Guild Store Search

Can we get a Guild Store search option added in? I know there's an addon for it, but it takes for freaking ever to run. Having on added in by ZOS that allow us to narrow down the search would be awesome.

Ragnarok Blackfist - Templar of the Ebonheart Pact
Ronin Wanderhome - Dragon Knight of the Ebonheart Pact
  • Pele
    Are you referring to text input search? If so, I agree.
  • ssfiit
    There are addons the take care of this. 1st you scan all five guild store into a single db, then you can do a multi-guild search on the local db. Here are the 2 popular one.

    Edited by ssfiit on July 11, 2014 12:52PM
    ssfiit | VR14 | High Elf Vampire Pyro-Sorceress | Aldmeri Dominion | NA Server
  • Omnevolus
    nerrollus wrote: »
    Can we get a Guild Store search option added in? I know there's an addon for it, but it takes for freaking ever to run. Having on added in by ZOS that allow us to narrow down the search would be awesome.

    This would defeat ZOS's entire reason behind having guild stores in the first place.
  • Idhaleya
    the Addons take much time to scan the guild stores in a db .... this is not really great
  • nerrollus
    Omnevolus wrote: »

    This would defeat ZOS's entire reason behind having guild stores in the first place.

    Their reason was making it a pain in the ass to find a specific item?

    I'm not talking about starting an auction house or something. I just want to be able to search for something by name so if you don't know what category it's in you can still find it.

    Ragnarok Blackfist - Templar of the Ebonheart Pact
    Ronin Wanderhome - Dragon Knight of the Ebonheart Pact
  • Dalori
    I hope they add a search function as well. In the meantime, I'm using Guild Store Search Extended and find it useful. I especially like the selling history data it gives. Yes, it does take awhile to scan the guild stores, but I've waited longer in queue at the grocery store, so I can live with it. :D
  • JessieColt
    Idhaleya wrote: »
    the Addons take much time to scan the guild stores in a db .... this is not really great

    This was done on purpose. There was an issue that cropped up that is you do too many searches in a short period of time the game starts throwing error messages.

    In order to avoid this, the creator of the add-on put in a timer to try to avoid the issue.

    The result being the more pages that there are in the guild store, the longer it takes to run the search since the add-on only searches for 1 page every 5 seconds.
  • rekina
    ssfiit wrote: »
    There are addons the take care of this. 1st you scan all five guild store into a single db, then you can do a multi-guild search on the local db. Here are the 2 popular one.

    Do you even read?
  • Arbi
    second this suggestion, a Guild store search is really needed. I do play with the Guild store search addon but after every update it stops working.

    Really, a search option should have been implemented already Before game launch.
  • Blackwidow
    Guild stores are working as intended.

    At least that is what I keep being told over in the AH threads. ;)

    Guild stores are for people who do not want it easy to sell and buy stuff. It's all about interacting with other players.

    If you want a search feature, go back to WoW.

    Wow had a search feature and I don't want ESO to be a WoW clone!

    Add any other defense of guild stores here.......

    Edited by Blackwidow on July 15, 2014 10:13PM
  • Dalori
    The guild stores are better now that they've added a more advanced filter system, but a keyword search would be useful.

    To get around the lack of a keyword search, I use the Advanced Guild Store addon. I have to search one guild at a time to avoid errors. It takes 5-7 min on average, since I'm in several large trading guilds. The sale history info it provides is very nice, so I don't mind the wait.

    The addon also allows the keyword search. I would most likely still use the addon even if the vanilla store added a keyword search just for the sales history data, so... yeah, it's good for the time being.
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