I agree with you, OP.
Defense ticks should be awarded to those participating in defending a keep and you should be awarded it despite you leaving the keeps area if it has been successfully defended.
At the moment, you have tons of people staying in the keep waiting for the "famous" defense tick before they move out. And you also have people porting from keep to keep just to get the defense tick despite not participating in the defense.
I agree with you, OP.
Defense ticks should be awarded to those participating in defending a keep and you should be awarded it despite you leaving the keeps area if it has been successfully defended.
At the moment, you have tons of people staying in the keep waiting for the "famous" defense tick before they move out. And you also have people porting from keep to keep just to get the defense tick despite not participating in the defense.
This is precisely the problem. I have seen people just camp up in a keep and call others for help - then go AFK while dead while the keep get defended - and the person dead on the ground gets as much as the three healers and 4 DPS that came in and defended the keep.
This is wrong. You get the alliance points no matter where you are after about 2 or 3 min of cease fire. you even get them if you go offline and log back in after 3 4 hours, you will just see something like 1000 alliance points 10k vr points all of a sudden-Thats not random guys its your defence |attack bonus.
So dont worrk if you make kills while defending a keep you get the bonus even if you leave after or even before its done czu you still contributed. The most i got was 100kvet points and 10k alliance .
This is wrong. You get the alliance points no matter where you are after about 2 or 3 min of cease fire. you even get them if you go offline and log back in after 3 4 hours, you will just see something like 1000 alliance points 10k vr points all of a sudden-Thats not random guys its your defence |attack bonus.
So dont worrk if you make kills while defending a keep you get the bonus even if you leave after or even before its done czu you still contributed. The most i got was 100kvet points and 10k alliance .
This is wrong. You get the alliance points no matter where you are after about 2 or 3 min of cease fire. you even get them if you go offline and log back in after 3 4 hours, you will just see something like 1000 alliance points 10k vr points all of a sudden-Thats not random guys its your defence |attack bonus.
So dont worrk if you make kills while defending a keep you get the bonus even if you leave after or even before its done czu you still contributed. The most i got was 100kvet points and 10k alliance .
Not the case for me.
I have had plenty of times when people have shouted out, oooh def tick 7k! and I was on a resource on that very same keep missing it out.
Halrloprillalar wrote: »This is wrong. You get the alliance points no matter where you are after about 2 or 3 min of cease fire. you even get them if you go offline and log back in after 3 4 hours, you will just see something like 1000 alliance points 10k vr points all of a sudden-Thats not random guys its your defence |attack bonus.
So dont worrk if you make kills while defending a keep you get the bonus even if you leave after or even before its done czu you still contributed. The most i got was 100kvet points and 10k alliance .
Not the case for me.
I have had plenty of times when people have shouted out, oooh def tick 7k! and I was on a resource on that very same keep missing it out.
the defense ticks for keep require you to be near it (pretty much withing guard patrol radius)
Is the info in the first paragrah common knowledge? New to me and doesnt seem like to many other know either when to you look at common Cyrodiil playstyle.
Is this thread for US or EU server?
Can not say it is to much defending in EU Cyrodiil exactly. In fact I would like to see some mechanisms that would make the attackers (guilds) more attached to what they have conquered in order to wanting to defend it.
Now it is more attack one node and move on the next and to next etc.
While a group from the other faction attack the left behind ones and move on.
Wonder if that is one of the downsides to RvR games as opposed to GvG....?
@CoUsT The problem I see with this is the fact that when you want to have both the AP and the fun, you are unable to do so. And in my opinion it is a bit stupid to play the game for AP anyways and this system pretty much promotes useless players to become emperors, as often you can get a lot more points from afking in keeps instead of actually playing.
I think that most people who have played pvp for a while with the FTC add-on know about this. However, I think there are lots of people who are unaware of it (which leads into even higher gain for the people who abuse the system). Some even go far enough to shout others to advance while they stay inside themselves.
I am playing in EU but I am sure the same system is in place in the US servers as well. As a part of a small organized guild, I can say that at least we are also defending the keeps that we capture. There is little AP to be gained in offense, so it is of not much use unless you want to get the emperor keeps or scrolls.