Ifthir_ESO wrote: »Makes no sense as you can enter the dungeon solo with no restrictions
_subjectnamehere_ wrote: »
If you are entering the instance solo, you are most likely way above the level of the intsance and therefore will receive no loot from kills, only two chests and a few sacks, and even then the loot will most likely not be worth running the instance solo; there are better ways.
Just my opinion.
Ifthir_ESO wrote: »
After _subjectnamehere explained it, it seems like it is very intelligent design and a simple solution for a very annoying problem.Is this just dumb design?
_subjectnamehere_ wrote: »Hey everyone...
They implemented the "remove from area" feature because way back when they had chests in instanced dungeons that only one person could loot (and there were many of them) players were joining groups and not fighting. During fights, this player would run around and find all the chests instead. If you kicked this player from the group, they would still be in the instance, free to run around and keep doing what he was doing without penalty.
Furthermore, if you tried to replace this griefer/troll, you would receive an error which stated that only four people could be in the instance at one time. Even though you removed this guy from the group, he was still in the instance, and you were not able to replace him.
So...Zenimax reduced the number of chests to two, made it so that everyone could loot the chest no matter who unlocked it (as long as you are within range), and implemented the remove from area feature so that if you did come across a griefer/troll, you could boot him, he'd be removed, and then you can add a fourth member.
It may be annoying, but in all honesty, I am really happy Zenimax did what they did.
If you want to stay in the instance to explore for chests/sacks, keep at least one person in the group with you. Might be something to discuss with your group before you start the run or have a friend with you.