I think you are on the wrong path here....
ZOS needs to change the Armor skills so that you must be wearing 5 or more of that type of armor in order to use them.
I think you are on the wrong path here....
From the way you formulate I'm positive that after ZOS will do all you suggested you would than request the removal of all AoE skill and after they implement that as well your request will be:
"Please remove the open world pvp as it allows too many people to make a pain train and focus fire their targets. I would like to have Instanced PvP and ideally about 10 types of Arena's game play for 1v1."
In stead of crying your way out of the game you could work your way into finding a decent group to play with. I promise it will make you feel less miserable
I think you are on the wrong path here....
From the way you formulate I'm positive that after ZOS will do all you suggested you would than request the removal of all AoE skill and after they implement that as well your request will be:
"Please remove the open world pvp as it allows too many people to make a pain train and focus fire their targets. I would like to have Instanced PvP and ideally about 10 types of Arena's game play for 1v1."
In stead of crying your way out of the game you could work your way into finding a decent group to play with. I promise it will make you feel less miserable
Its not hard to figure out people. If a zergball of 50 people are running around like idiots pressing the same button over and over they are unkillable because any INCOMING AOE into the zerg ball is going to hit 6 people out of that 50..
And if you remove the AoE cap the 50 people will still very hard to kill since they probably have a few healers. Removing the AoE cap doesn't solve the cause of zergballs, it's just a cure for a symptom and it's a cure that results in more problems.
Remove Immovable form light armor users and it will become much easier to break up a zergball.
Removing the AoE cap will simply melee even more useless.
NookyZooky wrote: »it would definitely help. impulse trains tick me off as well. I just avoid them. iv even nearly left a keep battle due to them. just ganking on the roads for me!!!!!
AbraXuSeXile wrote: »With unlimited rezzes, trains are needed. You would quit due to stress and anger of pugs.
Kill the train, kill the game.
What else are these zerg groups doing? I thought it was just impulse, and now they are using immovable too. Lets just remove or change everything these people use from the game. We need to keep pushing for a more WoW like feel because this game is just way to simple. We should also get rid of the second wep bar we only need one. Am i right................
What else are these zerg groups doing? I thought it was just impulse, and now they are using immovable too. Lets just remove or change everything these people use from the game. We need to keep pushing for a more WoW like feel because this game is just way to simple. We should also get rid of the second wep bar we only need one. Am i right................
Obvious hyperbole is obvious. While you're at it, why don't we make it so that you can use any weapon skill in the game regardless of what you have equipped, as that makes about as much sense as allowing anyone to use an Armor skill.
Halrloprillalar wrote: »If you don't think aoe caps cause zergs, you don't understand how the game mechanics work
Immovable also doesn't stop roots.
Yeah let's blame the sad state of PvP on Immovable and light armour lol...
Let's completely ignore the fact that Impulse and Bat Swarm doesn't require any tricky targeting or focusing, are insta-cast and deals high 360° AoE dmg, can be cast while blocking (immune to cc regardless of Immovable). That the trains are embedded in x3 Barriers, Rapid Manoeuvre and designated purgers.
Instead lets nerf Immovable so that small groups and soloers will stay cc'ed for life and always dies when ambushed. God knows the cc in this game is already a bloody nuisance. Immovable is the only thing that makes it bearable, if you consider the ridiculous burst dmg combined with the even more ridiculous cost of a cc break.
Wish I was wrong.You're not gonna get much good discussion about the aoe cap anymore. Most of the players who came here because the game was marketed as "like DAoC (no aoe cap hint hint)", and understood what the aoe cap would do, have left long ago.
Now out of the pvp'rs who remain, it's a much smaller proportion of them who understand how aoe cap makes the blob stackers invincible. Instead more are of the mindset of "no aoe cap would make aoe too strong", and even "current aoe is too strong" - which has a lot to do with not understanding how we are forced to counter blob trains now vs w/o an aoe cap. And then there's always the people who came from GW2 and see blob stacking as "the way it should be / end all be all of good tactics" (the ones who came to get away from GW2 have mostly left, alas).
I'd like to see this thread prove me wrong, but from the direction aoe discussion's been going on the forums lately, this is what the trend appears to be.
There are a couple of core components for bomb squads:
- CC immunity/resistance, i.e. Immovable, Purge, Retreating Maneuver (the last two because they are aoe cleanses)
- Teamwork (obviously)
- AOE spells, healing spells included (cleanses might go under this category as well)
Now you have to differentiate between bomb squads and zergs:
BS are imo the little balls consisting of 24 players running around and causing massive damage in an area with 8 meter radius (generally), they only ocassionally spread out, as for example while sieging. Sometimes there are two BS acting in coordination but its quite rare.
Zergs are a group of players roughly organized by clustering and some leadership. They gain there strength through numbers and do not act very objective focused.
Now in order to address the issue of Impulse and larger groups, nerfing or adjusting certain skills can make BS less viable since the are reliant on certain types of skills. It is however not possible to avoid the existence of larger formations since, zergs are not reliant on certain types of skills. (You can also get zerged by Venom Arrows)
And while BS are the current way of PvP guilds to play the game, if you change the abilities they will simply adapt to the new patch and focus you down from 30m with 24 arrows instead of 8m with 24 pulsars. They would however be easier to kill.
[All tested through experience. Call me a zerg baller if you wish, its my favourite way to play the game.]
Yeah let's blame the sad state of PvP on Immovable and light armour lol...
Let's completely ignore the fact that Impulse and Bat Swarm doesn't require any tricky targeting or focusing, are insta-cast and deals high 360° AoE dmg, can be cast while blocking (immune to cc regardless of Immovable). That the trains are embedded in x3 Barriers, Rapid Manoeuvre and designated purgers.
Instead lets nerf Immovable so that small groups and soloers will stay cc'ed for life and always dies when ambushed. God knows the cc in this game is already a bloody nuisance. Immovable is the only thing that makes it bearable, if you consider the ridiculous burst dmg combined with the even more ridiculous cost of a cc break.
… A small group could time the aoes and take out a decent sized group. …