PLEASE push some 2handed buffs with 1.3

This weapon set needs help and we're tired of waiting.

Cleave's reliance on damage over time absolutely kills it as an aoe damage ability.
Uppercut's slow cast time makes it useless in pvp.
Reverse slash does horrible damage for an execute, especially compared to class abilities, and it's morphs are uninspired.
Momentum needs to be stronger and the morphs need a complete rethinking.

Compared to dual wield or even 1h/shield, 2h is leagues behind in both effectiveness and the general feeling of being a well thought out tree. The passive are pretty bad too.

On top of all that, all of the 2h weapon types come up short on set bonuses compared to dw or 1h/s. Would be nice if they counted as two items towards set bonuses.
PS4 / NA
M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Longman
    Sure everyone wielding a 2h will have one item less for a set-bonus. But that is not a 2h only thing. All staff-users suffer the same. I would be fine if the missing of a set-item would be counterbalanced by something compared to dual-wield or 1h+shield.

    Right now 2h has some issues compared to other weapons.
    - Slow attack-speed (plenty of time for the enemy to interrupt/stun me)
    - no 360° AOE (sure a matter of positioning but it makes it harder than DS for example)
    - 1 missing set-item (in some case)

    There should be something to counterbalanced that.
    Edited by Longman on July 17, 2014 6:06AM
  • forthewinn2
    I would definitely like to see the area of cleave increased, either by increasing it to a 360° attack or by increasing its radius. As it stands only hitting enemies in front of user within a 7 meter radius is pretty annoying to use for an aoe.
  • Phantax
    I'd just be happy for 2-hand weapon/attacks to recieve some adjustment all round !
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • zgrssd
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    This weapon set needs help and we're tired of waiting.
    I have been sayng that for 1-2 months: First they have to deal with Class Balance.
    Not only does that one affect PvE & PvP alike. They also needed it as a baseline to balance stamina skills and PvE content against.

    With 1.2.3 they finally got class balance far enough that they could invest some time into both (Stam Skills, PvE dífficulty). Chances are class balance is now overall far enough that they can continue to buff up/balance Stamina skills.
    Edited by zgrssd on July 17, 2014 6:30AM
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
  • Birfreben_Kinghelred
    1. Brawler.
    2. Executioner deals more damage the lower the targets health is. Other executes deal damage when the target gets below 25%. this means its useful earlier on, like 50%-75% health.
    4. Arcane fighter passive

  • Nivzruo_ESO
    Yea, please buff 2H. I rolled to play a 2H toon but have basically been forced to be DW to even be close the the staff/light armour people.
    Nelgyntc- V14 NB
  • xaraan
    I don't think it needs buffed that much, but it could probably use a little love. I'd rather see what my 2 hander character does after the new sets of 1.3 are out.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • forthewinn2
    @Birfreben_Kinghelred actually the damage of whirlwind increases as target hp decreases, and whirlwind is an aoe
  • Birfreben_Kinghelred
    @forthewinn2 whirlwind also deals 2/3 of the damage executioner does. The highest i've seen it crit is 700. While executioner has crit for 800-1000. whirlwind also has a significantly slower animation, and costs 100 more stamina.

    Either way. 2h will be buffed by the weapon damage cap being raised. it doesn't need another one.
  • forthewinn2
    @Birfreben_Kinghelred you are absolutely correct, I was merely pointing out that they are both executes operating on the same mechanic. Obviously an aoe execute and a single target execute are used for different situations and are hence difficult to compare.
  • Artemiisia
    one of my friends with 2hander, and doing some serious damage with his uppercut, we went into a dungeon together when I havent seen him wield his 2hander yet. after the first 5 mobs I just stood there speechless at first

    then he writes in group chat, pls damage :)
    I write back, how the h... you do so much damage o.O

    and with the upcoming set/craft changes, he will for sure nuke them to pieces then :P
  • Lynx7386
    The weapon damage cap change won't be enough. I play a nightblade, I can get +99% weapon damage in an aoe situation, that is still going to put me into the cap no matter what weapon type I'm using. Momentum becomes useless at that point (not to mention how inferior it is as a damage buff to begin with), and I will still end up doing more damage with dual wield / whirlwind.

    If you're gong to deal with cast/channel times, flurry does more damage than uppercut. Whirlwind can have up to an 11 meter radius or stamina restore, neither cleave morph matches up. Momentum's morphs are still complete crap.

    There is no way a sane person can claim 2h is "fine" as it is.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Lynx7386
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    one of my friends with 2hander, and doing some serious damage with his uppercut, we went into a dungeon together when I havent seen him wield his 2hander yet. after the first 5 mobs I just stood there speechless at first

    then he writes in group chat, pls damage :)
    I write back, how the h... you do so much damage o.O

    and with the upcoming set/craft changes, he will for sure nuke them to pieces then :P

    You're basing your entire experience of 2handed on seeing someone kill a few trash mobs in a dungeon?

    In an aoe situation, 2h is far less effective than destro staff, bow, or dual wield. It's even less effective than just using a resto staff and spamming class or guild skills.

    in single target, 2h has significant burst damage potential, but poor sustained dps compared to every other weapon set, even 1h/shield after clipping is taken into account. 2h's burst damage is also entirely continent upon having a target that stands still and doesn't block, dodge, or use anything that might interrupt the cast, which is why it's useless in pvp.

    For a dk, reverse slash might be an ok execute option, but biting jabs, mages furry, and impale are all better executes.

    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    one of my friends with 2hander, and doing some serious damage with his uppercut, we went into a dungeon together when I havent seen him wield his 2hander yet. after the first 5 mobs I just stood there speechless at first

    then he writes in group chat, pls damage :)
    I write back, how the h... you do so much damage o.O

    and with the upcoming set/craft changes, he will for sure nuke them to pieces then :P

    If he was sneak attacking mobs with uppercut thats where all the damage from it comes from. It probably has the highest sneak crit damage of any skill in the game, but It won't do that much to players, and players are much smarter than mobs. They block and dodge uppercuts quite often.
    1. Brawler.
    2. Executioner deals more damage the lower the targets health is. Other executes deal damage when the target gets below 25%. this means its useful earlier on, like 50%-75% health.
    4. Arcane fighter passive


    1. Brawler = / = Damage.
    2. Plenty of skills do more damage than executioner at 75% and 50% target health, and aren't situational like that.
    3. you skipped 3
    4. Do you know what this does?
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on July 17, 2014 3:00PM
  • Lynx7386
    What it all really comes down to is that the 2h tree is cobbled together from a bunch of subpar abilities and passives that do not synergize well with each other or with any other abilities in the game.

    When I look at the 2handed tree side by side with any other weapon tree, I find myself completely underwhelmed by it.

    -2h only has one aoe ability, cleave. This ability cannot be effectively spammed in aoe situations because the majority of it's damage comes from the bleed, which will be continually overwriting itself. Dual wield can mix shrouded daggers or a class aoe skill with whirlwind for more efficient aoe. Bow can keep enemies at bay with bombard while using volley for heavier aoe damage. Destro staff, of course, has the best weapon aoe in the game with impulse, but it also has wall of elements for additional aoe power.
    The only real benefit with cleave is using either the brawler morph for tanking or carve for ultimate spam.

    -2handed relies entirely on uppercut for single target damage, and the shortcomings of that ability are already well documented in this thread. Twin slashes + flurry, weakness to elements + crushing shock, and snipe + poison arrow all result in better single target sustained damage, and in some cases comparable burst without the associated cast times.

    -momentum and it's morphs are fundamentally flawed - they pair instant effects that you need frequently with a long term expensive buff that you won't want to use often. Critical surge, molten armaments, and power extraction are all better options.

    There is literally no reason to take 2h over another weapon type unless you want to be less effective.

    My suggestions:

    -remove the bleed from cleave, make it all instant damage, and either make it a 360 aoe or a larger cone attack.

    -increase the base damage for reverse slash

    -remove the cast time from uppercut, reduce its damage slightly if necessary. Make the wrecking blow morph able to gain it's own damage bonus.

    -Increase the damage bonus for momentum. Change both morphs entirely, maybe instead of removing one effect on activation the first morph could remove an effect every second. Maybe make the second morph a heal over time for the duration.

    -change the splash damage passive to effect more targets, maybe deal the 25% splash to all enemies in a frontal cone with light and heavy attacks.

    -make arcane fighter also increase the potency of fire, frost, and shock enchantments.

    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Lynx7386
    Oh and don't forget to make all weapons that take both weapon slots (2h, bow, and both staff types) count as two items towards set bonuses
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Birfreben_Kinghelred
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    The weapon damage cap change won't be enough. I play a nightblade, I can get +99% weapon damage in an aoe situation, that is still going to put me into the cap no matter what weapon type I'm using. Momentum becomes useless at that point (not to mention how inferior it is as a damage buff to begin with), and I will still end up doing more damage with dual wield / whirlwind.

    If you're gong to deal with cast/channel times, flurry does more damage than uppercut. Whirlwind can have up to an 11 meter radius or stamina restore, neither cleave morph matches up. Momentum's morphs are still complete crap.

    There is no way a sane person can claim 2h is "fine" as it is.

    How are you staying alive vs 9 mobs? at 1800 stamina brawler provides 128 point damage shield that increases 100% per target hit. that means in 1v1 you have a 260 point damage shield that can go up for 260 stamina with 7 medium. This can be ramped up to a 760 point damage shield. Brawler + Sap essence will make sure your health never budges vs groups, and siphoning attacks will let you do that till your blue in the face. You may not kill things as fast but you will not die.
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    one of my friends with 2hander, and doing some serious damage with his uppercut, we went into a dungeon together when I havent seen him wield his 2hander yet. after the first 5 mobs I just stood there speechless at first

    then he writes in group chat, pls damage :)
    I write back, how the h... you do so much damage o.O

    and with the upcoming set/craft changes, he will for sure nuke them to pieces then :P

    If he was sneak attacking mobs with uppercut thats where all the damage from it comes from. It probably has the highest sneak crit damage of any skill in the game, but It won't do that much to players, and players are much smarter than mobs. They block and dodge uppercuts quite often.
    1. Brawler.
    2. Executioner deals more damage the lower the targets health is. Other executes deal damage when the target gets below 25%. this means its useful earlier on, like 50%-75% health.
    4. Arcane fighter passive


    1. Brawler = / = Damage.
    2. Plenty of skills do more damage than executioner at 75% and 50% target health, and aren't situational like that.
    3. you skipped 3
    4. Do you know what this does?

    1. and?
    2. yes but comparing this skill to other executes (only useful under 25%) this is much more efficient on bar space. Its always useful after opening with a sneak attack.
    3. yeah, swapped the order of my first 2 points after typing, must've auto corrected my third point to four.
    4. increases the chance to apply additional effects for weapon enchants.

    disease = healing debuff
    fire = burning
    shock = concussion (damage de-buff)
    frost = snare

    Edited by Birfreben_Kinghelred on July 17, 2014 4:30PM
  • Lynx7386
    2. yes but comparing this skill to other executes (only useful under 25%) this is much more efficient on bar space. Its always useful after opening with a sneak attack.

    No, it isnt. I do more damage with impale at 100% target health than reverse slash does, and impale does more damage vs targets at 25% or less as well.

    Whirlwind does a bit less damage at higher health levels than execute, but with dual wield passives it will end up doing even more damage when enemies are at less than 25% health (because all dual wield abilities get an extra 20% damage vs <25% health enemies). Whirlwind also hits everything around you and returns stamina, while the morphs for reverse slash only provide minimal damage increases against multiple enemies or to other 2h abilities.
    4. increases the chance to apply additional effects for weapon enchants.

    Which only gives a minor increase to burst damage, doesnt effect the internal cooldown on weapon enchants, and causes you to use up soul charge more quickly.
    How are you staying alive vs 9 mobs? at 1800 stamina brawler provides 128 point damage shield that increases 100% per target hit. that means in 1v1 you have a 260 point damage shield that can go up for 260 stamina with 7 medium. This can be ramped up to a 760 point damage shield. Brawler + Sap essence will make sure your health never budges vs groups, and siphoning attacks will let you do that till your blue in the face. You may not kill things as fast but you will not die.

    Usually in any aoe situation with 9 mobs you've either got a tank taking their attention or disabling them with talons/encase, or you're AoE grinding on mobs that wouldnt be able to kill you if there were twice that many. In either situation, you'll put out more damage with shroud of knives/whirlwind, bombard/volley, or impulse than you will with cleave.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • maxilaub17_ESO
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    This weapon set needs help and we're tired of waiting.

    Cleave's reliance on damage over time absolutely kills it as an aoe damage ability.
    Uppercut's slow cast time makes it useless in pvp.
    Reverse slash does horrible damage for an execute, especially compared to class abilities, and it's morphs are uninspired.
    Momentum needs to be stronger and the morphs need a complete rethinking.

    Compared to dual wield or even 1h/shield, 2h is leagues behind in both effectiveness and the general feeling of being a well thought out tree. The passive are pretty bad too.

    On top of all that, all of the 2h weapon types come up short on set bonuses compared to dw or 1h/s. Would be nice if they counted as two items towards set bonuses.

    Viability for 2h has been long overdue and neglected by the devs so far. Honestly all the Devs need do is look at Cyrodiil to see what the vast majority is using and not using to know what is over and under powered.... It's not too diffcult?
  • Lynx7386
    I can guess at those numbers right now... 60% destro staff, 20% resto staff, 8% sword and board, 5% bow, 5% dual wield, and 2% two handed. At least those are the rough figures from what I've seen.

    Of course that's also related to a different problem entirely - the current method of zerg train bombing heavily favors destro staff impulse spam
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • NorthernFury
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    This weapon set needs help and we're tired of waiting.

    Cleave's reliance on damage over time absolutely kills it as an aoe damage ability.
    Uppercut's slow cast time makes it useless in pvp.
    Reverse slash does horrible damage for an execute, especially compared to class abilities, and it's morphs are uninspired.
    Momentum needs to be stronger and the morphs need a complete rethinking.

    Compared to dual wield or even 1h/shield, 2h is leagues behind in both effectiveness and the general feeling of being a well thought out tree. The passive are pretty bad too.

    On top of all that, all of the 2h weapon types come up short on set bonuses compared to dw or 1h/s. Would be nice if they counted as two items towards set bonuses.

    Love all of the points you make here
    Edited by NorthernFury on July 17, 2014 7:58PM

    Skadi Storm-Blade - VR14 Altmer Sorcerer
    Brynnhild Valkyrja - VR12 Nord DragonKnight
    Haakon Hardrada - VR12 Nord Templar
    Sanguine's Tester (retired)

    Cattle die
    kinsmen die
    all men are mortal.
    Words of praise
    will never perish
    nor a noble name.

    - The Havamal
  • jelliedsoup
    Weapons in general need a buff, but 2h was not good. I changed to DW after hitting level 50 with 2h and noticed a marginal improvement. 2h in PvP is terrible, the only skill which does a good amount of damage takes 2 secs and can be avoided if you're watching. Executioner is ok as a finisher.
    Edited by jelliedsoup on July 17, 2014 8:06PM
  • Lynx7386
    Ultimately it just looks to me like they added 2h as an afterthought without really knowing what they wanted the weapon type to be focused on or able to do.

    Dual wield is well rounded. It has good sustained single-target damage, average single target burst damage, good aoe sustained and burst damage, and good utility. Every ability in the dual wield tree is useful in some way, and many of the abilities work well with each other. The passives, too, seem well thought out and mesh with the weapon set as a whole.

    Destruction staff has excellent utility through weakness to elements and crushing shock, moderate single-target control with elemental touch, amazing AoE between wall of elements and impulse, and good passives that back up the weapon any way you want to play it.

    Restoration staff has the clearest focus as a buffing/healing weapon, but the passives make it excellent for damage as well.

    The bow has a clear focus on single target burst through snipe, control through poison arrow / scatter shot / bombard, and aoe damage through volley and bombard. All well rounded, and again the passives work out well with the abilities in the tre.

    One handed and shield has a clear focus on survivability over damage. You've got heavy blocking potential vs physical attacks, spell reflect/absorb, a taunt for tanking, debuffs to reduce enemy damage, and self shields, charges, and stuns. The passives allow you to block more often while saving stamina for the abilities, and make you a tougher combatant.

    Then we get to two handed - it doesnt have a clear focus on aoe damage with only one AoE ability and a couple passives/morphs that allow you to hit 2 targets at a time. Aoe damage is severely limited by the fact that the only aoe ability in the tree has more than half of it's damage dealt through the bleed DoT, which will not run it's course if you spam the ability.
    It doesnt have a clear focus on single target damage, either, since you've only got access to an easily avoidable, long-cast time burst damage ability and a subpar execute.
    It lacks utility, as the only real buffs you get are through momentum and it's morphs, and both morphs provide effects that do not coincide with how the ability is used. Why tie a one-time movement debuff removal to an ability that lasts 20+ seconds? Why put a mediocre heal at the end of an ability that takes 20 seconds to run it's course? WIth the first morph you're having to spam the ability, thus losing the building damage buff it gives, and with the second morph you're likely to either die or finish combat before the heal hits.
    The passives for 2h are also all over the place - how does arcane fighter mesh with the class abilities? It's like it was thrown in there as a half-arsed measure to appease the people who want to play battlemages, even though nothing else in the entire skill tree, passives or otherwise, lends itself to that kind of playstyle. Splash damage to an additional target is great, but useless outside of solo play - you're either going to be fighting one target (such as a one on one pvp match or an enemy boss), or you're going to be fighting 5-10 targets or more (aoe situations and zerg pvp) at any one time in this game. Hitting 2 targets for a slight portion of already-pathetic light/heavy attack damage is useless.

    The devs really need to get together and go "Hey, what do we want two-handed to DO? What is it's real purpose in the game? What role or aspect should it focus on?" We have dual wield for sustained damage, we have shield for damage mitigation, we have the bow for control, we have the restoration staff for healing and destruction staff for burst damage. What's left?

    In my opinion there's a few clear options:

    1. Focus more on the splash damage aspect of two-handed. Make all of it's abilities hit all targets in your frontal cone within 5 or 7 meters, not just the light and heavy attacks or the morph for reverse slash. Have critical charge damage all enemies in your path as well as at the impact point, increase the range for cleave and make it's damage instant rather than dot-based, turn reverse slash into a conal-aoe execute, and make momentum do something different that meshes with that kind of play.

    2. Focus more on two handed as "the battlemage's weapon set". Change all of the abilities to deal some kind of magic or elemental damage, add some magicka return or magicka/stamina management to the skills, increase the weapon's effectiveness against spellcasters or maybe provide additional resilience when fighting spellcasters. Make arcane fighter more potent and turn two handed into a true 'hybrid' weapon style split between magicka and stamina (a lot of players would -love- this, I'm sure).

    3. Focus more on two handed's single-target burst damage to make it really out-shine the other weapons in that regard. Reduce the number of targets cleave can hit, increase the damage and remove the dot so it deals burst damage up front, increase the damage on reverse slash, give the weapon set additional weapon critical chance and weapon critical damage values, remove or significantly reduce the cast time on uppercut, and increase the damage for heavy attacks so that alternating uppercut/heavy attacks gives you some decent damage output.

    Personally, I'd pick #2 out of all of those. Right now weapon sets are either-or when it comes to stamina and magicka builds - you either pick a staff and run magicka with light armor, or you pick a melee weapon and run stamina with medium or heavy armor. Very few effective builds exist which split magicka and stamina usage for anything other than basic utility. Turning 2handed into a weapon set designed specifically for the 'battlemage' character - someone who wants to brawl up close with enemies while utilizing more spells and magic based damage - would set the weapon apart from the others and make it more interesting to use.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Birfreben_Kinghelred
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    2. yes but comparing this skill to other executes (only useful under 25%) this is much more efficient on bar space. Its always useful after opening with a sneak attack.

    No, it isnt. I do more damage with impale at 100% target health than reverse slash does, and impale does more damage vs targets at 25% or less as well.

    idk how far you'd get using impale on a full health targets. Impale is magical damage. With the current meta it will be reduced hard vs light armour wearers (majority). That means you either sacrifice impales crit chance for light armours spell penetration or vice versa. Either way execution sacrifices neither. Executioner is also physical and can proc weapon enchants (this is important).

    Whirlwind does a bit less damage at higher health levels than execute, but with dual wield passives it will end up doing even more damage when enemies are at less than 25% health (because all dual wield abilities get an extra 20% damage vs <25% health enemies). Whirlwind also hits everything around you and returns stamina, while the morphs for reverse slash only provide minimal damage increases against multiple enemies or to other 2h abilities.

    No, this is completely false. Whirlwinds base damage barely touches 140 with overcharged stamina and weapon damage. I don't think I've seen a reverse slash base value below 170. I like how you exaggerated the 20% more damage dual wield abilities get, but minimized the 18% damage 2-hand abilities get from having executioner slotted.(executioner included)
    4. increases the chance to apply additional effects for weapon enchants.

    Which only gives a minor increase to burst damage, doesnt effect the internal cooldown on weapon enchants, and causes you to use up soul charge more quickly.

    Doesnt affect soul charges, or burst damage, or internal cooldown. Its like you have no understanding of the game mechanics AND didn't read my post.
    Every elemental enchant has a cooldown (about 6 seconds). The enchant applies on the next attack after its cooldown is up. Every elemental enchant has a chance to apply additional effects on proc. (see my post for different effects per elemental enchant). Arcane fighter passive makes these additional effects proc frequently enough that you can rely on them. (might even be guaranteed) This means your enchants can provide utility on 2-hand, unlike on other weapon sets. I could for example, use a disease enchant so i debuff a targets healing while spamming execute on them. (pretty much certain death, unless I die first.) or I could use a frost enchant so I snare a target with a light attack for an easier uppercut. shock+dizzying swing for damage debuff, burning + carve for ulti generation, etc.

    How are you staying alive vs 9 mobs? at 1800 stamina brawler provides 128 point damage shield that increases 100% per target hit. that means in 1v1 you have a 260 point damage shield that can go up for 260 stamina with 7 medium. This can be ramped up to a 760 point damage shield. Brawler + Sap essence will make sure your health never budges vs groups, and siphoning attacks will let you do that till your blue in the face. You may not kill things as fast but you will not die.

    Usually in any aoe situation with 9 mobs you've either got a tank taking their attention or disabling them with talons/encase, or you're AoE grinding on mobs that wouldnt be able to kill you if there were twice that many. In either situation, you'll put out more damage with shroud of knives/whirlwind, bombard/volley, or impulse than you will with cleave.

    Huh, whats wrong with talons/encase for damage? or the tank to aoe everything down? You'd always have another skill to deal the damage... maybe brawler was intended to be the cc (through tanking) for classes that don't have it? Like...idk... nightblades? considering brawler is also considered an attack, it has synergy with siphoning attacks. Idk why you undervalue dots as well, in pvp, every time a dot ticks while a target is blocking its considered a blocked attack and uses up stamina. Either way, having some1 else tank so you can go crazy with dps is pretty situational to me. I bet you take whirlwind off your bar when your done aoe farming. no? Weird how brawler stays on my bar in cyrodiil, aoe farming, and solo questing.

    None of this taking into account critical rush is the fastest and least bugged distance closer. neither dual wield or destro staff have a distance closer, they require "manual" or class positioning for their aoes.
    Edited by Birfreben_Kinghelred on July 18, 2014 1:34AM
  • Lynx7386
    I think you're full of it, and it honestly boggles the mind that there can be something so many people agree on (like 2handed being crap compared to other weapon types right now), and yet there are still players that come here and say everything is fine.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Oberon
    The only good thing about 2 handed is that you can be a Werewolf and wield a 2 hander and thereby have the worst two skill lines in the game on the same character. Since actually going into wolf form is actually a major debuff to your character, you'd stay in human form, swing your greatsword, and thus be essentially useless in the game. Role playing a weak, easy to kill adventurer who deals terrible damage isn't as easy as it sounds, so if you're looking for a challenge, this is your ticket :wink:

    Oh, for extra points wear full Heavy Armor o.O
    Edited by Oberon on July 18, 2014 3:09AM
  • DarkAedin
    for single target dps, hands down, 2h wins. period.

    there is no 2 hit combo that does more dmg for stamina users then heavy attack clip into wrecking blow, over and over. Wrecking blow buffs ur next attack, so it makes ur heavy attack do the same dmg as wrecking blow tooltip (roughly).
    the clip for heavy attack with 2h is 0.4 seconds for full heavy attack dmg, dw is 0.3s but it hits for over 200 dmg less
    2h has highest weapon dmg in the game, and it also is the only weapon in the game with its own dmg buff (momentum).
    2h has the best passives for any weapon in the game. resto and 1h/shield comes close, but all other dps weapon passives pale in comparison, for both pvp and pve.

    to clarify, because i am seeing some ppl who do not understand the proper usages of cleave morphs:
    since its such a low cost ability and is spammable, many ppl feel that it is dps, but it is not, the morphs are for specific needs.
    -brawler = aoe defensive ability
    -carve - ultimate building ability
    -- these abilities are not dps, the dot on them is to help the extreme low dmg output of both be viable in the situation(s) that they are called for.

    due to carve's tooltip addition of +3 ultimate generation per mob hit, altho it is a low dmg ability, it becomes the best aoe in the game b/c it will generate ulti's faster.
    -this means: i can drop solar disturbance - a near 300 cost ultimate, the highest ultimate cost in the game - every pull in any vet dungeon b/c of carve morph. this beats any aoe ability. period. especialy b/c sorcs and dks can whip out their dmg ultis faster then i, a templar, can.

    executioner is the best finisher in terms of weapon abilities, vs single target.

    the current issue i am personally finding is that i am hitting weapon dmg hardcap extremely easily, were this not the issue....

  • Lynx7386
    2h has the best passives for any weapon in the game. resto and 1h/shield comes close, but all other dps weapon passives pale in comparison, for both pvp and pve.

    Where's your reasoning there?

    Dual wield gives 20% more damage on low health targets. It gives up to 10% additional weapon crit chance with dual daggers - 2handed doesnt have any crit bonuses. Dual wield gets higher damage against debilitated targets, while 2handed is stuck with a crappy, limited-target splash damage passive. Arcane fighter is the -only- halfway decent passive in the entire line, and it's still not all that good.

    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Dudegr
    DarkAedin wrote: »
    for single target dps, hands down, 2h wins. period.

    Best joke ever thx man you made my day !

    Please just buff the weapon tree as it is totaly useless in pvp and pve at the moment, Don't you people play your game? Is it so hard to see that this thing needs buffing ?The fact that almost nobody uses it in pvp or pve at later vr levels TELL YOU NOTHING ? And since nobody uses it IS IT SO HARD TO BUFF IT ALONE without having balancing problems ?Still waiting since day 1 for this weapn to be PLAYABLE AT LEAST!!!
  • DarkAedin
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    2h has the best passives for any weapon in the game. resto and 1h/shield comes close, but all other dps weapon passives pale in comparison, for both pvp and pve.

    Where's your reasoning there?

    Dual wield gives 20% more damage on low health targets. It gives up to 10% additional weapon crit chance with dual daggers - 2handed doesnt have any crit bonuses. Dual wield gets higher damage against debilitated targets, while 2handed is stuck with a crappy, limited-target splash damage passive. Arcane fighter is the -only- halfway decent passive in the entire line, and it's still not all that good.

    crit is useless once u factor in potion popping, more then 60% crit a waste, and ur getting nearly 60% crit with 7/7 leather armor and weapon potion popping alone, making swords the best.

    my 2h crits for 1100-1300 dmg, at 25% splash dmg, thats over 300 splash dmg per hit. this is not insignificant. (remember, my rotation is heavy attack clipped into wrecking blow)

    in a game where stamina generation is extremely limited, battle rush is awesome

    arcane fighter is best passive for weapons other then the + dmg for resto staff based on health

    all of your dw + dmg passives do not apply to bosses
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