Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

EU [Wabbajack] Aldmeri Emperor Cheater, Exploiter etc.

  • fluffycannibalb16_ESO
    If it truly is a bug that somehow only affects him and nobody else, then yes he is exploiting it: he's taking advantage of it in order to score more points. In the 2~ hours I was on PvP yesterday I didn't see him back down, I didn't see him pause, I didn't see him do anything that could have evened the odds in the slightest. Neither did any of the rest of you.

    Fluff'ii - EP Sneaky-Cat-People
    Elendil Ellesar - EP Stabby-Stabby-Healer
    Khalisah al-Sinan - EP Fire-Breathing-Shieldy-Person
    Liara Motierre - EP Blinky-Storm-Mage
    Fetches-Fetches-Glitter - EP Lizard-Light-Smasher
    Zevran Demnevanni - EP Sneaky-Vampire-Mage
    Vindictal - EP Evil-necROMANCEr
    Shepard Andersson - EP Smashy-Dragon-Man
    Anduille - EP Cute-Bosmer-Bear-Lover
    Eamhair Eimhir - EP Necro-Poison-Wolf-Girl
    Orlog gro-Morkul - EP Smashy-Sorc-Orc
    Lucien la Malfaisance - EP Book-Beamer
  • Fine
    Well i wasen't online yesterday, so i can't talk about what went on yesterday. But he has relogged several times in order to try and get rid of it and he has reported himself.

  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Fine wrote: »
    Well i wasen't online yesterday, so i can't talk about what went on yesterday. But he has relogged several times in order to try and get rid of it and he has reported himself.

    If that hasn't worked and the bug is affecting him, then he should refrain from PVP.

    Play square and fair, or don't play.

    Any other choice is exploiting. Continuing to remain on the field is exploiting.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Fine
    And not having our emperor on the field, with or without bugs would seriously weaken us. Concidering our small numbers. Whine at ESO for not fixing this when he reported it him self, instead of whining at the player.
  • Zord
    @fluffycannibalb16_ESO Sorry but your comment about the AD emperor going down like a sack of bricks is quite funny knowing your own previous emperor was probably the lamest sack of unskilled lizard skin this game has ever seen.

    @Fine The point here is not to whine or to find out who is more skilled than who or any BS like that. We don't give a rat's ass if AD team kicks ass or not, or if EP is a rolling mass of meatshields.

    The point is that a player who happens to be the actual emperor of Wabba EU, WILLINGLY exploited a bug to the benefit of his faction for several hours. I don't care how many times he relogged or how many times he reported it himself. ZOS is certainly responsible for the bug itself, but the decision of exploiting a bug is a player decision. So, your emp did exploit and you encouraged him and took profit of him doing so, thus demonstrating you're as worthless as EP was.
    Zaavyna / Kzord - DC EU
  • Syndy
    Fine wrote: »
    And not having our emperor on the field, with or without bugs would seriously weaken us. Concidering our small numbers. Whine at ESO for not fixing this when he reported it him self, instead of whining at the player.

    Your argument is funny...

    Going into a house, breaking a gas pipe, lighting a candle and then walking out... Then being all surpised when you get blamed for the explosion. And your defense is, Don't blame me for lighting the candle, blame the Gas Company for sending Gas to the house....

    Edit: Negligence is a crime. You know it is wrong to keep playing bugged yet you still do.
    Edited by Syndy on July 16, 2014 4:58PM
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • Fine
    Zord wrote: »
    @fluffycannibalb16_ESO Sorry but your comment about the AD emperor going down like a sack of bricks is quite funny knowing your own previous emperor was probably the lamest sack of unskilled lizard skin this game has ever seen.

    @Fine The point here is not to whine or to find out who is more skilled than who or any BS like that. We don't give a rat's ass if AD team kicks ass or not, or if EP is a rolling mass of meatshields.

    The point is that a player who happens to be the actual emperor of Wabba EU, WILLINGLY exploited a bug to the benefit of his faction for several hours. I don't care how many times he relogged or how many times he reported it himself. ZOS is certainly responsible for the bug itself, but the decision of exploiting a bug is a player decision. So, your emp did exploit and you encouraged him and took profit of him doing so, thus demonstrating you're as worthless as EP was.

    And in what way did i encourage him?
    Syndy wrote: »
    Fine wrote: »
    And not having our emperor on the field, with or without bugs would seriously weaken us. Concidering our small numbers. Whine at ESO for not fixing this when he reported it him self, instead of whining at the player.

    Your argument is funny...

    Going into a house, breaking a gas pipe, lighting a candle and then walking out... Then being all surpised when you get blamed for the explosion. And your defense is, Don't blame me for lighting the candle, blame the Gas Company for sending Gas to the house...

    Yes... Thats excatly how... You don't seem worth the arguement. So i won't even try :)
    Edited by Fine on July 16, 2014 4:55PM
  • Syndy
    It is how. The player continuing to play is wrong. He/she knows it, you know it, putting the blame on ZoS is stupid, yes they did supply you with the means of the bug, but continuing to profit from it is wrong... And saying don't blame the person exploiting the bug to kill ther players, blame ZoS for having the bug in the first place is laughable..

    For your sake I hope this is your first MMO, if not, you are not worth anyone's time with logic like yours.
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • Fine
    I played DAoC for 5 years, wow and EVE. No this is not my first MMO :)

    So what your saying is, that our emperor should step out of Cyrodiil and go afk untill this is fixed? How is that fair towards a paying customer?

  • Maylinh
    You can easily remove this bug by death. Suicide is a good option. :)
    EP| Maylin - Templar v16 - Ava 32
    EP| Lulu White - DK v16 (Nerfed to CC-bot) Ava 30
    EP| Karma Baby - Sorc v16 - Ava 21
    EP| Scrubbadub - NB v16 - AvA 19
    EP| Shini'qua - fotm DK v16 - AvA 13
    DC| -Aeya - DK v16 - AvA 14

    Pls accountbound AvA ranks, pls give us dynamic ulti back, kthnxbai

  • Fine
    He does die alot, the bug keeps comming back :)
  • Columba
    He can always run siege, heal, repair. It's funny how this bug only happens with an Emperor. Convenient, no?
  • ArconSeptim
    ZENIMAX where are you, what do you do? How many times we have to report such activity and what you do? He is again online I thought he never be again...people won't play such unfair unlogical PvP how it's not mention to be...
  • Syndy
    Has he died to PvE yet? Let a pack of wolves in Cyrodiil kill him... Dieing to PvE is different than dieing to another player...

    All bugs like this that have happened to me were fixed by dieing to PvE... The Speed Hack is fixed like that as well.
    Edited by Syndy on July 16, 2014 5:40PM
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • ArconSeptim
    There is no such BUGS omg,, they make you think it is a bug, and if it is why they use it? stop
  • fluffycannibalb16_ESO
    Zord wrote: »
    @fluffycannibalb16_ESO Sorry but your comment about the AD emperor going down like a sack of bricks is quite funny knowing your own previous emperor was probably the lamest sack of unskilled lizard skin this game has ever seen.


    Never said he wasn't.
    Fluff'ii - EP Sneaky-Cat-People
    Elendil Ellesar - EP Stabby-Stabby-Healer
    Khalisah al-Sinan - EP Fire-Breathing-Shieldy-Person
    Liara Motierre - EP Blinky-Storm-Mage
    Fetches-Fetches-Glitter - EP Lizard-Light-Smasher
    Zevran Demnevanni - EP Sneaky-Vampire-Mage
    Vindictal - EP Evil-necROMANCEr
    Shepard Andersson - EP Smashy-Dragon-Man
    Anduille - EP Cute-Bosmer-Bear-Lover
    Eamhair Eimhir - EP Necro-Poison-Wolf-Girl
    Orlog gro-Morkul - EP Smashy-Sorc-Orc
    Lucien la Malfaisance - EP Book-Beamer
  • Lettigall
    It's strange played a lot o time in Cyrod and never once had speed bug or insane dmg "bug" but there one guy who's plagued with it. Sorry not buying it. He's ether using some hack or found way to cause bug.

    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Lettigall wrote: »
    It's strange played a lot o time in Cyrod and never once had speed bug or insane dmg "bug" but there one guy who's plagued with it. Sorry not buying it. He's ether using some hack or found way to cause bug.

    Is the way I see it. Not calling it a bug anymore, since a hand full of chars seem to some how always reproduce it, with various different skills. Definitely hack and ZoS needs to wake up on it.
  • Columba
    Isn't it odd that those who have these "bugs" are also the highest AP holders? Puzzling indeed...
  • Columba
    Double post...
    Edited by Columba on July 16, 2014 8:19PM
  • Lettigall
    Even CM's doesn't bother to check thread about cheating. Usually when players name is posted in forum they quick enough edit that and post not violate rules.

    Zero fu.ks are given about cheating. Reporting gives nothing, posting on forum gives nothing. When honest players starts leaving game maybe then they address problem.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • DontBeAfraid
    Lettigall wrote: »
    It's strange played a lot o time in Cyrod and never once had speed bug or insane dmg "bug" but there one guy who's plagued with it. Sorry not buying it. He's ether using some hack or found way to cause bug.

    well i can tell u that both is a bug. a reproduceable bug though - but u dont need 3rd party tools for these things.

    i had the speedbug as well a couple of times. i even know how to get it.
    and no im not abusing it or defending this guy abusing it. but its no hack or such.

    its an issue with the code - which needs to be fixed.
    Marlic - Dragonknight - VR12 - Aldmeri Dominion - PvP Rank 29 - Ex-Emperor on Dawnbreaker - EU

  • ArconSeptim
    Here is he again tonight:

    He still plays this game...

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
    Edited by ZOS_JuhoJ on July 17, 2014 9:16AM
  • Lilarna
    Yes nightkin3, I know that he relogged. Which doesn't discredit what I explained about "relying on it".

    Speaking of bugs, I admit I had one speed bug tonight during the biggest EP/AD/DC fight, it gave me the "pleasure" of being able to scout very fast around for about 3 minutes (and see nothing essential), and it went away when I died.

    It is the only bug of this kind on the DC side that we have noticed since... well let's just says since there is a new emp, but probably since much longer.

    Anyway, there were less bugs tonight, so hopefully soon there will be none at all !
    Edited by Lilarna on July 17, 2014 1:06AM
    Housing contest: Gold Road Visions.
    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
    My Twitch Channel at LiLandChill:
  • nightkin3
    Soul Shriven
    I been playing yesterday evening about 3 hours and he died in PVP several times ... let say if he want he can kill you all around with his bugged dmg with throwing caltrops all around and just wipe u all just because he can but while i was playing i didnt saw him doing anything of these ... yes he got OP dmg bug but realy guys he is trying not kill you all so we all can fight and have fun ... but not playing at all? he is paying for the game like all of us so...

    I know it must be frustrating to get IK from him or so but how many times u get killed by sneaky NB OP super DD before u put your sword out? Im just saying no you have no chance 1v1 but he is not invicible you still can kill him ...
  • Tintinabula
    I got the speed bug today. Ive gotten it before. rather than run around in god mode I stood still in the fight and let the enemy kill me cause I knew that would fix it. THAT is not exploiting. Running around for hours using the bug IS an EXPLOIT. Get your definitions and ethics straight before coming here and pontificating.
  • bugulu
    It makes you wonder why this guy keeps getting this bug despite relogging and dying multiple times yet no one else/very few experience this issue.
  • ArconSeptim
    Zenimax make they effort to remove screenshoots and links but nothing with banhammering this guy?
    Just to conclude, comparing sliver shards bug(which was on every player and everyone knew about it)with this guy and so extraterrestrial damage he makes is not the same it's not bug it's some kind of hack.
  • Lettigall
    Zenimax make they effort to remove screenshoots and links but nothing with banhammering this guy?
    Just to conclude, comparing sliver shards bug(which was on every player and everyone knew about it)with this guy and so extraterrestrial damage he makes is not the same it's not bug it's some kind of hack.

    Violating forum rules> cheating in game. Their "grey area" policy means that if you find bug in game you can exploit it in to the oblivion. Exploiting don't have any downside only gain.

    I think zos only ban cheater if he confess to support about using hack. Cheating through bugs is legal.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • SC0TY999
    Fine wrote: »
    Well, i guess it's the same that can be said about DC last campaign. With DC gaining emperor on Wabbajack, simply due to bugabusing. However I'm not alowed to mention names here, but if you where here last campaign ( on wabbajack ) then you gained just as much from the 3 guys that abused bugged abilities or simple bad game mechanics as AD is doing now.

    I think the main issue here is that this stuff is not being fixed, not that the player may or may not take advantage of it. Atleast thats my opinion.

    You're a complete LIAR!

    I was on EU - Wabba and I knew the emp of that campaign towards the end. His character name was Vanhorstmann and he never once cheated FACT!

    The campaign was dead in the end because we couldn't get numbers to do anything. EP would get guests to come and steam roll the map!

    Edited by SC0TY999 on July 17, 2014 12:19PM
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