I wont be going into the skill line of shields (even though i think it needs some love). I am hugely underwhelmed with the appearance of shields.
At low levels the shields were respectable, however the higher i levelled, the more it became apparent that i would be stuck with a buckler (small, pissy shield).
There are some shields that aren't bad, but where are the hoplons, tower shields, scutums, kite shields, large viking round shields etc. the viking shield in game is quite small for example.
I propose that shield types and sizes be increased. I am talking about appearance but whose to say certain bonuses couldn't be added, dependant on your shield type.
For example such bonuses could be any of;
Tower shield/scutum
adds armor AND magic resist
Reduces damage taken from ranged projectiles by %
Reduce block cost
Hoplons/viking round shield
increased bash damage and overwhelming bash damage
Reduce single target, melee range damage by %
These are just some ideas.
also i think it is important to be able to dye your shield, which i noticed isn't part of the dye system. Shields are always painted with the emblems and colours of whom they are associated with. Why wouldnt you be able to do so ingame?
Is it just me?
Edited by semp3rfi on July 16, 2014 12:34PM