Do werewolves get a third bar for their skills, or a fixed bar when they morph? Or do the skills occupy the 10 you normally have. You have to sacrifice one ultimate slot either way, of course.
Third skill bar but only 2 skills on it but you can put thoses skills on your normal bar too (for leveling them up) but to level up your main werewolf skill line, you need to get kills in werewolf form
It's another bar when you're morphed, with just your werewolf abilities. Right now there are only two "active" abilities (non-passives), so only two "attacks" beyond regular swiping. I imagine that when/if they put more "active" abilities you'll be able to switch them out and do as you please, but as it is right now they just pop into that bar once you unlock them and as far as I know you can't move them around. I've never tried, though. It's not as if you get a third bar in your rotation, it's just the bar that replaces your normal action bar when you're in werewolf form.