ShiftControl wrote: »Unfortunately I do not use Facebook either redit.
So I would love to ask you guys why do we fight so many Harvester mini bosses? There is no budget to create different mobs?
Its just to boring, same mechanics maybe one stronger then an other but thats about it, its simple boring.
Also Cyr keeps are copy and paste also boring.
Other then that I love the art work in the game you guys made an amazing job,
Specially the upcoming solo zone
Would have loved to ask a few pertinent questions - not going to create a reddit account just to do so.
I have to ask as some other have here and in the past.
Why Reddit? You have a working official forums with your own moderation groups where there is an active community willing to ask questions but you go to a third party site with no official links to ESO.
EVE Online does this as well and it drives me crazy, I don't (like others) want to go and create an account on a new site just to ask questions. I have a forums account here because I am playing this game, so why can't we use these forums?
There is truth in that we want to appeal to both current players and those that haven't had a chance to pick up the game yet. That said, we are planning to start holding Q&A sessions on the forums just for you guys in the future.@Garion that's fine and all but why can't we use these forums, this thread to be exact to ask questions as well.
I understand (now) the marketing side of it but it seems somewhat silly to exclude community members on the forums who don't have reddit accounts and are not interested in creating them just for an AMA.
After a short back and forth with an EVE player on Twitter this morning it seems that CCP Games actually started accepting questions via their forums as well so existing members could get involved whilst still using reddit for the marketing side. I hope this is something ZOS could consider in future.
When they stopped awarding it to musiciansSteveCampsOut wrote: »When did AMA stop standing for the "American Music Awards"?!?