Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Is this what it's come to?


Unless you're in a good trial guild (it's hard to find those) you have no chance of doing trials unless you can link the achievement and are a staff user, because Craglorn chat is just full of this. Pug groups are asking for achievements and specific people because they actually want a chance to complete trials. It's Zenimax's fault that magicka staff users dominate with dps.
  • sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO
    Timer is bigger fault. Do not reward fast runners and it won't be that bad.
  • ebondeath
    I make myself feel better by pretending they're advertising for Alcoholics Anonymous.
    ╔═════════════⌈Alannah Corvaine⌋══════════════╗
    Rise, rise! To freedom, rise! Arise, ye Breton sons and daughters.
    Ride, ride! To freedom, ride! Truth and glory to the brave!
    ╚═════════════⌊VR 12 Breton NB⌉══════════════╝
  • Fairydragon3
    Elitist are in every game, rather they don't have the time or they don't have the patience, they would prefer to group with a certain kind of person. Honestly you can't blame someone for grouping the way they want. What you need to do if find like minded people, not those that will stress you out
  • Valn
    Elitist are in every game, rather they don't have the time or they don't have the patience, they would prefer to group with a certain kind of person. Honestly you can't blame someone for grouping the way they want. What you need to do if find like minded people, not those that will stress you out

    It's not elitist to want to complete something. The person is asking for specific people because it's zenimax's fault for making stamina builds weak.
  • diamondeyethunderbow_ESO
    It's true that stamina builds are weak, but it's also true that you don't want to group with people that concerned about making everything optimal.
  • Valn
    It's true that stamina builds are weak, but it's also true that you don't want to group with people that concerned about making everything optimal.

    It's not a case of "not wanting to group" it's more of "can't group because they won't let me join"
  • twev
    Well, when they nerf bathrobe wearing broomstick users - you'll be sittin' pretty, right?

    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Lunerdog
    To be honest I'm glad they do shout out like that, it lets me know that they're the type of people I wish to ignore and wouldn't group with in a month of Sundays.
  • Fairydragon3
    Valn wrote: »
    Elitist are in every game, rather they don't have the time or they don't have the patience, they would prefer to group with a certain kind of person. Honestly you can't blame someone for grouping the way they want. What you need to do if find like minded people, not those that will stress you out

    It's not elitist to want to complete something. The person is asking for specific people because it's zenimax's fault for making stamina builds weak.

    Perhaps that was a bad way to describe it, but elitist is just the word I chose. There is a certain type of player who has researched balance, and wants people they group with to also know what they are doing, or at least meet those requirements that they need. They will know the best kind of builds or at least what they are needing to complete their goals, and thus will not want certain builds proven to no be that viable at the time.

    But if you are surprised that their is in-balance in this game, you better get used to it. No one is bringing my paladin back to it's former healing glory, so it's best not to get too invested in build that have been proven to not work very well
  • NewBlacksmurf
    In short this version (PC) should have honestly stopped all characters at level 50

    It should use VR levels for PvP only.

    The endgame should provide dungeon running for "Veteran" difficulty but using another term.

    Those dungeons should drop blue or better armor sets of all types to assist players with their class and the gear would also enable people to gear up for Crag

    The whole VR system is simply dumb. It was something to create a time sink until the developers figure out what "endgame" style promotes sub retention.

    The current model creates separation because:
    -people can't quantify the abilities of another gamer as skill levels and stats or gear are hidden.
    -character level or VR ranks don't signify ability or anything more than achieved VR exp
    -it takes a very long time for anyone who just hit VR1 to reach VR12 and forces people through other factions (another pointless but intentional time sink that defeats the point of refilling in another faction)
    -The VR model further separates new level "50" characters from others which seems to show an elitist approach rather than a collaborative approach.

    In the end, what is the point of VR content. Knowing that it really didn't make sense and now knowing that the levels and other functions are subject to change in 30 days.

    My position, though not shared by all, suggests that at each max level the players need to be brought together.

    In WoW the problem today are one max level and gear tiered dungeons that separate other players. I hoped this game would take a "gear seek" approach and encourage others to play together.

    While those who play more or who seek harder challenges I do feel there should be "difficult" versions of all dungeons and raids the rewards would fall to those difficulty levels but the only separating factor would be character ability and gear bonuses.

    Today I'm 100% dis interested in any endgame and I brought this to satisfy my desires online with others in dungeon or raiding environments.

    Dare I say that the 1-49 levels are far better than most MMORPGs that exist today but the VR1-etc is the worse endgame of any MMORPG.

    There are free to play games that are pay to win whose endgame is better and it's only due to a lack.of thought. The platform is set.

    Use Cyrodil in two ways. PvE campaigns (NPCs only vs players)
    PvP as it works today. Allow both to serve as endgame but the PvE version would be like Dark Age of Camelot's frontier.

    Cyrodil could provide the solo gamer with new and ever changing challenges as they along with other solo players could attack other factions in a quest system to eliminate the need of cross faction VR leveling

    Crag would stay as it is but a level 50 raid with a normal version and a difficult version.
    The dungeons would have a difficult version(not VR level) and start from 48-50 as the endgame story tends to finish around those levels.

    Gear mats, recipes, weapons and armor would be unique in artwork and the number of abilities in these zones as it's a max level.

    Even some sets should follow the update 3 with options to choose to some extent the artwork that appears like the Imperial edition option.

    This is a good game with so.much potential but with champion levels coming and the VR levels approach people will become.more and.more alienated as PvE MUST be based on caps and max levels not a level extension.

    At some point the game would need expansions so either level 50 is it forever or things need to be changed now before it gets confusing and those VR12 characters and players will be frustrated with changes that discount their lo g efforts .

    Change now not later @ZOS
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Thechemicals
    You actually have to ideally have templars with the heal ultimates rotating for trials. Btw Templars destroyed everyone in the 1v1 pvp event. Been saying it since release....Templars best class. Next best class is Dragon blood because thats all they got going.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • isengrimb16_ESO
    LF non-staff, non-dress users. No achievements necessary. If you're a fellow monkey with an upside down character and "broken" class, you're the ones I want, just to do the darn thing.

    How would that look as an ad?

    Because, hey, the poor can open up their own private clubs, too, to keep out the jet-set types. It might not be as fancy as the rich boys' clubs, but it's theirs, and they can snob the snobs.

    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on July 16, 2014 1:59PM
  • TehMagnus
    The people that post that, are looking for quick trial runs for the set parts, it requires good dps, people who know what they are doing from the begining to the end... It also requires sorcs with buble, skills like Barrier/anulement/nova, a good tank that can keep agro, good reactive healers... Those ultimates need to be used more than once in fight so it also requires the players to regen enough ultimate during the fight.

    So yeah, when you get to the point where you have 900-1.1k DPS, all you wana do is do runs over and over again as quickly as possible to get all your set pieces, you're not interested in wasting time with pugs unless you have to, specially since more than half of the people you will find will have a wrong set or wrong skills and refuse to do as you did aka go caster.

    I used to run a DK with 2H & Destro Staff, 5M2L armor. I thought executionner was OP. Then I downloaded an addon to calculate my DPS and saw that at best I reached 400-500 dps. I had to craft new armor, get warlock set pieces by doing quick runs on first AA boss, respec my skills & attributes to get the correct ones, travel all around the map to unlock mage's guild to level 10 and then level up mages light and the regen mana skills, buy spell crit potions by the hundred... Then, once I had to the correct setup, I had to learn how to spam the different skills.

    So after doing all that for optimisation, you don't want a 2H sword in your group that is basically just there for the ride because he likes his set up and doesn't want to change it for trials or hasn't taken the time to do it.

    Nevertheless, no, that's not what the game has come to. There are many groups that are made by players who just want to farm first boss, there are also teaching runs for the players that have gone caster/staff but don't know the trials or struggle with tactics.

    In my opinion, the trials should be completable without having to use insane DPS. This would require not ignoring most of the bosses' mechanics like the "rush" groups do. Sadly, currently, it's impossible. You can farm bosses 1 & 2 of AA with normal groups and without insane DPS (and it'll be harder and you will loose more people than the full DPS groups) but you wont get past boss 3 without enough DPS and you will most def whipe at Mage if you can't finish boss 3 before he does his 3rd massive attack.
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    It's a horrible, absolutely HORRIBLE design. ZOS sets up a game with so many different options for your build, and then makes the end game revolve around timers, thereby pigeon holing you into having to make a VERY specific build if you want to even remotely compete. Part of that is the huge imbalances in the game atm.

    Also, Craglorn is horrible. There's nothing to do there but listen to zone chat requesting grinding groups to level. Finding a group to actually quest with there is near impossible.
  • steveb16_ESO46

    Dare I say that the 1-49 levels are far better than most MMORPGs that exist today but the VR1-etc is the worse endgame of any MMORPG.

    You may indeed say that.
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