So I've been wearing my blue V9 gear for a while and hit V12 a couple of weeks ago. Obviously when I found out about new gear sets I decided to wait to make new gear.
Since our guild spoke about trying some trials next week I thought I would ask if there has been any word on possible gear conversions when the update comes out. I don't mind waiting (hopefully only about 2 weeks or so) but just thought I would ask if anyone knew anything about this before I wasted mats so soon before the upcoming changes.
Edit: Thought I would add that I am a tank and it seems some of the tanky sets are moving toward crit sets. I may be wrong about that but it seemed worth being concerned about.
Edited by jonpaul on July 25, 2014 4:51PM WAR EAGLE
I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments. -Jim Morrison