I have been sayng that for 1-2 months: First they have to deal with Class Balance.This weapon set needs help and we're tired of waiting.
Artemiisia wrote: »one of my friends with 2hander, and doing some serious damage with his uppercut, we went into a dungeon together when I havent seen him wield his 2hander yet. after the first 5 mobs I just stood there speechless at first
then he writes in group chat, pls damage
I write back, how the h... you do so much damage o.O
and with the upcoming set/craft changes, he will for sure nuke them to pieces then :P
Artemiisia wrote: »one of my friends with 2hander, and doing some serious damage with his uppercut, we went into a dungeon together when I havent seen him wield his 2hander yet. after the first 5 mobs I just stood there speechless at first
then he writes in group chat, pls damage
I write back, how the h... you do so much damage o.O
and with the upcoming set/craft changes, he will for sure nuke them to pieces then :P
Birfreben_Kinghelred wrote: »1. Brawler.
2. Executioner deals more damage the lower the targets health is. Other executes deal damage when the target gets below 25%. this means its useful earlier on, like 50%-75% health.
4. Arcane fighter passive
The weapon damage cap change won't be enough. I play a nightblade, I can get +99% weapon damage in an aoe situation, that is still going to put me into the cap no matter what weapon type I'm using. Momentum becomes useless at that point (not to mention how inferior it is as a damage buff to begin with), and I will still end up doing more damage with dual wield / whirlwind.
If you're gong to deal with cast/channel times, flurry does more damage than uppercut. Whirlwind can have up to an 11 meter radius or stamina restore, neither cleave morph matches up. Momentum's morphs are still complete crap.
There is no way a sane person can claim 2h is "fine" as it is.
demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »Artemiisia wrote: »one of my friends with 2hander, and doing some serious damage with his uppercut, we went into a dungeon together when I havent seen him wield his 2hander yet. after the first 5 mobs I just stood there speechless at first
then he writes in group chat, pls damage
I write back, how the h... you do so much damage o.O
and with the upcoming set/craft changes, he will for sure nuke them to pieces then :P
If he was sneak attacking mobs with uppercut thats where all the damage from it comes from. It probably has the highest sneak crit damage of any skill in the game, but It won't do that much to players, and players are much smarter than mobs. They block and dodge uppercuts quite often.Birfreben_Kinghelred wrote: »1. Brawler.
2. Executioner deals more damage the lower the targets health is. Other executes deal damage when the target gets below 25%. this means its useful earlier on, like 50%-75% health.
4. Arcane fighter passive
1. Brawler = / = Damage.
2. Plenty of skills do more damage than executioner at 75% and 50% target health, and aren't situational like that.
3. you skipped 3
4. Do you know what this does?
2. yes but comparing this skill to other executes (only useful under 25%) this is much more efficient on bar space. Its always useful after opening with a sneak attack.
4. increases the chance to apply additional effects for weapon enchants.
How are you staying alive vs 9 mobs? at 1800 stamina brawler provides 128 point damage shield that increases 100% per target hit. that means in 1v1 you have a 260 point damage shield that can go up for 260 stamina with 7 medium. This can be ramped up to a 760 point damage shield. Brawler + Sap essence will make sure your health never budges vs groups, and siphoning attacks will let you do that till your blue in the face. You may not kill things as fast but you will not die.
This weapon set needs help and we're tired of waiting.
Cleave's reliance on damage over time absolutely kills it as an aoe damage ability.
Uppercut's slow cast time makes it useless in pvp.
Reverse slash does horrible damage for an execute, especially compared to class abilities, and it's morphs are uninspired.
Momentum needs to be stronger and the morphs need a complete rethinking.
Compared to dual wield or even 1h/shield, 2h is leagues behind in both effectiveness and the general feeling of being a well thought out tree. The passive are pretty bad too.
On top of all that, all of the 2h weapon types come up short on set bonuses compared to dw or 1h/s. Would be nice if they counted as two items towards set bonuses.
This weapon set needs help and we're tired of waiting.
Cleave's reliance on damage over time absolutely kills it as an aoe damage ability.
Uppercut's slow cast time makes it useless in pvp.
Reverse slash does horrible damage for an execute, especially compared to class abilities, and it's morphs are uninspired.
Momentum needs to be stronger and the morphs need a complete rethinking.
Compared to dual wield or even 1h/shield, 2h is leagues behind in both effectiveness and the general feeling of being a well thought out tree. The passive are pretty bad too.
On top of all that, all of the 2h weapon types come up short on set bonuses compared to dw or 1h/s. Would be nice if they counted as two items towards set bonuses.
2. yes but comparing this skill to other executes (only useful under 25%) this is much more efficient on bar space. Its always useful after opening with a sneak attack.
No, it isnt. I do more damage with impale at 100% target health than reverse slash does, and impale does more damage vs targets at 25% or less as well.
idk how far you'd get using impale on a full health targets. Impale is magical damage. With the current meta it will be reduced hard vs light armour wearers (majority). That means you either sacrifice impales crit chance for light armours spell penetration or vice versa. Either way execution sacrifices neither. Executioner is also physical and can proc weapon enchants (this is important).
Whirlwind does a bit less damage at higher health levels than execute, but with dual wield passives it will end up doing even more damage when enemies are at less than 25% health (because all dual wield abilities get an extra 20% damage vs <25% health enemies). Whirlwind also hits everything around you and returns stamina, while the morphs for reverse slash only provide minimal damage increases against multiple enemies or to other 2h abilities.
No, this is completely false. Whirlwinds base damage barely touches 140 with overcharged stamina and weapon damage. I don't think I've seen a reverse slash base value below 170. I like how you exaggerated the 20% more damage dual wield abilities get, but minimized the 18% damage 2-hand abilities get from having executioner slotted.(executioner included)4. increases the chance to apply additional effects for weapon enchants.
Which only gives a minor increase to burst damage, doesnt effect the internal cooldown on weapon enchants, and causes you to use up soul charge more quickly.
Doesnt affect soul charges, or burst damage, or internal cooldown. Its like you have no understanding of the game mechanics AND didn't read my post.
Every elemental enchant has a cooldown (about 6 seconds). The enchant applies on the next attack after its cooldown is up. Every elemental enchant has a chance to apply additional effects on proc. (see my post for different effects per elemental enchant). Arcane fighter passive makes these additional effects proc frequently enough that you can rely on them. (might even be guaranteed) This means your enchants can provide utility on 2-hand, unlike on other weapon sets. I could for example, use a disease enchant so i debuff a targets healing while spamming execute on them. (pretty much certain death, unless I die first.) or I could use a frost enchant so I snare a target with a light attack for an easier uppercut. shock+dizzying swing for damage debuff, burning + carve for ulti generation, etc.How are you staying alive vs 9 mobs? at 1800 stamina brawler provides 128 point damage shield that increases 100% per target hit. that means in 1v1 you have a 260 point damage shield that can go up for 260 stamina with 7 medium. This can be ramped up to a 760 point damage shield. Brawler + Sap essence will make sure your health never budges vs groups, and siphoning attacks will let you do that till your blue in the face. You may not kill things as fast but you will not die.
Usually in any aoe situation with 9 mobs you've either got a tank taking their attention or disabling them with talons/encase, or you're AoE grinding on mobs that wouldnt be able to kill you if there were twice that many. In either situation, you'll put out more damage with shroud of knives/whirlwind, bombard/volley, or impulse than you will with cleave.
Huh, whats wrong with talons/encase for damage? or the tank to aoe everything down? You'd always have another skill to deal the damage... maybe brawler was intended to be the cc (through tanking) for classes that don't have it? Like...idk... nightblades? considering brawler is also considered an attack, it has synergy with siphoning attacks. Idk why you undervalue dots as well, in pvp, every time a dot ticks while a target is blocking its considered a blocked attack and uses up stamina. Either way, having some1 else tank so you can go crazy with dps is pretty situational to me. I bet you take whirlwind off your bar when your done aoe farming. no? Weird how brawler stays on my bar in cyrodiil, aoe farming, and solo questing.
2h has the best passives for any weapon in the game. resto and 1h/shield comes close, but all other dps weapon passives pale in comparison, for both pvp and pve.
for single target dps, hands down, 2h wins. period.
2h has the best passives for any weapon in the game. resto and 1h/shield comes close, but all other dps weapon passives pale in comparison, for both pvp and pve.
Where's your reasoning there?
Dual wield gives 20% more damage on low health targets. It gives up to 10% additional weapon crit chance with dual daggers - 2handed doesnt have any crit bonuses. Dual wield gets higher damage against debilitated targets, while 2handed is stuck with a crappy, limited-target splash damage passive. Arcane fighter is the -only- halfway decent passive in the entire line, and it's still not all that good.