that's a massive nerf to magelight, I'd rather see it not reveal stealthed players personally.
1000% Agree. 3 weeks after launch it was very very apparent Heavy was useless. Many of the community have been screaming this for 3 month. they wont even acknowledge it as they Bleed subs do to the imbalances. Many have lost fait and wont return based on the silence ZOS has taken , they have acknowledged Stamina builds are lacking but with a heavy hand in nerfing while Pissing on the on a forest fire of imbalance does not look like they intend to do anything about it.Despite the changes that have happened recently, I'm sure many will still agree that there are massive discrepancies in the effectiveness of each armor type. Light armor is still, overall, the best option due to the fact that out of 30 combat-oriented skill lines in the game, only 9 of them - less than one third - use stamina, and among those many of the abilities still dont even scale with stamina (but rather spellpower). Medium armor is in a better spot not for stamina builds, but still not optimal. Heavy armor, as always, is at the bottom of the totem pole for every role.
It's clear that these three armor types were designed to each correlate to a specific resource pool. Light armor works with magicka, Medium armor works with stamina, and Heavy armor works with health. That setup works well, but the abilities need to reflect that link a bit more I think. Below are my proposed changes to improve that:
Generic Changes:
Crowd Control Breakout Now costs magicka, rather than stamina.
Magelight, Inner Light, and Radiant Magelight no longer provide spell critical (More explained under light armor below)
Light Armor
Active Ability: Annulment / Dampen Magic / Harness Magicka
This ability may now only be used when a minimum of 4 light armor pieces are equipped.
Reduces the magicka cost of spells by 1%/2%/3% per piece of light armor equipped.
(No Change)
Increases magicka recovery rate by 2%/4% per piece of light armor equipped.
(No Change)
Spell Warding -> Changes to -> Spell Weaving
Increases spell critical strike chance by 1/2/3% per piece of light armor equipped.
(Note: Along with this change, the spell critical strike chance bonus would be removed from magelight/inner light, and replaced with something different.)
Your spells ignore 15/30% of the target's spell resistance while at least 5 pieces of light armor are equiped.
(No longer provides critical, as that is now covered under spell weaving. Instead provides spell penetration.)
Reduces the magicka cost of breakout by 2%/4% per piece of light armor equipped.
(With breakout now being magicka based, this is the answer to reducing it's cost - up to 28% reduction with this passive and 7/7 light armor.)
Medium Armor
Active Ability: Evasion / Shuffle / Elude
This ability may now only be used when a minimum of 4 medium armor pieces are equipped.
(New) Evasion:
Costs stamina
For 20 seconds, you gain increased stealth movement speed, become harder to detect while sneaking, and use no stamina while sneaking.
(This change is to compensate for the passive changes below, which remove the stealth bonuses medium armor currently has).
(New) Shuffle:
Costs Stamina
For 20 seconds, you gain increased stealth movement speed, become harder to detect while sneaking, and use no stamina while sneaking. While active, removes one snare or immobilizing effect every 2 seconds.
(New) Elude:
Costs Stamina
For 20 seconds, you gain increased stealth movement speed, become harder to detect while sneaking, and use no stamina while sneaking. When activated, you immediately enter stealth mode, but your damage and healing are reduced by 75% for 4 seconds.
(Overall I think these changes would be more useful than the current dodge chance bonus that the medium armor active provides. These still serve a defensive purpose, but can also be used offensively just as annulment and immovable can be.)
Reduces the stamina cost of abilities by 1%/2%/3% per piece of medium armor equipped.
(Now matches up with light armor passives. Combined with the reduced feat cost in the weapon skill trees, this cost reduction should nearly cancel out the additional stamina used by melee combatants when dodging/blocking/interrupting, and allow stamina abilities to be used more frequently in order to match up to the safer playstyle of a magicka build.)
Wind Walker
Increases stamina recovery rate by 2%/4% per piece of medium armor equipped.
(Now matches up with light armor passives)
Improved Sneak -> Changes to -> Precision
Increases weapon critical chance by 1/2/3% per piece of medium armor equipped.
(Now matches up with light armor passives)
Your attacks ignore 15/30% of the target's armor while at least 5 peices of medium armor are equipped.
(Matches up to light armor passives, provides melee combatants with armor penetration to increase weapon damage).
Increases sprint move speed and decreases the stamina cost of roll dodge by 2/4% per piece of medium armor equipped.
(No real change, but now in line with light armor passives)
Heavy Armor
Active Ability: Immovable / Immovable Brute / Unstoppable
This ability can now only be used when a minimum of 4 heavy armor pieces are equipped.
Reduces all damage taken by 1%/2%/3% per piece of heavy armor equipped.
(Essentially this does the same for the health pool that the medium and light armor passives do for stamina and magicka - reduces the 'cost' of the pool. This also makes heavy armor -much- more tanky, past the minimal improvement in armor value it currently has.)
Increases health recovery rate by 2%/4% per piece of heavy armor equipped.
(No Change, but this is now in line with the other armor types for the health pool.)
Reduces your chance to be critically hit by 1%/2%/3% per piece of heavy armor equipped.
(Essentially this is doing the opposite of the medium/light armor passives. Rather than increasing critical chance, it makes you more resistant to criticals.)
Bracing -> Changes to -> Brute Strength
Increases your weapon and spell damage by 15/30% while at least 5 pieces of heavy armor are equipped.
(While medium and light armor wind up being critical-based for their damage, heavy armor gives raw power, and it needs to give a substantial amount since you're giving up resource regeneration and armor/spell penetration for it.)
Rapid Mending -> Changes to -> Bracing
Reduces the cost of blocking by 2%/4% per piece of heavy armor equipped.
(Replacing the bracing ability from before, this will now give higher block cost reduction, up to 28% (vs the current 10%). This should make blocking almost resource-free when combined with all of the 1h/shield passives.)
So now we've got 3 armor types that correspond directly to 3 resource pools and 3 different styles of play. If you want to play a spellslinging mage with high spell critical, you go light armor. If you want to be stealthy or focus on melee/physical crits, you go medium armor. If you want to play either a tank or a brute force, in-your-face damage dealer that can take hits just as well as giving them out, you go heavy armor. Mage, thief, and fighter respectively.
It's really just moving the critical boost from magelight to light armor.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »Heavy is not useless... I can get to max Magic or Stam and Health with Heavy armor earlier then light or medium. I can also at VR12 soft cap all regen stats, health and Magic and armor.
The problem is not the armor its the gameplay and min max players who rely on one stat to play, if you play with a multi stat player using both mana and stamina and want survivability go heavy. Try it and test it and you will see its fine.
smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »
it's more that the passives suck compared to the other lines, imo.
immovable is nice though, but you don't have to wear heavy armor to use it.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »
They suck because of the cookie cutter builds... Its like Magic the gathering when people say a color sucks because they get killed by it all the time and then a few weeks later a person finds a build in another color that is amazing because they took the time to play it...
In ESO people have not worked with builds with heavy armor, and groups dont give them a chance.
Oh look my light armor templar has LESS mana, less crit and less armor then by heavy armor templar...
but then what would be the point of slotting magelight at all?
IMHO, the best fix should simply be to make the base Armor stat more effective. It's ridiculous when swapping from Heavy to Light, and seeing no extreme changes in incoming damage. When ESO first released, I made it a point to go 5 Light on my Sorcerers and 5 medium on my Nightblades, and then mix in 2 pieces of heavy for a huge boost to my base armor. Then later learned that going 7 light had no noticeable difference in survivability. Regardless of passives.
I'd like to see some serious Tankiness from the base armor stat, making Heavy more desirable, and light armors leaving you substantially more vulnerable.
Heavy is not useless... I can get to max Magic or Stam and Health with Heavy armor earlier then light or medium. I can also at VR12 soft cap all regen stats, health and Magic and armor.
The problem is not the armor its the gameplay and min max players who rely on one stat to play, if you play with a multi stat player using both mana and stamina and want survivability go heavy. Try it and test it and you will see its fine.
immovable is nice though, but you don't have to wear heavy armor to use it.
They suck because of the cookie cutter builds... Its like Magic the gathering when people say a color sucks because they get killed by it all the time and then a few weeks later a person finds a build in another color that is amazing because they took the time to play it...
In ESO people have not worked with builds with heavy armor, and groups dont give them a chance.
Oh look my light armor templar has LESS mana, less crit and less armor then by heavy armor templar...
regarding magelight having the changes to sets in mind your changes are adding a severe disadvantage to spell useres (from 15% max spellcrit with 5%melee crit to 4%spell crit and 16% melee crit with the new sets) so an unchanged magelight is essential to keep balance as it is using two skillslots on your quickbars.Magelight, Inner Light, and Radiant Magelight no longer provide spell critical (More explained under light armor below)
(Now matches up with light armor passives. Combined with the reduced feat cost in the weapon skill trees, this cost reduction should nearly cancel out the additional stamina used by melee combatants when dodging/blocking/interrupting, and allow stamina abilities to be used more frequently in order to match up to the safer playstyle of a magicka build.)
Bracing -> Changes to -> Brute Strength
Increases your weapon and spell damage by 15/30% while at least 5 pieces of heavy armor are equipped.
(While medium and light armor wind up being critical-based for their damage, heavy armor gives raw power, and it needs to give a substantial amount since you're giving up resource regeneration and armor/spell penetration for it.)
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
dodging blocking and interrupting is not more frequently used as a melee dps than as a range dps and thus not justified especially when having bows/daggers as an option.
how do you figure that? If you're at range, none of the point blank aoe's used by enemy mobs are going to hit you. Ranged characters rely on ranged abilities for interrupts (poison arrow and crushing shock), while melee characters are having to use bash.
blocking is used by melee damage dealers almost as much as tanks in proper dungeon runs, and should be used whenever an enemy is winding back a heavy attack regardless of your role in the group.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Reduces your chance to be critically hit by 1%/2%/3% per piece of heavy armor equipped.
(Essentially this is doing the opposite of the medium/light armor passives. Rather than increasing critical chance, it makes you more resistant to criticals.)
in short there is no reason for an additional 20% resource cost reduction for stamina if you split up the defensive options to stamina and magicka.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »Heavy is not useless... I can get to max Magic or Stam and Health with Heavy armor earlier then light or medium. I can also at VR12 soft cap all regen stats, health and Magic and armor.
The problem is not the armor its the gameplay and min max players who rely on one stat to play, if you play with a multi stat player using both mana and stamina and want survivability go heavy. Try it and test it and you will see its fine.
It's not an additional 20%, it's 7% more than what is currently ingame.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
you will have a 20% reduction via weapon skills + your "newly" introduced 3%per piece wich gives you a 20% higher reduction of what a magickauser is able to get.
and i dont agree with that change aswell
Right now medium armor already gives 14% stamina cost reduction, and you still can stack it with the 20% from feat passives.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
MasterSpatula wrote: »I personally think all bonuses to crits--spell, heals, and melee--should go to Medium Armor (leaving magelight alone). I also think Heavy Armor should give a higher bonus to heals received as well as a bonus to heals cast. Increase the mitigation of MA and HA, and maybe give some Stamina resource management abilities to HA. This encourages mix-and-match armor, makes healing viable for more than just Light Armor, and makes Heavy the tank armor it always should have been.