LariahHunding wrote: »Lack of fire resistance, make you dead.
yelloweyedemon wrote: »LariahHunding wrote: »Lack of fire resistance, make you dead.
Vamps are already dead
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Early is good. I'm not sure level 3 is not too early ... but well done.
Waiting till level 35 is definitely leaving it too late though. My witch has 1350 fire resist. My enchanter is very useful.
ESO vampires have contracted a disease, they are not dead.
smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Early is good. I'm not sure level 3 is not too early ... but well done.
Waiting till level 35 is definitely leaving it too late though. My witch has 1350 fire resist. My enchanter is very useful.
ESO vampires have contracted a disease, they are not dead.
I think they are still technically dead, or undead. I don't know they get referred to as that within lore, but also you can cure it sooo....
It sounds like it would be a fun challenge doing this at level 3. Personally, I am thinking about going vampire on my vr12 nightblade for the sneak speed boost. I'd need to respec to get lotus fan, though. And I have so many skillpoints, it would be very expensive.
frwinters_ESO wrote: »No one should be able to do this. they need to put a level restriction on becoming a vampire.
frwinters_ESO wrote: »No one should be able to do this. they need to put a level restriction on becoming a vampire.
So basically we should play how you think we should play and not just enjoy the game for what it is? NO, the Vampire and WW quest should remain exactly what it is with no level restriction.
TheVindelator wrote: »If you manage to become a vampire at level 3, more power to you.
I seriously can't imagine the fire debuff being a real problem. You might have to be careful once in a while.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »My main reasoning for getting it early is:Also, the vampire tree isn't like other skill trees in that you don't have to have any vampire passives or vampire abilities on your bar to level it. It levels off of experience gains, regardless of having anything on or slotted.
- The challenge.
- The drain spell.
- The cosmetics.
Because of this, it is helpful to rank it up faster by getting it earlier. By the time you get to your mid 30's you can already have it high enough to get the really awesome passives.
The stealth speed is the main thing I am after on my nightblade.
Awesome Vid. I don't think level 3 is too early for any of the sub classes. But wow fresh outta the chains is just awesome. I did it at level 10 on my Bow wielding sorc for the same reasons (the passives by mid level 30) And I must say at level 37 my sorc feels stronger than my vet2 WW NB.AlienDiplomat wrote: »My main reasoning for getting it early is:Also, the vampire tree isn't like other skill trees in that you don't have to have any vampire passives or vampire abilities on your bar to level it. It levels off of experience gains, regardless of having anything on or slotted.
- The challenge.
- The drain spell.
- The cosmetics.
Because of this, it is helpful to rank it up faster by getting it earlier. By the time you get to your mid 30's you can already have it high enough to get the really awesome passives.
The stealth speed is the main thing I am after on my nightblade.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »
How to start the game as a vampire immediately after the tutorial zone at level three, which is the lowest possible level you can get it:
- Have a friend group with you and travel to the zone for your faction where the vampire shrine is located (Bangkorai for DC, The Rift for EP, and Reaper’s March for AD). Bring up your group tab and right-click them to teleport to the wayshrine there for free.
- Click the scroll on the altar at the shrine after being bitten.
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »ESO vampires have contracted a disease, they are not dead.
frwinters_ESO wrote: »No one should be able to do this. they need to put a level restriction on becoming a vampire.
So basically we should play how you think we should play and not just enjoy the game for what it is? NO, the Vampire and WW quest should remain exactly what it is with no level restriction.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »I honestly can't understand the mentality of that post either. It doesn't effect you in any way if someone chooses to slot different abilities on their bar, or role play as a sub-class provided by the game design.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »It would be like saying "sending improved crafted materials with uber set bonuses to low level characters should never be allowed.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »@AlienDiplomat, flavor it how you like, but this is an exploit.
It's one thing to bring someone into a higher level zone that's a handful of levels lower in order to grind, gain some XP's, etc.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »And while I don't think there should be level restrictions to go anywhere, I think you should be limited to using the wayshrines you have found yourself. That was the original intent.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »The zones (and the enemies contained within) and especially the vampire quest line, is designed to have some challenge to accomplish it.
Following your guide, you are effectively bypassing that.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »AlienDiplomat wrote: »It would be like saying "sending improved crafted materials with uber set bonuses to low level characters should never be allowed.
It's not allowed now... My level 4 can't wear level 40 armor... If he could, well, I would call that an exploit, too.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »It's a little disappointing, as it does hurt the spirit of the game.
It goes back to the old adage "Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »If a person is able to beat a higher level mob using the game mechanics that are intended to work that way (kiting) it isn't an "exploit" it is just smart playing.
Don't be mad just because someone did something cool! This doesn't effect you or anyone else in any way and it is NOT in ANY way an "exploit." Kiting is NOT an exploit. Porting to a guild mate is NOT an exploit.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »And while I don't think there should be level restrictions to go anywhere, I think you should be limited to using the wayshrines you have found yourself. That was the original intent.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »You think the game should have been designed differently than it is, therefor that is the way it was intended to be?
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »The zones (and the enemies contained within) and especially the vampire quest line, is designed to have some challenge to accomplish it.
Following your guide, you are effectively bypassing that.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »Really? Try doing it at level three then tell me about it bypassing a challenge!
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »AlienDiplomat wrote: »It would be like saying "sending improved crafted materials with uber set bonuses to low level characters should never be allowed.
It's not allowed now... My level 4 can't wear level 40 armor... If he could, well, I would call that an exploit, too.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »I was clearly talking about sending a level 1 crafted gear with set bonuses on it made at the various special crafting stations around the world.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »It's a little disappointing, as it does hurt the spirit of the game.
It goes back to the old adage "Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »I am offended that you would honestly believe this is an exploit. It is insulting to have skilled play lumped into the same category as speed hacks and dupe bugs just because you don't personally think people should be allowed to play the way they want.
If I want to role play as a vampire starting at level 3, and I have the skill and knowledge to achieve it using the mechanics the game is designed to provide, who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do?
AlienDiplomat wrote: »UPDATE: Just wanted to report that getting vampirism at level 3 you should be able to get rank 9 for the Dark Stalker passive by level 35-36 and rank 10 by level 37-38.