Ideas for new siege equipment

Currently we have trebuchets for long range, slow attacks; Ballistae for medium range average speed attacks, and catapults for short range quick attacks (at least, I think that's how they end up working out). We have burning oil for wall/gate defense, battering rams to smash in doors, and have forward camps for support/utility.

Any ideas to add some more siege equipment to the game? I've a few suggestions:

Siege Towers
A large tower with a staircase going from the back to the front (usually it's a ladder, but i think a steep staircase might work better for the game mechanics). Like a battering ram, the siege tower can be manned by multiple people, and it moves faster the more players you have pushing (up to 4, perhaps). The siege tower has to be deployed a specific distance from the keep, and then can be pushed to the keep wall, where it can be used by players to climb up to the top of the wall.

Sapper Charges
When deployed, the sapper charge deals massive damage to keep walls and doors, higher than any current siege weapon, but it kills the user in the process. Essentially a suicide bomber that rushes a wall, blows up to create a hole in the wall, and is followed by his allies.

Spear Walls
When deployed, a wall of spears embedded into the ground, facing outward from the player. Enemy players take damage and cannot move through the spear wall, and take additional damage and are knocked down if they try to pass or jump it while mounted. The spear walls would be destructible with catapults/trebuchets/ballistae and firepots.

Some other features that would be interesting are more reliance and ways to mess with keep resources. Currently, the lumber mill, mine, and farm do nothing other than decide whether or not a faction can teleport to their keep's transitus shrine.

Suggestion: Each resource type directly benefits the keep in some way while under a faction's control

The Mine
While under the control of the faction that owns the nearby keep, the mine would provide a bonus to that keep increasing the strength of keep walls and the effect of repair kits on walls.
While under the control of an attacking faction, the keep's walls would take more damage from siege attacks and be repaired for less by repair kits.

The Farm
While under the control of the faction that owns the nearby keep, the farm would increase the spawn rate for keep defending NPCs, and provide a health regeneration boost to players defending the keep.
While under the control of an attacking faction, the keep's npcs would become weaker and have reduced spawn rate.

The Lumber Mill
While under the control of the faction that owns the nearby keep, the lumber mill would provide increased strength to the keep's doors, and increase the effect of repair kits on friendly siege weaponry being used in the keep or on it's walls.
While under the control of the attacking faction, the keep's doors would become weaker, and defender siege weapons would be repaired for less by repair kits.

Additionally, new effects could become available for attackers when conquering these resource nodes:

When conquering a farm, attackers get the option to "Salt the fields"
Salting the fields of the farm removes all bonuses the farm provides for either faction for a lengthy period of time (for the upcoming 5 day campaigns, maybe for 2-3 days). A salted farm would also provide a debuff to keep defense NPCs making them weaker and severely reducing the spawn rate.

When conquering a lumber mill, attackers get the option to "Raze the mill"
Razing the lumber mill burns down it's structures and removes all bonuses the lumber mill provides for either faction for a lengthy period of time. A razed lumber mill would also severely reduce the strength of doors in the keep.

When conquering a mine, attackers get the potion to "collapse the mine"
Collapsing the mine removes all bonuses the mine provides to both attackers and defenders, and makes the walls of the keep significantly weaker than normal.

An attacking force would be required to decide whether it is more beneficial to ruin the resource for everyone, or to have a stronger resource benefit once they take over the keep. If you leave the resource as-is, you get a bonus to your attacking force and remove a bonus from the defending force. if you successfully take over the keep, the resource then provides you with a bonus as the new defending force.
If you decide to destroy the resource, you lose both the attacking and defending bonuses whether you win the keep or not.

PS4 / NA
M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Mr.Turtlesworth
    I r robot
    hear me roar
  • Lynx7386
    That's it, "cool"? C'mon =/
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Artemiisia
    or big animals, like mammoths :)
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