
Shields: Light / Medium / Heavy: Light: can block but at a increased cost of stamina: Medium can block half the amount of damage as Heavy. and Heavy has a threat built into it with Heavy also blocking full damage. This lets people who want to make the fabled Thane from other games such as daoc (my current toon rolls this but its not why i am suggesting it) you have the complete option of having additional magicka with out touching a destro staff.
Replace 1handed and shield to be just Shield... create a new spec called 1 handed. this can be used by anybody and the skills differ depending on sword/hammer/ axe and all the morphs differ a swell.. meaning a tank could hold a shield.. grab taunt from the Shield line and then grab a skill from the 1 handed line with a sword or something to create diversity
2 handed, i thought of how this could be better and the best thought came to mind... what is forcing people to use a 2 handed sword/axe/maul... why not have 2 handed staffs... such as you equip a restoration staff and you get all the bonuses of putting points into restoration staff with the styles of 2 handed.. meaning you can essentially heal while doing melee, or a destruction staff could be things like direct damage bonuses and the staff type explodes every few seconds causing a little more damage then normal. while swords get parry (maybe a 2 handed tank option) axes get bleeds, and Mauls get crush, lowering damage the target does. With the Champion system coming out you could tie the whole Champion points into bleed like i think you guys were hinting at Quakecon or Mauls hit 5% harder or you can parry 5% more with swords.
This is going to be the simple part.. my original toon which i love and think a lot of people are in the same boat was a nightblade. But the reason that they can not compete with damage is because the Nightblade does not have a damage type attached to it.. unsure if this was intentional or what not but every spell under the Nightblades class line is "magic" while you have 2 fire damage classes (1 has some magic) and a Lightning class (also has some magic). I propose we switch this up so:
DK = FIre
Sorc = Lightning
Templar = Light or Holy ( holy has never been represented in a Elderscrolls but it could just be light)
Nightblade = Cold/Frost
This would let all classes become what ever they want and none would excel greatly at being a caster while a Nightblade is forced into Bloodmage or 1 button debuff free rotations.
Feel free to let me know what you would want to improve as i often get into discussions in /zone and guilds regarding what would improve the future of this game. I dont want it to get boring and i do want it to attract more people for the diversity it offers... GO 2 HANDED RESTORATION STAFF STYLES!