Hi there. Until two patches ago I was able to play totally normally, then somewhere in the process (whether the patches caused it or not I don't know) of playing/patching, my character control has been severely degraded.
What happens is that if I push my key to move forward (I'm using ESDF to move) and hold it for very long at all (past a couple of seconds) my character will keep moving in that direction for X amount of time. X seems to be a function of the time that I pushed the key, but not an easily calculable one. At a glance, I'd say it's X= time walking * 2, but not always.
It's not anything to do with my keyboard physically as 1) this only happens in ESO, and 2) I've checked my keyboard for a sticking key already.
It also happens regardless of the directional key pressed. If I press S to strafe left, I will keep moving leftward for some time. Additionally, I can't change direction by moving my mouse while this error is engaged.
Oddly, if I begin moving in a direction, then quickly press S and F to "wiggle" strafing left to right quickly, I can break the error in motion and then continue (so long as I don't let go of at least one directional key) moving, stopping, and mouse-looking as normal.
I have so far updated my video card drivers, repatched the game, and toggled several options on and off as well as disabled all addons all to no avail.
Any help here would be appreciated as it's almost impossible to escape any special mob moves that target multiple areas on the ground, and it's VERY hard to heal when you can't change direction quickly while moving or stop moving to cast. (While the error is engaged, I also can't use abilities for a delayed amount of time.)