Starting the game as a Vampire at Level 3.

(Visit Youtube for the HD 1080p version.)

How to start the game as a vampire immediately after the tutorial zone at level three, which is the lowest possible level you can get it:
  • Have a friend group with you and travel to the zone for your faction where the vampire shrine is located (Bangkorai for DC, The Rift for EP, and Reaper’s March for AD). Bring up your group tab and right-click them to teleport to the wayshrine there for free. (This is not nescessary, you CAN walk there. This is just to avoid leveling up with exploration XP so you can do it at level 3! If you don't care about that, just walk.)
  • Have a friend or someone in the vampire zone bite you for free. You can ask in chat (it helps to say you are already at the altar). Recently I haven’t had to pay for bites (though I bring some coin with me just in case I get unlucky).
  • Click the scroll on the altar at the shrine after being bitten. Watch the history part of the quest then enter the dungeon and follow the instructions in the video.
Have fun starting the game as a vampire!

UPDATE: Just wanted to report that getting vampirism at level 3 you should be able to get rank 9 for the Dark Stalker passive by level 35-36 and rank 10 by level 37-38.
Edited by Phinix1 on July 20, 2014 3:47PM
  • Phinix1
    EDIT: Post updated with a new video walkthrough I made at level 3.
  • Animus0724
    Starting as a vamp at level 3 is a very bad idea as you will be seriously gimped without passives from other trees to back you up.

    You shouldn't rush to vamp, imo you should wait until at least 35 to get vamp. by that time you should have enough passives and decent gear to counterbalance vampire debuffs.

    Getting vamp tree from 1 - 10 doesn't even take long. So rushing is ill-advised
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • kaosodin
    I agree with not rushing vamp.

    But cool walk through
  • LariahHunding
    Lack of fire resistance, make you dead.
    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • yelloweyedemon
    Lack of fire resistance, make you dead.

    Vamps are already dead
  • LariahHunding
    Lack of fire resistance, make you dead.

    Vamps are already dead

    No, genius, they are undead.

    BTW, I was referring to gameplay dead, smart@ss.

    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    Early is good. I'm not sure level 3 is not too early ... but well done. ;)

    Waiting till level 35 is definitely leaving it too late though. My witch has 1350 fire resist. My enchanter is very useful.

    ESO vampires have contracted a disease, they are not dead.
  • Jade_Knightblazerb14_ESO
    Yep been there and done that :P
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Early is good. I'm not sure level 3 is not too early ... but well done. ;)

    Waiting till level 35 is definitely leaving it too late though. My witch has 1350 fire resist. My enchanter is very useful.

    ESO vampires have contracted a disease, they are not dead.

    I think they are still technically dead, or undead. I don't know they get referred to as that within lore, but also you can cure it sooo....

    It sounds like it would be a fun challenge doing this at level 3. Personally, I am thinking about going vampire on my vr12 nightblade for the sneak speed boost. I'd need to respec to get lotus fan, though. And I have so many skillpoints, it would be very expensive.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • frwinters_ESO
    No one should be able to do this. they need to put a level restriction on becoming a vampire.
  • TheVindelator
    If you manage to become a vampire at level 3, more power to you.

    I seriously can't imagine the fire debuff being a real problem. You might have to be careful once in a while.
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    Early is good. I'm not sure level 3 is not too early ... but well done. ;)

    Waiting till level 35 is definitely leaving it too late though. My witch has 1350 fire resist. My enchanter is very useful.

    ESO vampires have contracted a disease, they are not dead.

    I think they are still technically dead, or undead. I don't know they get referred to as that within lore, but also you can cure it sooo....

    It sounds like it would be a fun challenge doing this at level 3. Personally, I am thinking about going vampire on my vr12 nightblade for the sneak speed boost. I'd need to respec to get lotus fan, though. And I have so many skillpoints, it would be very expensive.

    The speed boost is nuts. My son smokes around the place in stealth, popping invisibility at will, and just runs through dungeons to the point/boss without fighting anything. He is a VR2 NB right now.
  • zmanu
    On the contrary the vampiric drain is very good at earlier lvls, the certainly evens it out.
  • Phinix1
    My main reasoning for getting it early is:
    • The challenge.
    • The drain spell.
    • The cosmetics.
    Also, the vampire tree isn't like other skill trees in that you don't have to have any vampire passives or vampire abilities on your bar to level it. It levels off of experience gains, regardless of having anything on or slotted.

    Because of this, it is helpful to rank it up faster by getting it earlier. By the time you get to your mid 30's you can already have it high enough to get the really awesome passives.

    The stealth speed is the main thing I am after on my nightblade.
    Edited by Phinix1 on July 15, 2014 9:47AM
  • DeLindsay
    No one should be able to do this. they need to put a level restriction on becoming a vampire.

    So basically we should play how you think we should play and not just enjoy the game for what it is? NO, the Vampire and WW quest should remain exactly what it is with no level restriction.
  • Phinix1
    DeLindsay wrote: »
    No one should be able to do this. they need to put a level restriction on becoming a vampire.

    So basically we should play how you think we should play and not just enjoy the game for what it is? NO, the Vampire and WW quest should remain exactly what it is with no level restriction.

    I honestly can't understand the mentality of that post either. It doesn't effect you in any way if someone chooses to slot different abilities on their bar, or role play as a sub-class provided by the game design.

    It would be like saying "sending improved crafted materials with uber set bonuses to low level characters should never be allowed. They need to make all crafted items BoP.
  • Animus0724
    If you manage to become a vampire at level 3, more power to you.

    I seriously can't imagine the fire debuff being a real problem. You might have to be careful once in a while.

    You obviously aren't a vampire
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • Animus0724
    My main reasoning for getting it early is:
    • The challenge.
    • The drain spell.
    • The cosmetics.
    Also, the vampire tree isn't like other skill trees in that you don't have to have any vampire passives or vampire abilities on your bar to level it. It levels off of experience gains, regardless of having anything on or slotted.

    Because of this, it is helpful to rank it up faster by getting it earlier. By the time you get to your mid 30's you can already have it high enough to get the really awesome passives.

    The stealth speed is the main thing I am after on my nightblade.

    I waited till vr1 to grab vamp, leveled it to 10 in 3 hours before i even reached half way to vr2...the thing is xp gained in vamp skill line vs xp gained in standard PvE is fixed, so by leveling from 3 to mid 30, you are just gimping yourself in a game where fire damage is everywhere.

    The drain spell can be cast on an enemy only once, and if you cast it on that enemy, you can't not feed off them, its a skill many vet vamps don't even use and in pre-vet levels, you are probably better off investing skill points in your build and craft to pull you through vet content.
    Edited by Animus0724 on July 17, 2014 3:16PM
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • mrfather2380

    My main reasoning for getting it early is:
    • The challenge.
    • The drain spell.
    • The cosmetics.
    Also, the vampire tree isn't like other skill trees in that you don't have to have any vampire passives or vampire abilities on your bar to level it. It levels off of experience gains, regardless of having anything on or slotted.

    Because of this, it is helpful to rank it up faster by getting it earlier. By the time you get to your mid 30's you can already have it high enough to get the really awesome passives.

    The stealth speed is the main thing I am after on my nightblade.
    Awesome Vid. I don't think level 3 is too early for any of the sub classes. But wow fresh outta the chains is just awesome. I did it at level 10 on my Bow wielding sorc for the same reasons (the passives by mid level 30) And I must say at level 37 my sorc feels stronger than my vet2 WW NB.

  • AlienSlof
    @AlienDiplomat - kudos to you for doing this at lvl 3! Lowest my old fingers have managed is lvl 23! :)
    RIP Atherton, my beautiful little gentle friend. I will miss you forever. Without you I am a hollow shell.
  • Merlin13KAGL

    How to start the game as a vampire immediately after the tutorial zone at level three, which is the lowest possible level you can get it:
    • Have a friend group with you and travel to the zone for your faction where the vampire shrine is located (Bangkorai for DC, The Rift for EP, and Reaper’s March for AD). Bring up your group tab and right-click them to teleport to the wayshrine there for free.
    • Click the scroll on the altar at the shrine after being bitten.

    @AlienDiplomat‌, flavor it how you like, but this is an exploit.

    It's one thing to bring someone into a higher level zone that's a handful of levels lower in order to grind, gain some XP's, etc.

    And while I don't think there should be level restrictions to go anywhere, I think you should be limited to using the wayshrines you have found yourself. That was the original intent.

    One could then argue that the higher level group member could effectively walk you to the same shrine, but the point is, at level three, you were never intended to be there.

    Not because there is supposed to be a rule in place - if you can manage to get there on your own without dying 50 times, and you can manage to survive once you arrive, then I'd say anywhere you can do those things without significantly higher group assistance, you can belong.

    The zones (and the enemies contained within) and especially the vampire quest line, is designed to have some challenge to accomplish it.

    Following your guide, you are effectively bypassing that.

    It's an exploit. It's one they currently allow, but it's still and exploit.

    Furthermore, if you start it this soon, you are actually taking away some of the experience for yourself. (It's not earned so much as handed to you this way.)
    ESO vampires have contracted a disease, they are not dead.

    @poodlemaster16, re-read the Book of Scion...not diseased in this case. Have you forgotten already, fellow vampire?
    DeLindsay wrote: »
    No one should be able to do this. they need to put a level restriction on becoming a vampire.

    So basically we should play how you think we should play and not just enjoy the game for what it is? NO, the Vampire and WW quest should remain exactly what it is with no level restriction.

    @frwinters_ESO‌, they did. Well, they were supposed to. It's in the form of a zone a Level 3 couldn't possibly hope to make it to in one piece and a quest that should effectively be impossible for a Level 3 to complete. (A level 3 shouldn't even so much as scuff a Level 42's boots, let alone get a kill. If it could, there'd be dead VR's laying around from all the low level crab and rabbit attacks)

    @DeLindsay‌. you are also correct. You should be able to play how you like. Equally, this quest should not be completable by a Level 3 character and the zone in which it takes place, not survivable by a Level 3 character.

    It doesn't mean you can't try, or shouldn't be allowed to try. It simply means it is not unreasonable to expect not to survive in such a case.

    We rely on the Devs to have 'rules' in place that prevent this sort of thing, as I mentioned to @frwinters_ESO‌ .
    I honestly can't understand the mentality of that post either. It doesn't effect you in any way if someone chooses to slot different abilities on their bar, or role play as a sub-class provided by the game design.

    @AlienDiplomat, no, it doesn't directly affect others (leaving the PvP argument aside), but it's still an exploit, any way you slice it. It does not have to be spelled out to know that this is not what the Devs intended.

    You know it, and I know it. If it was not, a detailed workaround would not be required.
    It would be like saying "sending improved crafted materials with uber set bonuses to low level characters should never be allowed.

    It's not allowed now... My level 4 can't wear level 40 armor... If he could, well, I would call that an exploit, too.

    It's a little disappointing, as it does hurt the spirit of the game.

    It goes back to the old adage "Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Argurios
    I did something similar with my nightblade alt. One of my friends was in Bangkorai and he told me that the bloodfiends were out. So i quickly made a nightblade, hoped the face and body were something i could live with after minimum amount of tinkering and then skipped the tutorial. Ported straight to him, still in my Coldharbour rags and shackles, and ran straight up to a bloodfiend and gave it the biggest straight right punch to the chops in probably the history of gaming.

    I then blocked like a madman, and my templar friend chucked me a couple of heals until someone else aggroed.

    Boom. L3 vampire for free. No chance on the quest though, couldn't be bothered trying. My friend managed it at L13 somehow.

    I haven't watched the video but how this guy worked out how to do it at L3 i have no idea.
    " Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the test first, the lesson after... "

    Argurios Ultor - Imperial Templar
    Caradoc Coldblade - Redguard Nightblade
    - Daggerfall Covenant
  • kieso
    watched video, what a hassle; I'd just wait if I wanted to make another new char a vamp.
  • Phinix1
    @AlienDiplomat‌, flavor it how you like, but this is an exploit.

    It's one thing to bring someone into a higher level zone that's a handful of levels lower in order to grind, gain some XP's, etc.

    If a person is able to beat a higher level mob using the game mechanics that are intended to work that way (kiting) it isn't an "exploit" it is just smart playing.

    Don't be mad just because someone did something cool! This doesn't effect you or anyone else in any way and it is NOT in ANY way an "exploit." Kiting is NOT an exploit. Porting to a guild mate is NOT an exploit.

    And while I don't think there should be level restrictions to go anywhere, I think you should be limited to using the wayshrines you have found yourself. That was the original intent.

    You think the game should have been designed differently than it is, therefor that is the way it was intended to be?

    The zones (and the enemies contained within) and especially the vampire quest line, is designed to have some challenge to accomplish it.

    Following your guide, you are effectively bypassing that.

    Really? Try doing it at level three then tell me about it bypassing a challenge!

    It would be like saying "sending improved crafted materials with uber set bonuses to low level characters should never be allowed.

    It's not allowed now... My level 4 can't wear level 40 armor... If he could, well, I would call that an exploit, too.

    I was clearly talking about sending a level 1 crafted gear with set bonuses on it made at the various special crafting stations around the world.

    It's a little disappointing, as it does hurt the spirit of the game.

    It goes back to the old adage "Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.

    I am offended that you would honestly believe this is an exploit. It is insulting to have skilled play lumped into the same category as speed hacks and dupe bugs just because you don't personally think people should be allowed to play the way they want.

    If I want to role play as a vampire starting at level 3, and I have the skill and knowledge to achieve it using the mechanics the game is designed to provide, who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do?
    Edited by Phinix1 on July 18, 2014 8:46PM
  • Merlin13KAGL
    If a person is able to beat a higher level mob using the game mechanics that are intended to work that way (kiting) it isn't an "exploit" it is just smart playing.

    Don't be mad just because someone did something cool! This doesn't effect you or anyone else in any way and it is NOT in ANY way an "exploit." Kiting is NOT an exploit. Porting to a guild mate is NOT an exploit.

    Let's see...where to begin:

    First off, I'm not mad. I earned mine.

    Clearly I'm not talking about the use of kiting, but you already know this. You didn't "beat a higher level mob." You fought, and I use that term loosely, a single NPC - the same NPC, 10 times. You did this by running in a circle and taking shots from a distance.

    You were hand carried to an area where you found a loophole in a less-than-adequate AI, which you repeated (exploited) 10 times over a period of an hour or more. I never see you move on to any other NPC? Had the first not respawned, you'd have been done.

    And for the finale, you exit by dying...could that be because your L3 couldn't kite its way past the one at the door? I believe you even mention something to this effect.

    Kinda makes it a little less cool, doesn't it?

    I also missed the part of the video where you feed? You know the initial contact you're supposed to have with the NPC's you are supposed to kill as part of the Vampire Quest? I suspect I missed it because it isn't there, because if it had been, your Level 3 character, that within all reason would not have ever made it there without the assistance of higher level characters, would have died in about two hits, if that.

    In fact, I never saw you use the Vampire skills given to you for this purpose during the Scion quest at all...just the bow.

    You didn't arrive on your own accord. You're going to tell me you truly believe your L3 should be able to take down an L42? He should regen health faster than your two hits per lap should ever take off. Given the difference in stamina, I suspect had you used the Feed, you wouldn't have made it to the safety of your stairs. The NPC never sprints and never throws a single ranged at you. Nothing lacking there.

    You already know this too, or you'd have fought the one at the door.
    And while I don't think there should be level restrictions to go anywhere, I think you should be limited to using the wayshrines you have found yourself. That was the original intent.
    You think the game should have been designed differently than it is, therefor that is the way it was intended to be?

    I think I read the load screen about Wayshrines: "Wayshrines aren't just for resurrection. When you discover a wayshrine, you can use it to fast travel to other wayshrines you've visited."

    Kinda seems that's the way the Devs intended it to be.
    The zones (and the enemies contained within) and especially the vampire quest line, is designed to have some challenge to accomplish it.

    Following your guide, you are effectively bypassing that.
    Really? Try doing it at level three then tell me about it bypassing a challenge!

    Again, your friends bring you to the front door and you run around in a circle, jumping in the water if you get close dying. Until you have to exit, that is.

    You effectively skipped:
    1. Glenumbra
    2. Stormhaven
    3. Rivenspire
    4. Alik'r Desert
    5. I'll just go ahead and give you credit for the starter islands

    You didn't go strolling across the bridge into Bankorai wearing nothing but the items from your enchanters chest. You were gifted there, and I suspect protected from anything that came near in the meantime.
    It would be like saying "sending improved crafted materials with uber set bonuses to low level characters should never be allowed.

    It's not allowed now... My level 4 can't wear level 40 armor... If he could, well, I would call that an exploit, too.
    I was clearly talking about sending a level 1 crafted gear with set bonuses on it made at the various special crafting stations around the world.

    Which a level one could make, at level 1, should the level 1 come across the mats and the crafting station you refer to - most of which would not be possible because the level 1 would never live to make it there.
    It's a little disappointing, as it does hurt the spirit of the game.

    It goes back to the old adage "Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.
    I am offended that you would honestly believe this is an exploit. It is insulting to have skilled play lumped into the same category as speed hacks and dupe bugs just because you don't personally think people should be allowed to play the way they want.

    If I want to role play as a vampire starting at level 3, and I have the skill and knowledge to achieve it using the mechanics the game is designed to provide, who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do?

    I am (not really) amazed that you are offended. I am insulted that you consider this skilled play.

    You got a skill line via a participation trophy that others helped you with. You intentionally circumvented numerous things to get there and found a weakness in the design.

    The second part's a bug. When you use it to your advantage it's an exploit.

    Straight from the ToS:
    " You and other players discovering exploits, cheats, cracks or other inconsistencies are required to report them to ZeniMax;"

    No inconsistencies here at all.

    You didn't 'hack' the game, no. But you also didn't get there on your own, and I think you're hard pressed to refer to how you did what you did as skilled play. I suspect that's why you're offended.

    Just because they haven't (yet) fixed it properly doesn't change what it is.

    I'm hopeful that those that truly want to play the Vampire role will do the quest as it is intended. They'll feel they've earned it, and they'll appreciate it more.

    If you're proud of your accomplishment, more power to you.

    Doesn't change the fact that it's still wrong.

    This isn't about "play how we want," either. At least have the decency to call it like it is.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Phinix1
    I'm not even going to bother responding to this. Some people clearly just get offended because someone else is able to do something and have fun doing it, and feel the need to charge in and try and spoil the fun by insulting them and accusing them of exploiting.

    Your argument is so flawed it would be a simple matter to pick apart, but instead of inviting another wall of insults and further derailing the thread, I think I will simply say, to each his own.

    If you don't like the idea of teleporting to team mates, don't do it. If you don't like using the environment to kite mobs, don't do it. If you don't like getting vampirism at a low level, DON'T DO IT.

    But if you continue to come onto my thread just to insult me and accuse me of exploiting, I WILL report you to the mods for trolling.
    Edited by Phinix1 on July 19, 2014 7:35AM
  • leovuoeb17_ESO
    How someone can call Merlin's post trolling is hilarious. All of his points is spot on and he still explains that even if it's a sort of exploit he is not mad about it, just pointing out the gates that are there wich should make it impossible for a level 3 to become a vamp.

    I get that you rather would only receive praise and thumbs up for your guide but you should be mature enough to handle opinions about it. Especially well written ones.

    I advice you to step back and stop threatening reporting others for trolling.

    Good job on the video! :)
  • Phinix1
    I don't care about thumbs up. I don't even have a Facebook account! What bothers me is he feels the need to nitpick and call me an exploiter. That is offensive to me.

    Show me where in this magical rule book of the way you personally think other people should play that it says you are not allowed to travel to higher level zones if you want to?

    Even WITHOUT using wayshrines or porting, it is possible to just get on your horse and ride (or walk if you don't have the 1-gold imperial version horse) to all the zones in your faction at level 3. There is no "gate" baring your way. You should try it some time.

    I do this regardless just to pick up wayshrines to make my life easier later. I suppose that is cheating and exploiting and unskilled play as well, for no other reason than you don't personally agree with it?

    I hunt sky shards in ALL the zones in my faction at early levels, and get most of them. If I want to risk dying and sneak around places that would probably kill me if I was detected, who are you to call my stealth game exploiting?

    The ONLY reason I ported to the shrine rather than walking there is because I wanted to make the video at level 3, and walking there would have leveled me up just from exploration XP!

    Sheesh man, why does this bother you so much?
    Edited by Phinix1 on July 19, 2014 2:16PM
  • Phinix1
    UPDATE: Just wanted to report that getting vampirism at level 3 you should be able to get rank 9 for the Dark Stalker passive by level 35-36 and rank 10 by level 37-38.
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    UPDATE: Just wanted to report that getting vampirism at level 3 you should be able to get rank 9 for the Dark Stalker passive by level 35-36 and rank 10 by level 37-38.

    That slow? My witch who took it at 24 is vamp 7 at level 36, we are progressing well.

    Soloing 4 persons with her now. Just amazing how well she can do as a vampire. It's a different thing entirely from my tough sorc at level 38, he can't do that. He dies a lot in them. Once you get to 8 man groups the situation is too much for him, not for her.
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