I just saw a player change into a werewolf and proceed with attacking a bunch of regular wolves in the area around him.
Me: "Hey, that's not cool Mr. Werewolf, those are your cousins!"
Other Player: "I'm leveling my werewolf."
I'm in a werewolf guild (Bloodmoon Pact), so maybe I'm biased, but does anyone else see a problem here?
Ideas for Developers:
- Killing a wolf or werewolf while in werewolf form does not advance your werewolf skill line
- Wolves are automatically yellow/neutral if you have werewolf blood
- Werewolves are automatically yellow/neutral if you are in werewolf form
- Werewolf world bosses don't have any friends, so nothing changes here
- Werewolves are immune to fear attacks from other werewolves.
- Domestic cats hiss at you if you have wolf blood
- Big cats have a larger circle of detection if you are trying to sneak past them and you have wolf blood
- It is impossible to persuade khajiit if you have wolf blood (they don't like you even if they can't quite put a claw on why.)
- You can intimidate khajiit without the fighters guild skill line if you have wolf blood(they are nervous around you even if they can't quite put a claw on why.)
Anyone have other ideas for unique ways in which werewolves might interact with their environment?
**Please start your own discussion if you wish to RANT about well known werewolf limitations!
Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!