I was just thinking about how and if negative comments effect a games life. So I looked at 2 games that lost their attraction within 60 days from purchase.
Titanfall. ...This game everyone I knew was excited about it....However in a short while I lost interest in the game and so did my friends...there were no forums I read to come to the fact I just found it boring...and actually I started playing TESO.
Then TESO started to be boring but for this game I actually read forums. Now Destiny looks like it will take away TESO in my interest.
My question is do negative forums really effect a game? Or is it more the content and a populous feeling of disappointment that effects it?
I would never tell someone not to buy or try TESO...bUT the game really suffers to draw you into the world and falls very short in giving you a rewarding experience. Titanfall had the same aspect except it was so small the clarity of boring came much quicker.
In comparison Destiny beta showed higher level items and awards that I can see people excited to get. And you hear talk of wanting that 328 damage gun....or armor. I never heard that in TESO....people searching and wanting some awesome item. If you read forums for all 3 you notice a trend...Titanfall and TESO all started with excitement and quickly turned to negitive. ..TESO had many more negative threads after beta about things never fixed and after the first week when people hit vet...it just got more and more. Is it the negative comments that effect the game? Or is it the game fueling so many negative comments?
Thoughts on how forums can actually hurt the game or improve it?