Zenimax, I just wanted to let you know that I love this game. I didn't think I would at first, and there are several things about the game that bother me. However you seem be moving right along, fixing a lot of things that bugged the crap out of me. A few remain, like Account Banks, rather than Personal character banks. I should not -have- to make Mule characters to keep all my stuff organized. There are other things, but I won't go into them now.
I see so many people on the internet acting like this game is a hellspawn abomination. While I think -most- of this hate is totally undeserved, there is always those few who voice legit concerns and complaints in a constructive manner out of love. Please stick to your guns with the Subscription model. I don't care what any of these people say, but I am sick to death of FTP games. If that day ever comes I will likely have to part ways with the game, but until then I will be vastly enjoying the experience you all have gone to great lengths to make for us.
As a TES fan of at least 10 years, thank you Zenimax, for making a game that I believe to be a worthy edition to the Elder Scrolls universe. Also as an MMO fan of many years, thank you, for making the best damn MMO I have played in at least 5 years. Unlike some people I have the patience to wait, I understand things take time and frankly, from my past MMO experience you guys are adding content at light speed in comparison.
There is the old saw, that content people are too busy playing the game, to voice their opinions on the internet. I feel that is all too true, The happy people often never voice their opinions until something they enjoyed is changed, after it's too late to do anything about it. I feel more people who enjoy features in the game already need to make their voices known, not just in ESO but all games. Some people like to say "who cares, happy feedback gives them nothing".
While this is somewhat true, I also feel that without that positive feedback, they only ever see the complaints, which can be a bit disheartening. Thank you for your upcoming Guild changes, for the upcoming Justice system, for the Imperial City PVP Dungeon, for the new Zones, for the class balances and bug fixes, for Champion System, for improving Dungeon rewards, for improving group play, and for many other wonderful things. Thank you Zenimax, for actually caring.
Edited by couchkyle25_ESO on July 19, 2014 9:18AM