I think a brawling system should be implemented for some added fun and competition inside of or around taverns and inns. One of my favorite things in Elder Scrolls is how taverns and inns seems so vibrant and alive.
-One cool feature of a brawling system could be to allow players to challenge each other to brawls in or around taverns or inns, which probably means collision detection between players would have to be enabled for the duration of the brawl
- When brawling even the playing field by not including armor stats and such to make it more of a test of skill rather than pure stats.
- Each tavern and inn could have a brawling board of honor that would reset monthly, maybe have a few titles or perks and have a combo of NPC challenges for a player and PvP challenges for a player.
- Create taverns and inns in Cyrodil where cross-faction brawl competitions could happen
Anyway, I just think something like this would make the game more interesting insomuch as it encourages player interaction and coolness.