There are new soft caps coming, and these new caps will make it much harder to reach the softcap unless you stack one single stat. This is a great change, but they also need to take a look at racials.
Imperial racials give 12% more health and 10% more stamina, 22% racial stat bonus total that *scales*, this is massive with the new soft caps and gives them a huge benefit towards reaching stat softcaps since the 2 of the 3 racials scales with stats, unlike many other racials.
Dark elf racials give 9% magicka and 6% stamina, a total of 15% in stat bonuses that scales.
The rest of the races have a flat 10% max total stat bonus, combined with other racials that does NOT scale like stat %.
Except Nords who got buffed and recieved the best single racial in the game with a flat 6% damage reduction.
(why didn't bretons get changed in a similar way to nords with spell resist that is screwed by softcap?).
ZOS, you gotta take a look at the racials and balance them please.