I always felt like Puncturing Strikes was a bit too powerful compared to other Templar attacks. I have trouble justifying using other spells in combat. More specifically, I have trouble justifying NOT using Puncturing Strikes. So I did some tests to see how it compared to a nice mixture of tactically used Templar abilities. I tested against three enemy types, five times each, using two skill sets.
Enemy types:
A. Bear
B. Troll
C. 3x Cultists
Skills / strategy:
A. Spam nothing but Puncturing Strikes Rank IV with Burning Light passive at rank II
B. Mixture of Luminous Shards Rank II, Dark Flare Rank II, Vampires Bane Rank II
- Often finishing enemies' last ~100HP with Restoration Staff heavy
- Troll tests required various healing spells, also added Backlash Rank IV
I tried to keep my tests as real as possible. I let the game's own variables and my own failures be reflected in the results. For example, I had a rough start on the group cultist tests using the spell mix and left it in. I feel this helps emphasize the sheer lack of skill that is required to just spam one ability versus adapting to each situation with multiple abilities.
In my spell mix, I typically opened up with Dark Flare, followed immediately by Vampire's Bane. Depending on the fight, I would follow that with either Shards for area damage / stun or repeat the Flare / Bane combo.
Before you reply, please be aware that I know my strategy CAN be improved upon.
I know that spamming Puncturing Strikes isn't going to be the 100% best thing to do in every situation. I know that some spells mixed in with Puncturing Strikes can provide good synergy between your skills and make it even more effective than spamming it. I know that what works in VR dungeons might not be reflected in my tests. What I'm trying to emphasize is that Puncturing Strikes is a very hard ability to say no to and still be as effective as you can be. It's hard to deny that 90% of quest content can be burned through by pressing one button.
And here is my spreadsheet with all of the results.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PpGGcymqEbk1JWGhXnYUL3EnzyT9CmhOlwFk5JBbxrA/pubhtmlThings of note:
1. Each and every time I changed to the spell mix, I saw increases in time spent, magicka used, and health lost. I saw decreases in DPS and damage done per magicka spent.
2. I saw a considerable increase in difficulty when fighting trolls with a spell mix compared to spamming Puncturing Strikes. I died three times while recording my results before deciding to throw heals into the mix (deaths not shown as encounters in graphs).
3. Fights with trolls where I was the most successful were because of pure luck. IE, the troll started smacking the ground repeatedly in a stationary AOE, allowing me to blast away from a distance.
4. Using a mixture of spells is less reliable in general due to the unresponsive nature of spells at times. I often found my Vampire's Bane not casting immediately after Dark Flare, throwing a wrench in my rotation. I have a 30U/5D Mbps connection, a $130 ASUS router, and great ping (ping assumed based on tests outside of ESO, fault lies within ESO).
5. My Puncturing Strikes isn't even evolved. It's showing massive advantages in every tested situation and isn't even healing me or dealing more crits yet.
6. I'm sure I'd see better results incorporating some Destro Staff skills. The point was to compare Templar abilities on an internal basis.
So what I see when I play other classes is a variety of spells that can both deal damage and provide good utility to justify using a different ability after that. On my DK, I can use multiple spells to provide AOE dots and various means of protecting myself. It encourages a true rotation. I often find with my Templar spells, all I'm doing is comparing spell damage output, and rarely deciding based on added utility and DoT, because the abilities lack an internal synergy with each other.