NakedSnake wrote: »They all start like that. In a few years I predict this will be the definitive MMO experience.
NakedSnake wrote: »They all start like that. In a few years I predict this will be the definitive MMO experience.
Blackwidow wrote: »NakedSnake wrote: »They all start like that. In a few years I predict this will be the definitive MMO experience.
The only reason I would disagree with that is this engine seems to be having problems with simple tasks, like when we still Q when we go into guild banks.
I am not sure if that is a bug or a problem with the mega server.
Also, it may be that they left out underwater swimming for the same reason.
I have high hopes ESO will be a good game a year or two, but by then I bet there will be a better MMORPG with new technology like EQ Next, but with good graphics.
Mr.Turtlesworth wrote: »Well no. ESO like a misunderstood man in a suit.
NakedSnake wrote: »I know there are going to be some serious challengers coming out within the next year or so but I think those games will fit niche market. Games like EQnext and BlackDesert will attract the sandbox crowd but ESO will be the goto game for the average mmoer.
moxiesauce wrote: »Mr.Turtlesworth wrote: »Well no. ESO like a misunderstood man in a suit.
Is that an oxymoron? I don't understand what you mean by that.... but he's misunderstood so...???
NakedSnake wrote: »Agreed, I think they will start leaning more and more towards sandbox aspects to try and get as close to TES as possible but in the end it will just be faux sandbox. I think that might be better though since not everyone is into that hardcore sandbox experience.
Blackwidow wrote: »NakedSnake wrote: »They all start like that. In a few years I predict this will be the definitive MMO experience.
The only reason I would disagree with that is this engine seems to be having problems with simple tasks, like when we still Q when we go into guild banks.
I am not sure if that is a bug or a problem with the mega server.
Also, it may be that they left out underwater swimming for the same reason.
I have high hopes ESO will be a good game a year or two, but by then I bet there will be a better MMORPG with new technology like EQ Next, but with good graphics.