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Provisioning Hireling III - Worth It?

So I grabbed the 3rd rank in Provisioning's Hireling thinking I could really make use of it. But I'm finding out, with the way hirelings use your login timestamp, this isn't good for me. I rarely can play 12 hours between each login. I tend to login around the early evening time, and by the time 12 hours pass, it would be the middle of the night for me.

So couple questions. Is the flavoring/spice increase from II to III noticeable? Are tomatoes and oats III only, or is it possible to get on a lower rank.

And for ZOS to ponder with the provisioning updates. It would be nice if you got 2 a day, regardless of your timestamp. It would be nice if up to 2 banked up in your mail list at midnight, and you couldn't get more until you logged in. The only way for someone to really take advantage of the 12 hour hirelings is to log in at a time I know I can't play, just to grab stuff. I'd have to log in before work. Is that how people currently do it? Set an alarm in the middle of the night and wake up? Haha, I'm really curious how people take advantage of this.
  • Tatuaje
    I can't speak to provisioning yet, but as to clothing and Wood, the hirelings are rocking the materials. Usually between 2 - 4 blue, purp, gold a day. points well spent.
    As you noted - I do a quick login before work, empty mail and log off. 4 min for loot is not to bad.
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    It's the only way to get tomatoes and oats.
  • nudel
    You don't need to play 12 hours straight. Just login twice a day, like before work and after work, and you'll get your hireling mails.
  • Tarukmockto
    It's the only way to get tomatoes and oats.

    I only have my provisioner hireling at 2/3 and I get Tomatoes and Oats. Maybe not a lot of them, but I get them.
    Edited by Tarukmockto on July 25, 2014 11:35PM
    NA - DC - DK - PC
  • Mitrenga
    I have 3/3 but getting grapes most of the time. Maybe it's about the char level though, my prov. alt is only level 23.
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    It's the only way to get tomatoes and oats.

    I only have my provisioner hireling at 2/3 and I get Tomatoes and Oats. Maybe not a lot of them, but I get them.

    Really? I never got one till I took the third point. Got one right away, and thought that was how it was.
  • Sapphy24
    3 Points into it and I get 3 lots of grapes or 3 lots of wheat. No, it's not worth it.
  • Stonesthrow
    Provision 3/3 started very grapey but has since progressed decently into oats 2 outta 3 times and tomatoes maybe twice a week.

    Have been 50 in provision and VR ranked the whole time if that helps, and did not see oats or tomaters at 2/3, but doesn't mean they don't exist.

    As for the rest of them, if you can log in twice a day... it is very worth it. Twice the loot, obvious, but also I seem to get more purps and golds then when I was 2/3.
  • SirAndy
    nudel wrote: »
    You don't need to play 12 hours straight. Just login twice a day, like before work and after work, and you'll get your hireling mails.
    ^^^ That ...
  • ThePonzzz
    Yeah, there is no way for me to play at 4pm EDT and 4am EDT. I can SOMETIMES swing 8am EDT just to grab the mail and 8pm EDT. But forced login 12 hours a part is not in the cards for me.
  • Unknown_poster
    Well worth it imo. I have 4 characters with 3 points in hireling. Another weird thing Ive noticed is that it definitely is account based on what you get. All 4 will get hops one set, grapes the next, oats, and so on. Rarely will one deviate from having the exact same mail.
  • AlexDougherty
    It's down to how often you play, and whether you're getting enough ingedients or not.

    If you can't log in every twelve hours, or near enough, then it's not worth it. If you can maybe it is.

    If you're getting enough of the rare provisioning ingredients already it might not be worth it, but if you're not then it probably is.

    But only you can make the judgement as to whether it's worth it or not.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • DeLindsay
    It's the only way to get tomatoes and oats.
    It isn't, I get Tomato and Oats from even 1/3, just very rarely. It's no different than Legendary improvements, they also can come with 1/3 Hirelings, just very rarely.
  • ThePonzzz
    It's down to how often you play, and whether you're getting enough ingedients or not.

    If you can't log in every twelve hours, or near enough, then it's not worth it. If you can maybe it is.

    If you're getting enough of the rare provisioning ingredients already it might not be worth it, but if you're not then it probably is.

    But only you can make the judgement as to whether it's worth it or not.

    I think the nature of my question is getting lost.

    My question really boils down to, is going from II to III a big enough difference to get rare ingredients to be worth it.

    I've already established that the 12 hour login times are not working for me. And it doesn't look like they will. But if the boost from II to III is noticeable for rare materials, I'll keep it.
  • DeLindsay
    ThePonzzz wrote: »
    I think the nature of my question is getting lost.

    My question really boils down to, is going from II to III a big enough difference to get rare ingredients to be worth it.

    I've already established that the 12 hour login times are not working for me. And it doesn't look like they will. But if the boost from II to III is noticeable for rare materials, I'll keep it.
    It's supposed to be but tbh, I see the higher tier drops (from all Hirelings) whether at 1/3, 2/3 or 3/3. Granted the obvious bonus of 3/3 is you get 2 chances per day per Hireling to gain the highest tier mats/ingredients so for that alone it could be said to be worth it.
    Edited by DeLindsay on July 26, 2014 6:47PM
  • Nestor
    If I have an extra skill point, and quite frankly at higher levels, I always have extra skill points, then I throw it in at L3. Why not, it's an extra chance each day to get some tempers or trait gems.

    I also have 4 mules who have L1 Hirelings and I get Tempers and Traits from them to, 12 emails a day from the Mules alone. I get some low level trash mats, but those sell. Or can be used to send a trait item to a friend for research.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • AlexDougherty
    ThePonzzz wrote: »
    It's down to how often you play, and whether you're getting enough ingedients or not.

    If you can't log in every twelve hours, or near enough, then it's not worth it. If you can maybe it is.

    If you're getting enough of the rare provisioning ingredients already it might not be worth it, but if you're not then it probably is.

    But only you can make the judgement as to whether it's worth it or not.

    I think the nature of my question is getting lost.

    My question really boils down to, is going from II to III a big enough difference to get rare ingredients to be worth it.

    I've already established that the 12 hour login times are not working for me. And it doesn't look like they will. But if the boost from II to III is noticeable for rare materials, I'll keep it.

    Not if your not going to get the two mails a day.

    All the others have said it's the twice a day aspect that's the real bonus, so I suspect the quality of the ingredients themselves is the same.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Nestor
    ThePonzzz wrote: »
    My question really boils down to, is going from II to III a big enough difference to get rare ingredients to be worth it.

    I recently upgraded to 3 on the hireling with my Clothing Crafter. I have to say that it is worth it. I got 4 Tempers (going to Epic) on one email, plus a couple of trait gems and some mats. This was on the first email I got after upgrading.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Orchish
    Every day i log in i get hops and grapes from mine. EVERY DAY. i do not make drinks.
  • cameo
    Orchish wrote: »
    Every day i log in i get hops and grapes from mine. EVERY DAY. i do not make drinks.

    Same here, got a couple tomatoes and oats the first week I upgraded to 3, but pretty much every day since then, about a month now, I usually get grapes/hops. Once in a while some salt, but no pepper either.
  • indigoblades
    i hope they change the hireling III to if one logged on 12 hours ago u are sent mailing at midnight & noon. if u hold a 8 to 9 hr/day job, eat lunch and drive around a 1/2 hour to/from work its impossible to get more than 1 / 1/2 mailings a day.

  • ShinoDreas
    I am very unlucky with hireling for Provisioning. It has been 2 weeks I have it at level 3. All I got was Hops. I am serious, I only got Hops for 2 weeks now twice a day XD. I am maxed in Provisioning. So it is very frustrating ... I never use drink, only use food >.> I think I will go create a support ticket. I find it very weird to only get Hops for 2 weeks.
  • SirAndy
    Just got 4 oats in one mail last night. If only RNG wasn't so damn random ...
  • HeroOfEvbof
    The question shouldn't be "can I log in every twelve hours". The question should be "Am I logging in more than once a day" and "Do I need skill points for combat skills so I can PvP".
    Skill points are never truly needed for PvE. Get a handful of skills you like the most up to Morph 4 and rock. I respec constantly and fool around with skills and then once I realize they dont fit my play style and dont have a situational advantage, I respec out of them. But then again I dont PvP.
    I am Vet 5 but I have 203 skill points and I haven't even cleared the Skyshards of my last Silver zone nor have I gone into Craglorn to get those skyshards nor have I advanced past Rank 5 in PvP. Even a little bit of PvP would net me two more skill points and running around Craglorn would get me some more.
    So my main has 3/3 is provisioning hireling, mining hireling, clothing hireling and timber hireling. My main also has both light armor and heavy armor fully skilled and has all the dual wield and one/shield passives he needs to either quest or tank a vet dungeon.
    I have four mules. Mules don't need any combat skill points at all. Three of them have 3/3 provisioning hireling, two have 3/3 mining hireling and I am working on another mining hireling, timber hireling and clothier hireling.
    I log in about every 16 hours. Some times it is 12, sometimes it is 20. The point is none of these characters is hurting for skill points.
    So maybe you want to save some points on your main. There is absolutely no reason to skimp hirelings on a mule.
    apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • ThePonzzz
    I have since removed the skill line when we had the option to pay 1g a skill point. For me, it isn't worth it, as I barely log in every day, let alone in 12 hour increments.
  • Durham
    What I dont understand is why is something in the game that a random hireling can provide but you cannot find it in the game world... So frustrating just make it as hard to find as pepper and fix this crap... This is crazy that people are wasting all these points on ALTS to get more hirelings just so they have a higher chance to have a 1-3 tomatoe or oats.... Frustrating I would actually make it rarer then purple ... But atleast you can find it ....
    PVP The Unguildables
  • neueregel
    My VR12 main has all crafting hirelings at 3/3 for about 3 months now. My other 7 players have 3/3 in provisioning, and 2/3 in the rest. I sell so many oats, tomatoes, and pepper that it is comical. I actually found a decent purple recipe last week, so I no longer sell my tomatoes though... I am working my 7 alts to have 3/3 in all crafting. Do I see a difference in the 3/3 vrs the 2/3 mats I get? Not really. But like others say, getting items twice a day doubles your odds of getting good items. I dont have time always to get 2 in a given 24 hour span because I have a life :P, but when I do, it is nice.
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